Gaming Thread

By the way, how are things in Rome? Is it a culture shock for you? It's always one thing to visit a place but when you live there it can be pretty scary.

sorry i havent replied to your pm yet...been so busy with the move but will shortly.

Rome is calming, compared to London. Traffic is bad but the lifestyle, like Italy as a whole, is just much slower. walking the little streets and enjoying the sites is great. i wont really get the feel of living here until january, though, because thats when i start italian lessons full time. right now im finishing studying for my masters degree at kings college in london. last exam is in january. kind of feel odd about the situation to be honest. im an american living in rome studying hebrew to get a masters at a uk university...weird.

oh and romana pizza is the BEST
re-beat mass effect 2 tonight. going to install dlc and play through it today since its the last day of thanksgiving break


i finished it fairly well this time, a little more paragon than renegade, only jack (hate that whiney bitch), legion (kinda a bummer cuz he seemed chill but oh well), and grunt (this one surprised me but again oh well didn't care too much) died. I also ended up saving the facility but told the illusive man to fuck off basically because he was being a controlling douche. I wonder if this save will transfer over into me3 because it wasn't very fabricated; i just played the game through and didn't try doing anything specific (except obviously reloading to do loyalty missions because the first time around everyone including shepard died). i can't believe how many choices that game has and how seriously they affect you, a few of them had me literally sitting at my computer for 3 minutes weighing the pro's and con's of each, fucking insane. in terms of dlc i'm going to do shadow broker first, then overload, then kasumis memory, then try to do the other ones such as supposedly theres some douche who gets added to your team that i never had. it'll be fun but still i can't wait until me3, these 2 games have seriously been the most intense games i've played where i'm actually feeling the story and universe and can't for the next segment.
I only played 2 through once so far. It blew my balls off and I've been wanting to go through it again. Haven't played the dlc yet either :(

i've heard amazing things about the shadow broker dlc so i'm really excited to play that tonight once i get some school work finished up. especially with my new card and how great it looks i'm excited to be playing it; even though the main story is over which is a bit of a bummer (man that music playing while you rush through the base killing everything in sight, fucking awesome) i have a feeling theres going to be some cool side missions and dlc that i'll really like. the atmosphere of that game sucks you in so much i barely follow what time it is in the real world haha, the only game i'm as pumped for would be deus ex 3.

1. Which does not belong, and why?

Foltest – he’d be outraged to be put in a list with a bunch of Witchers, being the King and all.

2. What do these characters have in common?

Nines Rodriguez
Alex Mercer
Emperor Sun Hai
Captain Devin Ross

They spend the majority of the game dead - Auron is already dead at the beginning of the game, but hasn't 'moved on', Nines is a vampire, Alex Mercer was never really Mercer at all (the real one is dead before the game starts), Emperor Sun Hai is secretly a ghost, Polito was long dead, but impersonated by SHODAN, and Devin Ross dies at the beginning of the game, and has to play the rest of the game as a possessing spirit.

3. Which of these characters does not belong?

Minsc – he's the only non-romanceable one (and thank God for that!)
Ashley Williams
Carth Onasi

4. What do these characters have in common?

Chen, errr, I mean, CHEEEEEEEEEEEN!

Many of you were searching it way too far. It’s the simple answer that they all have funny ears

5. Which of these does not belong?

Singularity Cannon
Chaingun Cannon – not the strongest in the game, and not mapped to 0
Dark Matter Gun

6. What do the following characters have in common?

Abigail Black
Wanderer Meiyuan
Arcade Gannon
Revolver Ocelot
Abu'l Nuquod

All these characters are homosexual

7. What do the following characters have in common?

Jane Shepard
Bastila Shan
Samus Aran
Naomi Hunter

All voiced by the not unawesome Jennifer Hale

8. Which does not belong, and why?

Fukiwara no Mokou
Sub-Zero – Ice-based, the others all attack with the fire element

9. Connect both columns - what are the following characters scared out of their minds of? Get at least four right.

Rikku is scared of lightning
Naked Snake fears bats
Lucca is afraid of frogs
Francis has... umm... insulaphobia (he just can’t swim, actually)
Luigi is scared to death of ghosts
Guybrush Threepwood is afraid of porcelain

10. What do these characters have in common?

Paul Denton
Sarevok Anchev
Andrew Ryan
Irina Sykes

All directly related (brother, sister, father, or half-brother) of the main character


Xetirox – 8
Zeno – 8
Mana_Garmr – 6
CptJoker – 6
Yiasemi – 6

THE TOTAL SCORE after day 5

Silv has been dethroned, Xetirox is ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL!

