Gaming Thread

I liked 4... it still held onto it's roots despite the addition of the newer shit. But this latest entry? It's the uncared for red-headed stepchild of it's parents.
Street Figher IV is great.

Using the xbox 360 controller is a bitch, which is why I am going to get the Street Fighter IV Arcade Stick Pad.

What kind of a boss name is "Seth"?

The game is tough, but fun. It will be much better with the arcade stick.

Good game, very solid. 5/5
I've had a Playstation 3 since Janurary, 2007.

Xbox > Playstation 3

I use the Playstation 3 for movies and blu-ray.

Xbox Live > Playstation 3 Network

Plus I'm an achievement whore as I have mentioned before. Yeah the controls would of been just a bit better then the 360 controller on Street Fighter, but I was planning on getting the Arcade Sticks anyway, even if I did get it for the Playstation 3.
Beat Resident Evil 5 yesterday. Great game. I'm playing it on the hardest difficulty setting now. I have 26/30 of the emblems already so I'll get those this time around. One emblem I have to get requires Co-op play (the marshlands).

Sheva is hot, but her AI is fucking retarded. Other then that a fun, solid game.
I have Sheva hold all of my crap and have her "cover" other then attack. She wastes ammo and shoots in stupid places (right before work i caught her unloading a whole clip at a zombies feet) When I say her AI is messed up I really mean it. It's fucked up and it gets annoying. When you have her "cover" she will only shoot when someone is getting close to you or sneaking up on you. When you have her in attack mode she will get greedy and in this game you need to conserve your ammo as much as possible. I recommend purchasing the "Stun Rod" asap because it does deal a good amount of damage and stuns them briefly so you can execute a melee attack.

Right now im on the hardest mode and it takes more to kill these zombies. The amount of upgrades that you can do for each weapon is amazing (and expensive). I found a little glitch though in the game that i have been working on for a bit.

When you kill the lurkerB's they drop this treasure that you can sell for a lot of credits. In this level there are about 12 of them that come at you in a small hallway. Use that stun rod and it will hit most of them with one swing, but you have to be careful if you get to close they will fuck you up. Once you are done with that quit and save, then just go back to the level and repeat the same process. Everything you get stays in your inventory so you can keep doing it over and over again.

I spent a bunch of money on the special edition and i bought the special edition guide as well (hardback). The special comes with

A necklace
A Tricell bag
Mini Chris Redfield action figure
Special Features disc
a Laser Cel picture (proof of authenticity) <--- very cool
RE5 Calendar (came with the special edition hard-back guide)
Cool metal Resident Evil 5 case.

Other then the annoying AI with Sheva, great game. It isn't like the other Resident Evils (there is no fear factor whatsoever, more action) which is ok because the plot and everything make up for it.

Wesker is a dick, but still very cool though lulz.

In the last hour of gameplay you kill Wesker like 20 times. Plane crashes, lava, rockets, deadly needles, Everything.

End Spoilers

Game sucked dick. Story sucked more dick. This is what happens when you fire the people who made your series worth playing and hand it to a bunch of faggots.

Fuck this shit... rehire Shinji Mikami and let RE be fucking RE again.
I've been playing a little Diablo II here and there.
I'm a level 20 necromancer online, and I keep returning to Tal Rasha's Tomb just to see those creepy Unraveller things...

I want one as a pet :)

I have yet to play Left for dead - I own it, but I haven't had the time

In the last hour of gameplay you kill Wesker like 20 times. Plane crashes, lava, rockets, deadly needles, Everything.

End Spoilers

Game sucked dick. Story sucked more dick. This is what happens when you fire the people who made your series worth playing and hand it to a bunch of faggots.

Fuck this shit... rehire Shinji Mikami and let RE be fucking RE again.

^ terrible

You kill him once. You fight him twice, once in his normal state and the last time when he mutated due to the overdose injection that chris put in Wesker so he couldn't control the virus. (wesker can control the virus in limited doses)

Remember? Or did you even finish the game?
Scored Gothic 3 for 9.99 the other day, thinking I got a deal.

What a shitty game. Beautiful surroundings and that's about it. Austrians suck at making PC games.