Gaming Thread

just totally cheated and read a plot summary of the first witcher. it would've been cool to have finished it but honestly i think they did a good job for those not having a save to bring over as it feels pretty neutral (non humans tend to hate humans, everyone is pretty much alive, racism, geralt being famous but having the amnesia to not remember things, setting up some of the old partners etc). luckily i've got saves for mass effect 3 so i'll get the full thing there.

this is kinda off topic but in fallout new vegas and fallout 3 sometimes i have flickering textures and it also happens occasionally in other games. is this normal or is my videocard fucked? i've found hotfixes online and such so i'm gonig to try them before i play honest hearts but sometimes it can be really bothersome yet i really don't want to have to return a videocard.
damn already? I just got to the 2nd area and beat everyone in the camp at arm wrestling. trying to really stretch the game out so i can get everything though it is really tempting to rush through it because the story is really intense (actually bothered my bitch is missing, time to stomp face). definitely loving this game and i hope other games coming out have character models/faces as detailed as these (seeing the pores on peoples faces and beard stubble on a 1080p 24 inch monitor is ridiculous).
so I'm not sure if anyone else noticed this but last night I was playing The Witcher 2 and I think I discovered an easter egg. I was in the kaedwanni camp just going about my business, doing arena fights, arm wrestling and trying to get legit gear when i looked up at the sky and saw clouds, but also saw a strong white cloud-like line that faded off as it went further (basically a chem trail or whatever you call it). I was surprised as it was still there later and i was wondering if anyone else noticed this? it'd be a good easter egg considering most people in games don't spend time looking up at the sky so it'd be funny that they put a chem trail in there as there are no planes in that universe and it's kinda saying got ya fuckers, you never look up here at the texture work we do so yeah.

love those side quests though, i finally put it on normal and i'm liking it more since i actually have to prepare and work to win battles so it's more rewarding despite the fact that i die a fair amount. hoping by the end of this week to have beaten it (and all the side quests) and done part of a replay but alligning with the scoiatel (i hear you get an entire new town for the 2nd one since only the blue stripes go to that camp from what i've seen) before going back to new vegas and doing more side quests before Honest Hearts.
sorry for the double post, but i was wondering if any of you guys have any experience with any catalyst hotfixes? i've been looking at them and the newest ones seem to be able to fix the flickering textures/other issues i'm having. there's 11.4c and 11.5; does it matter what my version of catalyst is since they do different things? should the hotfix i dl be exactly alligned with my version of catalyst or should it be related to fixing the problem i'm specifically having. thanks in advance, i've been turning off catalyst ai (at least i think, bringing the slider down to the absolute lowest because i can't find a way to fully turn it off) as a solution for stopping the flickering but i'm not sure if that is affecting my performance/what catalyst ai actually does considering all their shit is just confusing and ridiculous as hell.
sorry for the double post, but i was wondering if any of you guys have any experience with any catalyst hotfixes? i've been looking at them and the newest ones seem to be able to fix the flickering textures/other issues i'm having. there's 11.4c and 11.5; does it matter what my version of catalyst is since they do different things? should the hotfix i dl be exactly alligned with my version of catalyst or should it be related to fixing the problem i'm specifically having. thanks in advance, i've been turning off catalyst ai (at least i think, bringing the slider down to the absolute lowest because i can't find a way to fully turn it off) as a solution for stopping the flickering but i'm not sure if that is affecting my performance/what catalyst ai actually does considering all their shit is just confusing and ridiculous as hell.

I would just try either out and if it doesn't work just uninstall it. I wish I could be of more help but I haven't had an ATI card in ages. Now I wish I had one. :(
News Flash: ATi Crossfire is funky with games. It seems like with every new release I get, I have issues with it.

I'm not sure about NVIDIA, but Eric told me that Witcher 2 is having issues with SLI & CrossFire.
I don't use crossfire (my brother said it could cause problems and was sketchy so i'm glad i trusted him) since i have a 6950. I dl'd the hotfix but i won't know if it really worked until i try fallout 3 and new vegas again (those are the 2 games where the textures flicker like crazy) and that probably won't be soon since i still have so much of the witcher 2 left (doing every side quest, just about into chapter 3 i think, finally away from the OOOODRIN.. OOODDRRIN). maybe i'll just try it out tomorrow for a couple hours doing some more exploring to see if the flickering has stopped and then get back into tw2 (also heard theres a patch coming tomorrow so i'm really hoping that's out so i can have the best possible experience before i finish it at my uber slow pace).
Goddammit motherfucking Polack idiots!

"The good news is that we have the patch ready, but the bad news is that our servers are down so you can't get it until next week sometime."


They had better be glad that the new Witcher is fucking awesome because if it weren't, they would be the laughing stock of the entire gaming industry, even more so than EA.
Agreed. I get the impression that they're a small relatively amateurish company that wasn't prepared for the success that they got. I'll hold off on my second playthrough until that patch is out.
Great game though, way better than DA2, which I am sad to admit.
Go to their site now and they're giving away free DLC stuff to make up for it. Go to Community and there's a tab with all the emails you have to send and they'll send you instructions to another mirror, apparently. Hopefully the heads are coming out of the asses.