Gaming Thread


- Ocarina of Time's [ame=]Navi[/ame]

2.“I said come in, don't stand there!”
- Get out of here STALKER.

3.“Use the boost to get through!”
- Useful advice from Star Fox's Peppy.

4.“Don't forget to reload!”
- Useful advice to Dr. Freeman in Half-Life 2

5.“Plebs are needed!”
- From the classic Caesar II game, this quote cost many gamers a lot of hair.

6.“You look like someone who's comfortable in heavy armour.”
- Easy, TES IV - Oblivion

7.“You require more Vespene gas.”
- Another easy one, from StarCraft

8.“You must gather your party before venturing forth.”
- The annoyance of Baldur's Gate II

- Team Fortress 2 is spy!

10.“Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.”
- I know, NCR dudes from Fallout: New Vegas. I know.


CptJoker – 10
Anvil - 10
Silverbolt – 9
Cecilff2 – 9
WanderingRogue – 9
Knight crusader – 8
Wolf101 - 8


1.Silverbolt (SL) – 39
-. CptJoker (TESF) – 39
-. Xetirox (TESF) – 39

2. Zeno (BSGFn) – 34

3. Cecilff2 (TESF) – 33
-. WanderingRogue (TESF) – 33

4. Wolf101(TESF) – 31

5. Qawsed Asap (TESF) – 25

6. Metrophor (TESF) – 23

7. Cliffworms (TESF) – 22

8. yiasemi (BGSFn) – 20
-. Aianna (TESF) – 20
-. Ewoklord (TESF) – 20

9. Nami88 (TESF) – 19
-. Alecto (TESF) – 19

10 and following...
Anvil (NM) – 18
Det Som Engang Var (NM) – 16
Liverslapper (NM) – 16
Lemunde (TESF) – 16
Spork The Slightly Insane (TESF) – 16
Rhekarid (TESF) – 15
povuholo (TESF) – 13
SpankyTheElf (TESF) – 12
Lord Foul (NM) – 11
Mana_Garmr (TESF) – 11
Knight crusader (TESF) – 8
Frozenaffairs (TESF) – 7
Defaulted (TESF) – 6
titan357 (TESF) – 6
Venq (TESF) – 6
AMP (TESF) – 6
Nuck (TESF) – 6
Northwind Fusilier (TESF) – 6
FateOrFatality (TESF) – 6
Septiego (TESF) – 6
Webster52402 (TESF) – 6
vtastek (TESF) – 6
archer_ki (TESF) – 5
Kothre (TESF) – 5
Wasp (TESF) – 5
Teferi (TESF) – 5
Karmic (NM) – 4
Alaisiagae (TESF) – 4
BigBoss (TESF) – 4
BoonProtR3 (TESF) – 4
Miles_Acraeus (TESF) – 4
Suffca (TESF) – 3
Rumblyguts (TESF) – 3
Valdo' (TESF) – 2
Soulwithlife (TESF) – 2
neal (NM) – 2
RoflLizard (TESF) – 2
ghoulsrpeople2 (TESF) – 1
Ayumifan (TESF) – 1
Ragnalin The Thief (TESF) 1
the fishy wanderer (TESF) – 1

DAY SEVEN – Complete the rows

1. Knee-deep in the Dead – The Shores of Hell – Inferno – ...

2. Blizzard – Blizzara – ...

3. Force Commander – Tarkus – Avitus – Cyrus – ...

4. Amazon – Barbarian – Necromancer – Paladin – ...

5. Village – Town – City – Capital – Metropolis – ...

6. TIE Fighter – TIE Bomber – TIE Interceptor – TIE Advanced (“Avenger”) – TIE ...

7. Ininjured – Barely Injured – Injured – Badly Injured – ...

8. Doctor – Fang – Ghost – Guide – ...

9. Brujah – Gangrel – Malkavian – Nosferatu – Toreador – Tremere – ...

10. Double Kill! - Multi Kill! - Mega Kill! - Ultra Kill! - ...
It's only for ten days. Seriously.

And the font size is that big because font sizes vary across forums, and I honestly can't go around changing tags for every forum.

On an unrelated note, I'm enjoying Persona 3 very much, apart from the music. I can understand that with a contemporary high school setting, you'd have some poppy music, but that rapping dude in the dorm music who sounds like he's got his mouth full of hot potato is just irritating. And the battle music too. I mean, again, poppy music, I can live with that. But I don't want my battle music to be all, "baybeh baybèèh, duhduhduh dah dah daaah!".

Apart from that, it's quite fun. Voice Acting isn't as good as it could be, and Mitsuru is pure Fanservice Fetish Fuel Station Attendant, and it's a bit confusing at times, but I'm having fun.

Anyone got any (SPOILER-FREE) advice? What's most important, what do I really need to keep in my inventory, etc etc?
Spoiler free advice Btw the music in 4 is much better.

Certain social links will only be available on certain days, but usually in the same place. Try to to let any days waste by going to bed and moving time when you could be getting a social link for that evening.

Raising non combat status such as intelligence is important but not too important. Unlike 4, you can max these out before the end of the game without too much trouble.

I know its obvious but you always want to inflict the type of damage an enemy is vulnerable against so you gain an extra turn.

I won't say why even though it's not a spoiler, but you it pays to have your party members social links maxed. If you know for sure you like someone enough to keep them in your party, maxing their social link has a cool effect.

