Gaming Thread

I don't really have a computer with speakers or anything so I can't play that... Ah well, I did pretty damn good for only having answer 3 days of the 8. :D
Also, fuck, Anvil, if you'd answered every round, you'd probably be in the top 3 easily!

Yea, I went back and read over some of the other questions, I'd probably have no problem answering a lot of 'em. I don't have an internet connection right now, so I only get on the internet every few days at the gf's.

[ame=]Enjoy slapping your collective foreheads![/ame]


CptJoker – 7
Cecilff2 – 7
Rhekarid – 6
Cliffworms – 5
Qawsed Asap – 5


1. CptJoker (TESF) – 55

2. Cecilff2 (TESF) – 47

3. Zeno (BSGFn) – 46

4. Xetirox (TESF) – 44

5.Silverbolt (SL) – 43

6. WanderingRogue (TESF) – 41
7. Wolf101(TESF) – 36
8. Qawsed Asap (TESF) – 32
9. Cliffworms (TESF) – 27
-. Aianna (TESF) – 27

10 and following...
Anvil (NM) – 26
Lemunde (TESF) – 25
Alecto (TESF) – 25
Metrophor (TESF) – 23
Ewoklord (TESF) – 23
Nami88 (TESF) – 22
Rhekarid (TESF) – 21
yiasemi (BGSFn) – 20
Mana_Garmr (TESF) – 17
Det Som Engang Var (NM) – 17
Liverslapper (NM) – 16
Spork The Slightly Insane (TESF) – 16
Knight crusader (TESF) – 16
SpankyTheElf (TESF) – 15
povuholo (TESF) – 13
Northwind Fusilier (TESF) – 13
Lord Foul (NM) – 11
Webster52402 (TESF) – 11
Valdo' (TESF) – 10
Frozenaffairs (TESF) – 9
AMP (TESF) – 9
Septiego (TESF) – 9
Teferi (TESF) – 7
BoonProtR3 (TESF) – 7
Defaulted (TESF) – 6
titan357 (TESF) – 6
Venq (TESF) – 6
Nuck (TESF) – 6
FateOrFatality (TESF) – 6
vtastek (TESF) – 6
BigBoss (TESF) – 6
archer_ki (TESF) – 5
Kothre (TESF) – 5
Wasp (TESF) – 5
Rumblyguts (TESF) – 5
Karmic (NM) – 4
Alaisiagae (TESF) – 4
Miles_Acraeus (TESF) – 4
Suffca (TESF) – 3
Soulwithlife (TESF) – 2
neal (NM) – 2
RoflLizard (TESF) – 2
ghoulsrpeople2 (TESF) – 1
Ayumifan (TESF) – 1
Ragnalin The Thief (TESF) 1
the fishy wanderer (TESF) – 1
Mobius1 (TESF) – 1
Haha, yeah. It's just this game has been going on forever and doesn't seem to end, :lol:.

Basta means simply "enough", and "dio cane" is bestemmia (blasphemy) used here...literally calling god a dog. It's a very common phrase in the north out of frustration, haha. There's porco dio (pig god), dio cane, dio boia (execute god), dio bestia (god's a beast), dio schifoso (disgusting god), puttana la madonna (the virgin Mary's a whore), etc.

I was just teasing you.

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I'm trying so hard to play Daggerfall. Apparently DOSBOX won't run it on Vista/Windows 7, and other DOS emulators are so confusing. I bet I could have figured it out 12 years ago when I was stuck with DOS. Now that I know theres a new Elder Scrolls on the way, I have an urge to replay all of them.

I'm willing to bet this new one will take place in Summerset Isles or Solsthiem. Although I really wish it would be in Valenwood. I hate how Bethesda portrays Wood Elves (Fargoth). They're too short, too wimpy. I'd like them to be more Legolas like. Actually, I hate how...golden the High Elves are, too. But it'd be cool to see their homeland in Summerset Isles, full of natural crystal formations and wizards.

According to the books which I have not read, Morrowind has been taken over by Argonians. That's bullshit, Dark Elves should never ever fall to lizard people in any fantasy setting. Bethesda needs to stop trying to put their own take on my traditional races and ruining them in the process.

At least they didn't fuck it up as bad as Dragon Age. Elves are peasants and Dwarves with English accents instead of Scottish. Disgusting.

I also would like level scaling to be abolished which won't happen thanks to casual gamers. A traditional XP system like Fallout would be nice, also. The concept of leveling up skills as you use them is retarded both in theory and actuality.


