Gaming Thread

I cannot believe some of these deals. I am starting my Steam spree NOW.


Elder Scrolls III + all DLC
Elder Scrolls IV + all DLC
Bordelands complete pack (4 DLC)
Saints Row 2
Dragon Age + all DLC = $24.00
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY


Thanks Steam!! XD
My roomate finally got borderlands, so we've been campaigning through it slowly, as every second time we start the game up, one of our saved guys are corrupted on his PS3. Luckily I have a high level berserker that has yet to be corrupted, so I can just tank our way through everything everytime.

This game is awesome.
Finished Mirror's Edge. I really enjoyed it, despite how short it was. I think if it had been any longer it probably would have gotten tiresome, though maybe i would have cared more about the length if I had paid more than $5 for it.
I deleted all my Morrowind program files because I wanted to reinstall it clean without the mods I didn't want, but I think I deleted the Morrowind Launcher.exe in the process because when I pop the disk in nothing happens.

Halp. :(
The launcher is usually on the disk as well. Just try launching it from there. If you insert a disc and nothing happens (not even a splash menu) then either your AutoPlay is disabled, or something's wrong with it, it's not the fault of your installation. If you can get the launcher up and can't start the game, you'll have to reinstall. Just look for setup.exe on your disk.