1. Xetirox (TESF) – 34

2. Silverbolt (SL) – 30

3.CptJoker (TESF) – 28

4. Zeno (BSGFn) – 27

5. Cecilff2 (TESF) – 24
-. WanderingRogue (TESF) – 24

6.Wolf101(TESF) – 23

7. Qawsed Asap (TESF) – 18

8. Aianna (TESF) – 17

9. Metrophor (TESF) – 15
-. Rhekarid (TESF) – 15
-. Cliffworms (TESF) – 15
-. Nami88 (TESF) – 15
-. yiasemi (BGSFn) – 15

10 and following...
Ewoklord (TESF) – 14
Alecto (TESF) – 12
Liverslapper (NM) – 12
10 and following…
Lord Foul (NM) – 11
Det Som Engang Var (NM) – 11
Spork The Slightly Insane (TESF) – 10
Lemunde (TESF) – 10
Anvil (NM) – 8
SpankyTheElf (TESF) – 8
Defaulted (TESF) – 6
titan357 (TESF) – 6
Venq (TESF) – 6
AMP (TESF) – 6
Nuck (TESF) – 6
Mana_Garmr (TESF) – 6
Northwind Fusilier (TESF) – 6
povuholo (TESF) – 6
Wasp (TESF) – 5
vtastek (TESF) – 5
Karmic (NM) – 4
Septiego (TESF) – 4
Frozenaffairs (TESF) – 4
Alaisiagae (TESF) – 4
BigBoss (TESF) – 4
Suffca (TESF) – 3
BoonProtR3 (TESF) – 2
Valdo' (TESF) – 2
Soulwithlife (TESF) – 2
neal (NM) – 2
Teferi (TESF) – 2
Miles_Acraeus (TESF) – 2
Rumblyguts (TESF) – 2
RoflLizard (TESF) – 2
ghoulsrpeople2 (TESF) – 1
Ayumifan (TESF) – 1
Ragnalin The Thief (TESF) 1

Simply name the game that spawned these horrible annoyances!


2. “I said come in, don't stand there!”

3. “Use the boost to get through!”

4. “Don't forget to reload!”

5. “Plebs are needed!”

6. “You look like someone who's comfortable in heavy armour.”

7. “You require more Vespene gas.”

8. “You must gather your party before venturing forth.”


10. “Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.”
FUCK YEAH SHADOW BROKER. that shit was awesome, wayyy too short but man was it sweet. plot twists, turns, awesome levels, the chase, the fact that it actually really affects the entire game; so fucking amazing. I was glued to my computer playing it and even though I beat it really quickly every second was great. Also I got all the dlc (literally everything through a pack I got from my friend) and even though a lot of it is pretty insignificant and stupid i'm surprised how much there is that really adds. I've changed my weapons because of some of the dlc (such as the assault rifle that basically shoots slower yet has the power of a sniper rifle, way better than before when i was just blasting away thousands of rounds per second but doing nothing as well as my new heavy weapon the lightning gun and my new hand pistol) and the amount of missions and such is baffling. I wish I had done this from the start because characters like kasumi and zaeed (or whatever the fuck his name is) would've been cool to have along throughout the game (even though zaeed seems like a douche and i haven't even done anything but recruited him.

unfortunately now that school is back in session, my 3 jobs are tons of pressure, no one in my band is doing anything and is forcing me to do everything (seriously slowing our progress) and the fact that i'm going sober, I won't have any time really to play the game. maybe during the weekends I can sneak it in as I plan to basically explore the entire galaxy, do every single mission, get my character to top level and just accomplish everything and see everything. I would've started from scratch with my new and enhanced shepard and bumped up the difficulty level but I like having my squad too much (legion, jack and grunt are dead but I don't care and even hated jack) to have to start again without garrus. by the time that is done i guess it's just a waiting game to import my awesome 100% complete save into me3 or if they do any more dlc; the fact that theres no news, info, pics, vids, or even tentative release date for me3 is pretty soul crushing.
FUCK YEAH SHADOW BROKER. that shit was awesome, wayyy too short but man was it sweet. plot twists, turns, awesome levels, the chase, the fact that it actually really affects the entire game; so fucking amazing. I was glued to my computer playing it and even though I beat it really quickly every second was great. Also I got all the dlc (literally everything through a pack I got from my friend) and even though a lot of it is pretty insignificant and stupid i'm surprised how much there is that really adds. I've changed my weapons because of some of the dlc (such as the assault rifle that basically shoots slower yet has the power of a sniper rifle, way better than before when i was just blasting away thousands of rounds per second but doing nothing as well as my new heavy weapon the lightning gun and my new hand pistol) and the amount of missions and such is baffling. I wish I had done this from the start because characters like kasumi and zaeed (or whatever the fuck his name is) would've been cool to have along throughout the game (even though zaeed seems like a douche and i haven't even done anything but recruited him.

unfortunately now that school is back in session, my 3 jobs are tons of pressure, no one in my band is doing anything and is forcing me to do everything (seriously slowing our progress) and the fact that i'm going sober, I won't have any time really to play the game. maybe during the weekends I can sneak it in as I plan to basically explore the entire galaxy, do every single mission, get my character to top level and just accomplish everything and see everything. I would've started from scratch with my new and enhanced shepard and bumped up the difficulty level but I like having my squad too much (legion, jack and grunt are dead but I don't care and even hated jack) to have to start again without garrus. by the time that is done i guess it's just a waiting game to import my awesome 100% complete save into me3 or if they do any more dlc; the fact that theres no news, info, pics, vids, or even tentative release date for me3 is pretty soul crushing.

For those participating in the quiz, round time has been extended for a day because my Inbox at TESF was full :P

Also, I've just bought Persona 3 on eBay, now I'm waiting for an opportuinity to get 4 and Nocturne (that's Lucifer's Call, right?) available in Belgium. And to think I once saw P3 at a second-hand market for €5, but I idn't buy it because I didn't know what it was and it was too anime for my tastes :P

Thanks for the advice, gentlemen :)
I think the American version came with Lucifers Call already in it, so yeah. Lucifers call is something they added on that lets you do the layers of hell through out the game, unlock Dante and all the extra bosses.

Nocturne would have been way easier if I had just chosen one of the three factions instead of taking over myself, but it was so worth it.