Gamers Thread

I can't believe that they thought Fable 2 was worthy of this list. Not to mention Dragon Age Inquisition being above Divinity: Original Sin.

I've never played it, but how bad is it to offend you at the 97 spot? :lol:

Never owne a microsft system, and have never really had any interest in any of them. But i'm thinking about picking up one of the new XB1 slims and use it for a living room 4k blu-ray player. But that's only if it goes under the $200 mark.
im easily bored by games now. got no appetite to play ffxv or andromeda. i wonder if there's any game that can really suck me in like when i was a teen playing straight into the next morning. maybe im just getting old and jaded

Same tbh. I started playing Underrail over the spring break and after an hour realized I lacked the patience to dick around with learning how to actually play the damn game without dying to everything immediately, even though a decade ago that would have been no obstacle. If I ever dropped out of life and became a NEET I think I might be able to get back into it though.
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I'd say Demon's Souls is the true in-crowd gaming choice. It's my least favourite souls game other than maybe Dark Souls 2. Bloodborne and DS3 are head and shoulders above the rest imo.

No way is Dark Souls 3 better than Dark Souls. The rehashing of environments from Dark Souls in DS3 annoyed me.
The combat is better and bosses are significantly better and more challenging. That alone puts it above Dark Souls for me.

I'm not so sure about the combat better. Weapon arts didn't really add anything interesting imo - they could have been integrated into the gameplay much better than they were. Sorta just felt tacked on.

I also don't really agree about the bosses. They both have some amazing bosses and some that seems like filler.
More like underrated mess of a game. VII would belong in the top 10 even if it was just a black screen with the soundtrack playing on repeat.

its not even top 10 within final fantasy and is the worst of the PS1 era

edit: and it was my first in the series too, so nostalgia shouldn't be blinding you either if that is the case