Knee-deep in the Dead – The Shores of Hell – Inferno – Thy Flesh Consumed

Blizzard – Blizzara – Blizzaga

Force Commander – Tarkus – Avitus – Cyrus – Thaddeus

Amazon – Barbarian – Necromancer – Paladin – Sorceress

Village – Town – City – Capital – Metropolis – Megalopolis

TIE Fighter – TIE Bomber – TIE Interceptor – TIE Advanced (“Avenger”) – TIE Defender

Ininjured – Barely Injured – Injured – Badly Injured – Near Death

Doctor – Fang – Ghost – Guide – Strelok

Brujah – Gangrel – Malkavian – Nosferatu – Toreador – Tremere – Ventrue

Double Kill! - Multi Kill! - Mega Kill! - Ultra Kill! - MO-MO-MO-MO-MONSTER KILL!... kill... kill... kill...


Cpt. Joker – 10
WanderingRogue – 8
Anvil – 8
Zeno – 8
Northwind Fusilier – 7
Cecilff2 – 7


1.CptJoker (TESF) – 48

2. Xetirox (TESF) – 44

3. Silverbolt (SL) – 43

4. Zeno (BSGFn) – 42

5. WanderingRogue (TESF) – 41

6. Cecilff2 (TESF) – 40

7. Wolf101(TESF) – 35

8. Qawsed Asap (TESF) – 27

9. Anvil (NM) – 26

10 and following...
Alecto (TESF) – 25
Metrophor (TESF) – 23
Aianna (TESF) – 23
Cliffworms (TESF) – 22
Nami88 (TESF) – 22
Lemunde (TESF) – 21
yiasemi (BGSFn) – 20
Ewoklord (TESF) – 20
Mana_Garmr (TESF) – 17
Det Som Engang Var (NM) – 17
Liverslapper (NM) – 16
Spork The Slightly Insane (TESF) – 16
Rhekarid (TESF) – 15
SpankyTheElf (TESF) – 15
Knight crusader (TESF) – 15
povuholo (TESF) – 13
Northwind Fusilier (TESF) – 13
Lord Foul (NM) – 11
Webster52402 (TESF) – 11
Frozenaffairs (TESF) – 9
AMP (TESF) – 8
Septiego (TESF) – 8
Defaulted (TESF) – 6
titan357 (TESF) – 6
Venq (TESF) – 6
Nuck (TESF) – 6
FateOrFatality (TESF) – 6
vtastek (TESF) – 6
Teferi (TESF) – 6
BigBoss (TESF) – 6
BoonProtR3 (TESF) – 6
archer_ki (TESF) – 5
Kothre (TESF) – 5
Wasp (TESF) – 5
Rumblyguts (TESF) – 5
Valdo' (TESF) – 5
Karmic (NM) – 4
Alaisiagae (TESF) – 4
Miles_Acraeus (TESF) – 4
Suffca (TESF) – 3
Soulwithlife (TESF) – 2
neal (NM) – 2
RoflLizard (TESF) – 2
ghoulsrpeople2 (TESF) – 1
Ayumifan (TESF) – 1
Ragnalin The Thief (TESF) 1
the fishy wanderer (TESF) – 1

Round 8 won't be out today or tomorrow, but the day after, guys. The next round will take some time to get ready, and I'm doing double-night shifts this weekend, so I really can't spend time on this for a day or two. But don't worry, we'll pick up where we left off after the w/e!

Also, fuck, Anvil, if you'd answered every round, you'd probably be in the top 3 easily!
I love my new videocard. I fucking love it. I've been playing ME2 still on the weekends and it is so fucking fun (i can't wait to play fallout3 after i finish this arghh). I can't believe how good the graphics are, the atmosphere and planets are so ridiculous, the only thing thats a bummer is sometimes in the cutscenes some of the models (like the LOKI mechs) have low res textures and the game has realllyyy limited graphics tweaking options. Maybe cuz it was also on 360 but I feel pc games need to have the ability to tweak graphics options as much as you want, thats part of what makes them awesome.

also in me2 i'm almost getting far in the overload (i think) expansion. I've finished the 2 stations and am about to enter the final station; so far it's not as good as shadow broker but you guys said it was legit so i'm trusting you.
Now that I've gotten a bit of a feel for it (played past the first 'real' full moon), I'm restarting my Persona 3 game, because I want to do quite a few things differently. What do you guys think is most important? Grinding in Tartarus, or developing social links? Because I've noticed that going to Tartarus seems to be a waste of time, mostly.
I hated Tarturus honestly. 4 had really unique specialized dungeons (strip club, 8 bit dungeon) while Tarturus was just one 300 floor pain the ass.

What I did was grind through Tarturus for 2-3 days at the beginning of every month. You fatigue if you stay in too long (another reason I prefer 4), so I would spend the first day getting to the check point/mini boss (I forgot what it was), then the other day or two until I hit the blockade and can't advance any further.

That way I had the whole month to enjoy social links. Which you don't NEED, but it's basically the only reason to play the game. Oh, when you max a social link for a party member, their Persona will evolve.
I'm hoping Yuko the adorable team manager will become a party member (her SL is Strength, and Valkyrie is possibly the awesomest early-game Persona from what I've seen), but probably not ^_^

And yeah, the fatigue is a fucking drag, as is the lack of any Terminal between floors 14 and 25.
The black chick? She doesn't join you, sir.

Oh just a reminder, in 3 if you hook up with anybody and cheat on them they will find out and your social link gets reversed, then it's very hard to get back up.