So, I know there's been a post about shmups and bullethells here in the past but one more for you (copied from my facebutt)
Like games? Like arcade-style shmups? Bored? Give Touhou 12.8 a shot! It's a lot more approachable than you would think considering it's bullet-hell. With a little time and effort you'll be blazing through stages and thinking to yourself HOW AM I STILL SINGLE? Okay, maybe not that last part.
LINKS: - GAME (navigate to Touhou 12.8) - ENGLISH PATCH
Simply unzip the game into a folder of your choice, drag the patch in there as well. Run the patch and then click on the th128e icon and you're set! Controls are as follows:
Up/Left/Down/Right = movement
Shift = Slow mo
Z = Ice shot that you charge to unleash a massive chain reaction to destroy other on screen
X = Bomb
C = Rapid shot
Basic Strategy:
Use the whole screen: You'll learn quickly in this game that to navigate you'll have to get awfully close to enemies, never hug the bottom of the screen or you'll end up dead quickly.
Take it all in: You'll realize that you'll not focus entirely on your Cirno or the enemy but a number of the time you'll carry a slightly fuzzy focus on the entire screen. I normally hold fire all of the time while focusing on shot streams starting up and the ones closest to me.
Grazing: Keep in mind that the closer you get to bullets without touching them, the more power you will gain for ice shot/rapid shot. Also your points will be greatly increased
Streaming: The basic principle of controlling bullets in bullet hell shooters. The majority of the enemy shots are aimed at you, so by standing still, you're luring the enemies to shoot at the spot you're in. To take advantage of this, move as little as possible so that you can gather all aimed bullets in one tight stream slowly following you from one side. This way, you can dodge most of the incoming bullet bursts with just a small tap away from the stream, giving yourself more freedom to move in case of emergency.
Ice shot: It's basic use is to create a field of ice that hits bullets, any bullets within a certain area will also freeze. However, fireballs can only be frozen with Bomb. A good strategy to keep Cirno's (main character) motivation up is to shoot enemies until they're nearly dead and then Ice-shot them to finish the deed. You end up receiving a lot more motivation points and can continue to use ice shot. Keep in mind, when a bullet is frozen it is no longer harmful even while still on screen.
Good luck guys! If you would like any more information on these or other bullet-hell shooters, get at me or check out
.dll error Note:
For those that you that get a .dll file error for some reason (uncommon but not unheard of) snag this: It's a direct-X component. Not some crazy trojan. Noobs don't know bout those dynamic load libraries.