Suikoden 3 is GREAT, 4 and 5 are shit. Never played the 2D ones, but they're supposed to be classics. What made 3 so great was that it was told ala A Song of Ice and Fire, with three main characters, sometimes you'll see the same scene twice but from another perspective. The characters were great, the game felt great, the atmosphere was great, probably one of my favorite JRPGs.
I picture lady Catelyn Stark as the female main character from the game.
And I doubt Skyrim will be as clunky as Oblivion. Bethesda is going as far to add unique finishing moves to enemies and weapons, but I could honestly give a shit less about combat. All I need is content and I'd BE content (weird, those words are spelled the same way) with a simple attack button.
More theories and evidence on the disappearance of the Dwemer better be there, considering there will be Dwemer ruins and the Sphere Centaurians are back. There is a very cool tour of Bethesda studios on