Gamers Thread

VIII is batshit, brilliant and terrible in equal measure, and I haven't seen an analysis that unifies all the insane creative decisions in that game in a coherent way,

I wouldn't say in equal measure, definitely more brilliance than terribleness. But it has some real low points - the whole orphanage reveal being one the major culprits. The cast can also be pretty annoying at times with their teenage angst. I love Quistis, though. And Selphie is adorably innocent and ignorant to her surroundings. I go back and forth between Squall and Cloud, neither being favourites of mine but both are far better than other "main characters" like Zidane, Tidus and Vaan.

9 seems to be somewhat overrated by old schoolers that love its return to the more medieval tropes and setting of the older games. It has little replay value for me, although I do love some of its characters (Vivi, Queena) and some parts of the game are fantastic. But then there's Kuja, the raging homosexual version of Sephiroth wearing a thong. What were they even thinking.

It is worse than: I, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, Tactics, and Crystal Chronicles at least.

1? Really. I mean it's not bad but it's not great either. 4, 6 and 8 are the only ones you've listed I could even compare to 7. And I really love 12 as well, but I wouldn't put it in the same league as the best ones.

Crystal Chronicles was shit.
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VIII is batshit, brilliant and terrible in equal measure, and I haven't seen an analysis that unifies all the insane creative decisions in that game in a coherent way, although rms once linked me to a 30 minute video which didn't turn out to be an analysis at all but just a plain summary so FUCK YOU RMS

:lol: :lol:

I have to replay it, I don't remember all the confusion you still have
I've only played 7, 9, 12, 6, 8, 15 and 13 and I rank them in that order
Ranking the ones I've played:

6, Tactics, 9, 7, 8, 4, 5

have 10 and 10-2 for pc but haven't gotten around to it yet. Also played some of 3, mystic quest, 4 heroes of light, and the old game boy ones, but those mostly sucked.
XIII was, i dunno, weird in a somewhat charming way. Very linear, but the combat system was awesome and so where some of the characters, except for annoying ass Vanille(if that's what her name was). Not sure if i'll ever get back to finishing it up though.
I wish they didn't introduce the animation slowdown in the PSP port for some inexplicable reason.

Unfortunately I only played the original a few times at a friend house so i cant really comment there. But yeah, the PSP version does indeed slowdown here and there from what i remember.

I also have Dissidia, played it a few times and it's pretty cool for what it is.
So many themes on that soundtrack get me emotional even out of context too, I don't think there's any individual musician, past or present, whose work resonates with me as much as Uematsu's. The guy has an unrivaled ability to evoke bittersweet emotional states through relatively simple compositions. Moreover, many of the apparent flaws of the game just make it even better since the entire game is about displacement anyway.

it's not just the soundtrack but the backdrops, the pacing, the tone and timing of the dialogue etc. as far as gaming goes it's an unparalleled emotional landscape for me. there are dumb parts here and there and obviously it's not as tightly constructed as something like chrono trigger, but it transports me and moves me more than most anything else. its flaws pale away into insignificance compared to that, as is the case with a lot of my favourite stuff across all mediums. even aside from that it's a pretty damn diverse and creative game though, loads of fun to be had.
13's combat was garbage, I liked 12's the most. You could program your party members' AI and switch to anyone if you need to control them directly. The world was fairly large and I enjoyed the hunts. All that makes it my 3rd favorite even though the story is forgettable (though it was probably ok)
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Its like playing through a history book kind of.

I get why that wouldn't appeal to some, but I thought it was really good.