Gamers Thread


Spent the last couple of hours on this. Fucking timeless game.
So, I finished The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild yesterday. Fun game, but many of the pivotal boss fights and puzzles were too easy.

Still, it was A+ on the graphics/exploration/freedom front.
Though I admit it's a tad odd, I enjoy collecting my favourite games in a variety of formats (much like I try and collect my very favourite albums in LP, CD and, soon, cassette), I have Sim City 2000, for example, on PC, SNES, Game Boy Advance and Saturn.
I suppose when you put it in the context of music collections ranging various formats it makes some sense. I recently sold off my Xbox One because it doesn't really have any exclusives anymore so if you also have a PS4 it's kinda pointless, but I assume that is just normal for you?

I am much more of a conservative, streamlined gamer these days. Picking things very carefully and buying as little as possible. :lol:

Edit: At heart I am and always have been a handheld gamer so the Switch has really become a satisfying experience for me. Soon on the Switch the Secret of Mana games are being re-released which I'm extremely excited about.

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Reactions: Baroque
I've played the hell out of Shadow Tactics the last few days, love these Commandos type games. This game gets really hard a bit in but it's all the more satisfying once you beat it.

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Reactions: Dak
How is it, I skipped that one and Heart Gold too. I'd say don't bother with Sun & Moon but some people seem to enjoy it. It's a downgrade from X/Y imo

It's fun. Mostly because it's a retroactive trip for me, but yeah it is just run of the mill Pokemon gaming that feels limited because you have less Pokemon to work with.

Also I fucking hate the mechanics of the bicycle. :lol:
So Metroid: Samus Returns is fucking fantastic. I was worried since MercurySteam were behind those awful Lords of Shadow "Castlevania" games...

But this is as true to the franchise as it gets. Exploration, sequence breaking, isolation, and at times surprisingly difficult. My only gripe with it is the constant use of the L trigger is killing my hand.