Gaming Thread

Don't worry about El-Stormo, Dead Winter. All the guy does is sit on here and argue all day if someone disagrees with him about something. He's one of those types.
I have my points of view and I speak up about them. What's it to you? DW can take care of himself, he doesn't need your intimidating presence to back him up.

He's a good guy, though. Just a purist when it comes to gaming.
I admit, I'm a bit on the judgmental side, but you gotta admit that I have a point. :)
on the positive side now I know when I get new vegas that I should do EVERYTHING in the game before finishing it. honestly i fucking hated that about fallout3 when my game just flat out ended, it was a huge disappointment. since i'm waiting to get a new comp though i never did the dlc so once i do i'll have sooo many games to play plus hints such as do this first, don't rush through it, do all the side quests etc.
once i get my new comp here's my list of games i want to get (please add any that are absolutely imperative):

mass effect 2 (gotta replay it and do all the dlc)
fallout3 and new vegas (plus all dlc)
starcraft 2
half life 2 and all the new episodes (it'll run amazingly with the new comp)
call of duty black ops
star wars the force unleashed or force unleashed 2 (i know its lame but it looks like it'd be fun just for a download and couple hours of force push and slashing)
fable 3
deus ex 3

i'm also jizzing my pants over the new metal gear solid (i wishhhh the 4th would've come to pc instead of ps3; fuckkkk), i know its going to be a totally different game and probably shouldn't even be called metal gear solid (it's going to be straight up action as opposed to steath it seems) but man those sword innovations look fucking sweet and that company never disappoints; they'll probably take sword fighting in games to a whole new level.
I just watched the trailer for the new MGS. It looks cool...very different....

yeah i'm not really even thinking of it as an mgs game, it's just going to be a really cool konami innovative action title with some mgs flair. they even removed the tactical espionage action and replaced it with lighting bolt action or something; basically i think the series is moving from the stealth action game genre that it invented and basically now is trying to make an action game but one with something nothing else has (the sword and the physics and actions behind it). either way i'm pumped and even though i'm sad to see mgs go i think i'll love it.
Just saw this little thing and just had to screencap it

yeah i'm not really even thinking of it as an mgs game, it's just going to be a really cool konami innovative action title with some mgs flair. they even removed the tactical espionage action and replaced it with lighting bolt action or something; basically i think the series is moving from the stealth action game genre that it invented and basically now is trying to make an action game but one with something nothing else has (the sword and the physics and actions behind it). either way i'm pumped and even though i'm sad to see mgs go i think i'll love it.

The MGS games are some of my favorites ever. I hope they don't get rid of the espionage aspect of them; it's awesome sneaking around and taking out guys or bypassing them altogether. I didn't even play MGS 4. Did it ever make it to the 360 or is it only PS3?

Keep the series alive and don't transform it too much.