Gaming Thread

I've never understood that attitude. You play games because you like to do so, yes? Which means you'll still like to do so when you're in a relationship. And even in a relationship, you should be able to do what you like. Sure, you won't be able to play as often, because a relationship takes time and effort, but if you can't find a way to make some time for gaming, then either there's something wrong with your relationship, or gaming was just a surrogate occupation while you waited for a girlfriend.
Me neither really. My schedule isn't so busy but I tend to be out of the house for a fair while because my appointments can be fairly spread out.
Me neither really. My schedule isn't so busy but I tend to be out of the house for a fair while because my appointments can be fairly spread out.
Mm, I see what you mean. Still, it must be possible to find some time for gaming here and there, no? Moments like when your girlfriend is in the shower or making dinner or whatever? I usually cook, but when she does, I game :)
I've never understood that attitude. You play games because you like to do so, yes? Which means you'll still like to do so when you're in a relationship. And even in a relationship, you should be able to do what you like. Sure, you won't be able to play as often, because a relationship takes time and effort, but if you can't find a way to make some time for gaming, then either there's something wrong with your relationship, or gaming was just a surrogate occupation while you waited for a girlfriend.

the difference being is i would rather be out doing stuff with her, i mean a few months down the road I would probably go back. I still love games, that wouldn't change, it would just be good to get out of the house once in a while.
I still love games, that wouldn't change, it would just be good to get out of the house once in a while.
You need a girlfriend to do that?

Or you could just find a girl who likes gaming too. Works for me.
Ah yes, but those are few and far between, especially if you're like me and don't consider "casual" stuff gaming.
When I play a game I like to get really into it, and the kind of hours I like to put in wouldn't work for me at the moment. Maybe in future.
RPG's and MMO's are the worst on my relationship. WoW almost ended it years ago but I quit so she considers that a victory for herself. I've learned to recognize the subtle hints that appear first rather than the yelling that comes later. I'm also lucky in that she works every other weekend so I get that time to camp out and play unhindered.

That said, still playing Red Dead Redemption. I think I'm close in the main story so I'm aiming at 100% complete. Some of the challenges have taken me way too long to complete.
I have been lucky so far, MMo's have never sucked me in, the only one that came close was SWG, but thats was pretty normal, every other one i got bored with. League of Legends on the other hand is going a good job, but it's not as fun without my group of friends so i only really play it at night.

fucking addicting though.
I'm just glad I didn't play games during my high school years. I spent that time on guitar and managed to become a competant rythem player. If I hadn't played games for the last two or three years, I'd probably be a mean shredder right now.
OKAY... I beat Fable III, but failed HARD. I was trying to be good the whole way, and keep all of my promises at the end. Well... I got into major dept and before I knew it, with 121 days left before the attack, it was time to fight the final boss and ALL of my people died! I will forever be remembered as the ruler who kept all her promises but let her whole nation perish. :lol: I'm already starting again, and this time I'm going to try and raise the money before hand AND keep all of my promises. Bad ass game though, great story line and kept me going along with the story so fast that I thought I was owning the game and then got owned myself, haha. i'd advise to take your time, and do all the side quests. Anyone else played as good, kept all their promises, and saved the whole nation?
Haven't even bought it yet. I'm usually about 6 months behind on games.

same here, I'm still waiting to build that new computer so once I finally get it I'm going to have so many games like Fable 3, Deus Ex 3, all HL2 episodes, Fallout 3 and all dlc (beat the story once but want to redo it), Fallout 3 new vegas, mass effect 2 re-do and all dlc. I may be out of school this summer but all that time I'd normally spend in class I'll be spending playing computer games haha; just lots of computer games and going to work to pay for them.