Gaming Thread

I recently started playing Diablo II...I've always liked the music, and the game is fun. I'm a Necromancer, and I can summon these little skele-men, blood golums and I can curse people, woo.

I still won't play WOW, though. None shall break me! :p
I recently started playing Diablo II...I've always liked the music, and the game is fun. I'm a Necromancer, and I can summon these little skele-men, blood golums and I can curse people, woo.

I still won't play WOW, though. None shall break me! :p

Diablo II will always be a great and fun game. I'm looking forward to Diablo III.

WoW is a only gets good when you start getting into higher levels. I still prefer the original everquest & expansions. fuck EQ II.
Become a level 55 DeathKnight who serves under the Lich King!

Become one of us!!!

Nonono, I don't think I'll ever play that game.
It just bores me, and I can't really explain why...err

I actually can't handle video games for more than about 3 hours max. I go stir crazy and end up walking around outside for hours.

Are they still making a live action Devil May Cry? The only thing I can find is that it's being developed but nothing more. Since you are a Devil May Cry fan like myself, I thought I might ask. saying 2010...

Edit: You probably already seen the fan made clips but I'm going to post them for people to see.

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Fear 2 demo (I played on PC, of course) came out. Amazing. Purely AMAZING.

I haven't had that much fun playing a shooter in years. The AI is grand, the weapons are awesome, and the scares are even better. Game of the year has been DECIDED. And kudos to the sound designers for this game. If you're playing this with shit speakers, you're losing out. Pump up the volume on this, it's worth it.

Can't wait for the full game.

That said, I see console FPS fans not liking this one bit. Not enough Run and Gun to keep their small minds entertained, and too much emphasis on using your arsenal effectively and in the correct situation for their minds to calculate. Your average Halo fan will hate this.
I have a 43 Blood Mage on Mal Ganis. When I get him to 55 I'll more or less abandon him for a Night Elf Death Knight on Thunderhorn.

I've leveled just about every class to 25-30 I took me two years to decide on my race/class combination since I was smart enough to figure out as soon as BC came out Death Knights would be the next addition to the game and I didn't know which races would get them.