Day of the Tentacle

Ultima Underworld

Brink (I know, adding a not-yet-released game, how fiendish of me)

The steaming pile of code known as Sim City Societies

One of the gruesome death scenes in Heart of Darkness

Another death scene, this one from Dead Space

Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney

Shin Megami Tensei – Persona 3

Alone In The Dark IV – The New Nightmare


CptJoker – 7
Cliffworms – 6
Suffca – 6
Rhekarid – 5
Xetirox – 5
Zeno – 5


1. CptJoker (TESF) – 62

2. Cecilff2 (TESF) – 51

3. Zeno (BSGFn) – 51

4. Xetirox (TESF) – 49

5. WanderingRogue (TESF) – 44

6.Silverbolt (SL) – 43

7.Wolf101(TESF) – 39

8.Qawsed Asap (TESF) – 36

9.Cliffworms (TESF) – 33

10 and following...
Aianna (TESF) – 29
Alecto (TESF) – 28
Ewoklord (TESF) – 28
Lemunde (TESF) – 27
Anvil (NM) – 26
Rhekarid (TESF) – 26
Metrophor (TESF) – 23
Nami88 (TESF) – 22
yiasemi (BGSFn) – 22
Liverslapper (NM) – 20
Spork The Slightly Insane (TESF) – 19
Mana_Garmr (TESF) – 17
Det Som Engang Var (NM) – 17
Knight crusader (TESF) – 16
SpankyTheElf (TESF) – 15
Webster52402 (TESF) – 14
povuholo (TESF) – 13
Northwind Fusilier (TESF) – 13
Frozenaffairs (TESF) – 12
Lord Foul (NM) – 11
Valdo' (TESF) – 10
Septiego (TESF) – 10
vtastek (TESF) – 10
AMP (TESF) – 9
Suffca (TESF) – 9
BoonProtR3 (TESF) – 8
BigBoss (TESF) – 8
Teferi (TESF) – 7
Defaulted (TESF) – 6
titan357 (TESF) – 6
Venq (TESF) – 6
Nuck (TESF) – 6
FateOrFatality (TESF) – 6
Rumblyguts (TESF) – 6
archer_ki (TESF) – 5
Kothre (TESF) – 5
Wasp (TESF) – 5
Mobius1 (TESF) – 5
daerdevil (TESF) – 4
Karmic (NM) – 4
Alaisiagae (TESF) – 4
Miles_Acraeus (TESF) – 4
Ayumifan (TESF) – 4
D-11 (TESF) – 3
Soulwithlife (TESF) – 2
neal (NM) – 2
RoflLizard (TESF) – 2
ghoulsrpeople2 (TESF) – 1
Ragnalin The Thief (TESF) 1
the fishy wanderer (TESF) – 1


1.Trivia questions: What is the name of the main character in Beyond Good & Evil?

2.Quotes: “Given the choice, between ruling a corrupt and failing Empire, or to challenge the fates for another throw, a better throw, against one's destiny... What was a King to do?”

3.Who am I?: I don't have much of a body left, but even now I can enrage foes with a choice selection of jaw clicks and eye rolls. And I love to spend time in a coffin with hot zombie chicks.

4.Hope you know your memes: “My Pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard, and they're like ... ?”

5.Fun with lists: Which does not belong: King Kong – House of the Dead – James Cameron's Avatar – The Chronicles of Riddick – E.T. – 007 Goldeneye

6.[ame=]Annoying people and sounds[/ame]

7.Complete the rows: Humility – Compassion – Sacrifice – Honesty – Honor – Valor – Spirituality – ...

8.[ame=]Play dat funky music![/ame]


10.Multiple choice question – you lose a point if you answer wrong! – If in a multiplayer game, one character repeatedly kills another, much weaker, character that cannot defend himself, what is that called? Pick the most specific answer!

- Griefing
- Gaming
- Ganking
- Grinding
- Grueling
- Googling
I used to have so much fun with number 10. I am a complete ass on MMORPGs.

Back on Everquest I really wanted the Dark Elf Katana/Wakizashi set, being the weeaboo I was. I paid some super cheap price for them then convinced the guy I could transfer the gold to his other character. I was in tears laughing so hard.

Any time I'm instantly made guild master I disband said guild. Oh my god that was fun.

When I played WOW I would (answer to 10) people over. and over. and over. Until they logged out. Many lols were had!
im drooling for the new elderscrolls. i want it to be massive, MASSIVE. that feeling in oblivion, when you came out of the tunnel at the beginning and the epic music kicked in and you did the slow 360, taking in the scope and size of the world in front of you... total freedom. i want that again....was an awesome moment in gaming history IMO.
im drooling for the new elderscrolls. i want it to be massive, MASSIVE. that feeling in oblivion, when you came out of the tunnel at the beginning and the epic music kicked in and you did the slow 360, taking in the scope and size of the world in front of you... total freedom. i want that again....was an awesome moment in gaming history IMO.

That was a great feeling, kind of like in Ocarina of Time when you got out to the field.

I hope this game is NOT massive, though. Oblivion was empty. There was no unique armor or weapons in the caves that looked like every other cave. I'd rather it be down to Morrowind size and more detailed with hand placed items this time.