I mean, my problem is there was nothing to do differently replaying the game.
For example, you could choose to side with Witherfang or the Elf leader, but that decision only changed about 5 minutes of gameplay. And maybe another 5 at the end if you even chose to use them for help. No matter what you do, the story is going to play out more or less the same way. No matter what, you have to follow Biowares typical "Point A, Point B, Point C, do them in any order", formula. Which makes level scaling mandatory. Why level up when everything is going to level up with me?
That's something I'm hoping will change in Dragon Age 2. I'd like decisions to have a profound change on the world.
Having said all that, Dragon Age was the only good non PC exclusive RPG to come out in the last 5 years. Aside from Mass Effect 2, which was just a shooter. Edit-I forgot New Vegas.