you guys seen the deus ex hr pc screenshots? i gotta say i'm kinda disappointed; the art direction i'm liking (some will hate it through, really gold and black) but the actual graphics and textures themselves aren't looking that hot. the recomended specs are like an intel low i5 processor, 2 gb ram, ati 5850 card (1 gb, a little worse than my old card) so i'm hoping i can pretty much just jack the shit out of the settings and make it look better because seriously i think the art direction is really cool and futuristic and seeing those with great effects would be bad the fuck ass.
Also this has me kinda worried, if deus ex hr recommended processor is close to mine will i be able to run skyrim and rage really well? i'm hoping so because i really want to experience the full graphics of that and don't want to get a new processor but (like always with me for some reason) i feel like my processor is the weakest link.
Intel i5 2420 3.1 (or 3.4 i forget) quad core
radeon hd 6980 (i think), 2 gb, really fucking good
6 or 8 gb ram (i think 8, again i forget hurp durp)
legit ass 1080p 24 inch monitor
am i good?
Also one last question, in fallout 3 i keep getting crashes and its driving me fucking insane; th egame basically stops and the audio keeps going in a looped fashion of whatever music is on and the screen just freezes and i have to ctrl alt delete and end the task. i've tried a bunch of solutions and the only one i found was where you input in the ini file inumhwthreads=2 (basically limits it to 2 cores because supposedly the game has problem with quad cores) but the downside is this seirously fucks up performance. when i can run it on all cores with threading it works and runs amazingly but crashes once every 30 minutes - an hour but if i do that other setting it just is not as great. according to newegg my intel processor is in the 2400 series of i5's and doesn't support hyper threading, would that mean my processor doesn't support the threading that gamebryo uses? that wouldn't make sense considering how new my processor is and how old the game is. if anyone has any fixes they can think of (i turned off the gx on my sound which was crashing oblivion and oblivion is fine, its just fallout 3 even from a fresh install and fresh ini and when i edit it same thing) that could be used to allow me to keep all 4 cores active but stop it from crashing (i've tried enabling threaded ai which was one solution, i tried disabling the gx sound, i've tried pretty much anything i can find).

Also this has me kinda worried, if deus ex hr recommended processor is close to mine will i be able to run skyrim and rage really well? i'm hoping so because i really want to experience the full graphics of that and don't want to get a new processor but (like always with me for some reason) i feel like my processor is the weakest link.
Intel i5 2420 3.1 (or 3.4 i forget) quad core
radeon hd 6980 (i think), 2 gb, really fucking good
6 or 8 gb ram (i think 8, again i forget hurp durp)
legit ass 1080p 24 inch monitor
am i good?
Also one last question, in fallout 3 i keep getting crashes and its driving me fucking insane; th egame basically stops and the audio keeps going in a looped fashion of whatever music is on and the screen just freezes and i have to ctrl alt delete and end the task. i've tried a bunch of solutions and the only one i found was where you input in the ini file inumhwthreads=2 (basically limits it to 2 cores because supposedly the game has problem with quad cores) but the downside is this seirously fucks up performance. when i can run it on all cores with threading it works and runs amazingly but crashes once every 30 minutes - an hour but if i do that other setting it just is not as great. according to newegg my intel processor is in the 2400 series of i5's and doesn't support hyper threading, would that mean my processor doesn't support the threading that gamebryo uses? that wouldn't make sense considering how new my processor is and how old the game is. if anyone has any fixes they can think of (i turned off the gx on my sound which was crashing oblivion and oblivion is fine, its just fallout 3 even from a fresh install and fresh ini and when i edit it same thing) that could be used to allow me to keep all 4 cores active but stop it from crashing (i've tried enabling threaded ai which was one solution, i tried disabling the gx sound, i've tried pretty much anything i can find).