Yeah so basically TPK in our d&d game. Should have known once he threw us in the underdark at level 7.
My solace is in the two survivors of that mission: the cleric, and my familiar. See, my tressym familiar actually has a higher intelligence than anyone in the party. In addition, he acts as host to some ethereal creature that lives on his collar. It has always allowed him to basically astral walk.
When that creature used it's engorge ability, after feeding off all the spells and scrolls and wands the cleric could throw at him, he was able to transport the dying cleric with him wherever he wanted to go. And so he went to westgate, where it all began almost a year ago.
My solace is in the new game, where we're all really hoping my boy continues playing as that same cleric, with my tressym as his only friend.
He lost his family's honor, he lost his friends, he lost many a weapon and many points in good, slowly swaying to the side of lawful neutral. He witnessed an insane old elf crit fail a seduction while spiderclimbing and instead puke all over the object of her desire. He was privy to kraken and purple wurms and so many, many assassins. He stood by dispassionately as goblin prisoners were stripped naked, the clothes taken from them offered as bartering tools, and then their very asses offered as the same.
He drank with Dionysus and did his bidding. He fucked his sister. He kept his cool when another party member took 'gathering jnformation' on the thieves' guild as throat slamming the nearest villager and screaming 'TELL ME WHERE ALL THE GOOD THIEVES ARE!!'
He helped the poor and put up with the worst. And now he's back where it all started. Grizzled, leveled, and hopeless, with neither money nor honor, and utterly no further purpose.
RIP insane old elf. RIP halfling whom I insisted to the bitter end was a long gone party member. And Bon voyage, Agron, the cleric. What adventures shall await us next? Only the gods know.