Gaming Thread

where the fuck do you get this info constantly and what are you talking about? you always update like it's out there but i don't ever see articles and stuff; where do you have this constant feed of skyrim info coming in from? nice self censor there on the first part haha

i will agree though, pickpocketing really is stupid to be made into a skill, sneak covers that and i barely ever pickpocket (only when quests tell me to really) so that's a huge pain in the ass if not doing it often will make it shitty for when i have to do it in a quest. too many skills becomes a pain in the ass when you have to upgrade them all, and i'm also hoping for leveling up they do experience points like fallout 3. the being able to level up each skill and raise your proficiency of it is great, but right now for example i basically have all my major skills at 100 except for block, hand to hand and speechcraft, so basically i'm doing a bunch of quests and making huge strides yet not leveling up unless i take the time to persuade everyone, fight easier enemies hand to hand and just block fucking constantly. if they had both experience points for leveling up in general AND being able to level up your skills that'd be the perfect combo; they'd just make the leveling what directly affects your stats/gives you perks and then leveling up the skills would give you more additional things that go with tha tskill (like the blade moves) or other perks, more damage etc.
I spend enough hours in real life as a guy. Might as well use my game time to feel what it's like being a platinum blonde hottie :D

Why stop there? May as well take it to the next level and start going furry too. :)

Some "new" Skyrim info:;thumb;1

The merchant pulled a dagger on us, and we were locked in a fight to the death. While our opponent looked completely terrified, we had a lot of fun swapping between attacking up close with the axe and hiding behind rocks while shooting fireballs. The battle ended swiftly, and after a brief lock-picking game, we looted a massive, two-handed battle-axe from the dead man's chest. Flush with victory, we equipped the new weapon and took practice swings at nearby trees until we happened across our next victim: an elderly woman who was gardening.
where the fuck do you get this info constantly and what are you talking about? you always update like it's out there but i don't ever see articles and stuff; where do you have this constant feed of skyrim info coming in from? nice self censor there on the first part haha

Pretty much from checking the Official Forums. :D
you fuckin rule. watching that shit right now haha; clever name too, good method.


also it's pretty weird that he did almost the EXACT same things as in the demos that they've shown before. and i mean literally move for move, step for step, specific finishing move, specific look etc. possibly the full demo running instead of little parts cut from it? the part where he got in the water makes me think otherwise but seriously, literally step for step, the exact same finishing moves, exact same angles; it was literally as if he remade every action from the demos before 100% the same and the game reacted exactly the same.

still, i fucking want it now. i've been finishing up oblivion and just re-installed morrowind and played a bit. I used a couple mods and its looking better, but things like the better bodies/heads change the vanilla game wayy too much for me and feel out of place. however things like more trees, draw distance, no fog (still getting used to that, not used to seeing morrowind not shrouded in fog, i think i'll have to leave at least some enabled because its too weird) and some other things do make it look really good for being 10 years old. still getting used to not having mission markers anymore (how the fuck i got along via directions before baffles me haha, just remembering where the fighters guild in bamora was ended up being a chore) and some other things but it's great to be starting the game agian, and once i get the graphics all settled i'm extremely pumped to get back into it to the fucking max (aside from all that reading; i usually read subtitles along with the audio but just straight up text loops gets tedious as hell after a while).
Full demo. Good quality.

Lol, that was really great. I was already going to get the game anyway--but I was still worried that it was still going to have the horrible leveling system and especially combat from Oblivion. It looks like it's still pretty similar, but it's changed enough and you can also go into 3rd person for a little more variety. I'm also not shallow enough to pick up a game based off of graphics alone, but that was really impressive, especially for it being on the 360 and the PC will undoubtedly look much better.

I still have issues with the whole leveling up system though, because the "play as you want" typically ends up forcing a jack of all trades character, even when you're trying to specialize. Unless you purposefully make certain situations harder than what they need to be. I also didn't see the benefit of dual wielding spells or weapons. It looked like he was still just swinging with one weapon at the same speed he would with a sword and shield. The spells just made it seem like it was a shortcut, since you could always just hotkey swap between spells before anyway, and the "combining for a bigger spell" didn't look any different than just shooting it twice.

I'm also not sure how I feel about the AI when you're in stealth mode. That is one thing that made Morrowind and Oblivion broken. Do a stealth attack, run away, restealth and wipe out an entire room because they keep "forgetting" you were ever there. I'm sure by 11-11-12 there will be enough overhauls though to fix a lot of these issues, especially since the engine itself seems a lot more advanced.

