Gamers Thread

What are you talking about, a new system(that they were marketing as a superior console) is always going to outsell older ones that have been out for years during its launch. The original xbox outselling a 2 year old system for a few months(which im not even sure happened) means nothing. And the reason i didnt even mention the PS1 was because like you said, microsoft wasnt even in the console market yet. Their best crack at it at the time was what they tried to do with the Dreamcast, lol. So yeah, no point in bringing up the PS1 here. derp

Well when you said microsoft was "killing it' i surely didn't think you were talking about their consoles. You cant blame me there.

So much begging. I gave you the one point. Go die on that sword.
So much begging. I gave you the one point. Go die on that sword.
hahaha yeah I can't say I was expecting that

It's a bit exciting though. I like the mini-review format a lot, I can't be arsed to write full reviews even if I have a lot to say about games. Not sure if I'll be using this or glitchwave to catalog my game opinions
It pisses me off that all the most raved-about games of last year were console exclusives :/

Yeah this pisses me off as well. I get why they do it, but exclusive titles suck for the gamers. Nintendo is definitely the biggest offender when it comes to this.

I have no interest in owning multiple consoles anymore which means I miss out on these exclusive titles. I’ve played nearly all of the Zelda games, but I’ll probably never get the chance to play Breath of the Wild!
For me? Absolutely yes, but handhelds are my utmost favourite after PC but with this you can also use it on a TV with a controller.
So far I've gotten 170+ hours out of Breath of the Wild alone and I still have things I want to do on it, plus all the digital download games I purchased from the Nintendo store. I still have to sink some proper time into the new Mario game but that game rules too so far.
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What’s your psn id mine is aug1407
i'll sent you a friend request. I dont have 7 though, have only played it at a friends house. The newest one i have is Tag Tournament 2. I pretty much dominate with heihachi no matter which tekken i play though. I was at the Santa Monica pier a few week ago and i beat the whole game and everyone that walked up with my first 50 cents.

Been on a huge Demon's Souls kick lately!
I do think about getting a Switch sometimes. I think all Nintendo needs to seal the deal is a new Rune Factory game announcement.