Gaming Thread

Haha. Fucking bastards at H&H Tools! *shakes fist*

Well, at least they have good sexbots.

You must not have done many side quests.

I did most of the side quests except for a few things like the courier jobs from that place where you had to get the girl out of her contract to go see Jack and the Boomers. I didn't finish the sexbot thing either, I got bored with that crap. I save a lot and usually make about 10 saves or so, so I can always go back at strategic points and redo things.

There weren't enough enemies, imo. I like just exploring and having to fight my way through hordes of raiders/slavers in random ruins, only to find out someone wanted them taken out later. But after you kill everyone, aside from the occasional spawn, it's pretty empty.
I have had several emulated versions and they suck. I literally have every single NES, SNES and N64 game ever made on my computer. Still is nothing like playing it on the original console.
only one i could really play was final fantasy tactics, everything else was just kinda poop, like a really really really bad console port.

I almost had Goldeneye and Perfect Dark up and running well but looking up and down was terrible.
Well, finished New Vegas. Had to go for the No Gods, No Masters ending, since siding with the Brotherhood was apparently impossible. Kicked both the NCR and the Legions' asses, simply because the For The Republic quest was broken and I couldn't initiate it. It's pretty lame that you have to end on such a downer because the game was so poorly programmed and the quest options so poorly chosen and explained.
Yep. Although NV had better gameplay and whatnot, Fallout 3 was better, imo, aside from the ending. The story in NV was pretty weak and not nearly as epic as 3.

Had it ended with some sort of sentiment of finality, whichever road you chose, it wouldn't be so bad. I wouldn't even WANT to continue with perks or whatever, but when you beat a game and you think, "What just happened, and furthermore, what does it all mean in the grand scheme of all things Fallout?", it's just frustrating. It's almost like 30 hours of Unreal Tournament headshots in VATS.

I didn't feel compelled to help one side or the other. I didn't wanna go Legion because they were just religious nutjobs, and it wasn't until I was halfway done that I realized the NCR was just the new Army. I helped the NCR because I felt they were the ones who would've had the biggest contribution to normalizing society, although Mr. House was a tough decision as well. I didn't want to kill him because I also liked his ideas, but he started to get on my nerves with all his condescension. Instead of big, epic clashes for supremacy of the wasteland by massive armies of rival factions, it seemed more like the gang fight in Michael Jackson's video of Beat It.

The game is really fun but I'm really starting to believe that game devs all have ADHD and it's bleeding over into their games. You're busy as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest but you're just going around in circles. When you finally end a major chapter in the storyline, nothing is revealed. It's like, "Hey, I just found the Holy Grail and now we can rebuild our entire society!", and they reply with, "Oh yeah, that's nice. Hey! Here's 300 XP with no bonus weapons or anything. Did you know that being stationed in the Mojave wasteland makes me wish for nuclear winter?"