Gaming Thread

yeah pretty much the same except with the extra screen space usage which looks great and doesn't require the stylus like they want you to think.
Yeah, its cause we're badass like that. I'm assuming you use a mage. Its funny, I can't get rooted, fear almost never works on me (cause I'm holy), and if something mind controls me I just bubble out. Plus I can take some hits from weapons (plate)... Sadly mages (if done correctly) can pimp me up. There are trade offs though, Mages Nuke like motherfuckers and never get stunned. grrrrrrrr

Yea, I'm a Frostmage. I tried to respec to Fire when I was around level 65 but just couldn't do it. I'm almost tempted to respec in half Frost half Arcane when I ding 80 (one more level) but I don't think I'm going to. There are just too many things I'd rather not lose in Frost.

P.S. Fuck your Bubble-Hearth!
OMG Justin, you didnt know about the CT rerelease? :lol:
its quite awesome and i think they added new shit...remember the PSX release of that? well they put all the animated cut scenes in the DS version too!
also some of the dialogue is different..perhaps its direct translation from the japanese original version (much like the GBA version of A Link To The Past)
and No BAHing at Chrono Cross! that game is alot of fun! :p

Derick, you never really played CT before that? SHAME! :p (i have the original cart..i win)
what, Chrono cross was just a cheap suckass CT V2.0. The only thing I liked from that game was the ending music with the Japanese chick singing. That holds a near and dear place to me heart.

Its all about the snes version of Chrono Trigger anyway, and no, I did not know abooot that business. But soon, that business and I will get quite complicated... Giggity.
I've been playing Guilty Gear XX #Reload online ALL DAY. It's great because the PC edition only came in Japanese, and the only online service left is mostly filled with Japs, so I continually get insulted in Japanese whenever I kick ass as Bridget, and then I insult back in a hybrid of English and Japanese, leading to complete confusion.

Fuck yeah GUILTY GEAR!
Don't bother with it if you don't have the Classic Controller. The game is an absolute mess without it. Even then, it's still kinda weak in terms of Guilty Gear games. It's essentially just a port of the PS2 version of X2 with changes in speed and some character nukes.
I've been playing Guilty Gear XX #Reload online ALL DAY. It's great because the PC edition only came in Japanese, and the only online service left is mostly filled with Japs, so I continually get insulted in Japanese whenever I kick ass as Bridget, and then I insult back in a hybrid of English and Japanese, leading to complete confusion.

Fuck yeah GUILTY GEAR!

I have GG Reload for the Xbox, if you had that we could play it online!