I thought the crowd was pretty funny though, and were asking for the kind of bloodthirsty antics we all do once we get bored with an area or it's out third or fourth replay. "Jump off the mountain!" "Kill the dog!" "Kill him" (guy in the cave), "Tea-bag him!" etc.

Edit: Ah, I did see one new feature that I think is a much needed addition. You no longer have to "spam" certain spells, or have them on longer than needed. Many of the spells allow you to simply slowly drain magicka as long as they are active, and then you just shut them off whenever you want and your magicka stops draining. The healing spell in particular is one of the best examples of this. Healing yourself was such a chore in the other games--although I wonder how your Restoration skill will level up through this method, and if it will be just as tedious or more.

also it's pretty weird that he did almost the EXACT same things as in the demos that they've shown before. and i mean literally move for move, step for step, specific finishing move, specific look etc. possibly the full demo running instead of little parts cut from it? the part where he got in the water makes me think otherwise but seriously, literally step for step, the exact same finishing moves, exact same angles; it was literally as if he remade every action from the demos before 100% the same and the game reacted exactly the same.

He did say it was dynamic and that it adjusted to your actions. So it's probably just setup in an "if then, else" routine. If he's doing one action and gets one outcome because that's the limit to the engine, then it would probably do that same action if you always followed the same process every time from start to finish. I'm just guesstimating though.
Well, the leveling system isn't broken anymore, now any skill contributes to your level up, and there are no more stupid multipliers.

Enemy, I noticed that, but one difference I did notice is when he killed the Dunmer there was no finishing animation this time. Also, it's good to know Wood Elves look awesome now.

About the graphics, every clip they've shown so far has been 360. Todd says the PC version looks "way better."
Well, the leveling system isn't broken anymore, now any skill contributes to your level up, and there are no more stupid multipliers.

Enemy, I noticed that, but one difference I did notice is when he killed the Dunmer there was no finishing animation this time.

Also, it's good to know Wood Elves look awesome now.

Hopefully the "loot issue" will have been adjusted too. I didn't really find it problematic at all in the Fallout games, but I guess you could say that is because it was more "realistic" in a way, if that makes any sense at all. It was kind of dumb in Oblivion how a level 1 bum would drop Tattered_Rags_of_the_Suck_023 and a Rusty Dagger, but that same bum 17 levels later would drop Elven Chain as well as Glass weapons. I just hated how there was no real sense of progression, nor excitement when going against "tougher" or "new" foes. You practically faced the exact same challenge through all levels, and the only thing new gear did was give a different name to the same Wooden Shield you've been using since level 1.

I know why they do this, but that doesn't make it any fun. I'd much prefer not having to wait until Marn's Monster Mod, Oblivion Overhaul, Warcry, Franchesco's and the like are out before being able to play the game.
Well, I think Twilight is far more effective with its romantic elements than most people give it credit for. Granted, it has little else going for it-- but the romance it does well. I find it a fascinating exercise to analyze exactly why that is (which I do for many romances... thankfully Cori is a giant romance movie buff).

- David Gaider
Lead Writer for Dragon Age II

Q: What is your least favorite thing about working in the industry?

>A: Playing the games. This is probably a terrible thing to admit, but it has definitely been the single most difficult thing for me. I came into the job out of a love of writing, not a love of playing games... I'm really terrible at so many things which most games use incessantly -- I have awful hand-eye coordination, I don't like tactics, I don't like fighting, I don't like keeping track of inventory, and I can't read a game map to save my life.

>Q: If you could tell developers of games to make sure to put one thing in games to appeal to a broader audience which includes women, what would that one thing be?

>A: A fast-forward button. Games almost always include a way to "button through" dialogue without paying attention, because they understand that some players don't enjoy listening to dialogue and they don't want to stop their fun. Yet they persist in practically coming into your living room and forcing you to play through the combats even if you're a player who only enjoys the dialogue.

- Jennifer Hepler
Senior Writer of Dragon Age II and Star Wars: The Old Republic

It's funny, but it would have been better if the same Hawke was used in both pictures.
Damn, the video got taken down pretty fast!
One thing I thought was pretty funny is they actually took from The Witcher in the skill leveing in Skyrim. I read an article on IGN where they said that the way they do the leveling is trees, so basically you have your block skill but you can choose taking less damage from it, or a new block move etc and you can level the same thing twice for a higher bonus from it, kinda like in the witcher where you could say choose a sword move or a health bonus and level it once, then level it again later and get the same thing, but with a higher bonus on it. That was one thing I loved about the witcher leveling because it made gaining levels actually interesting in fun as you wanted to increase your skills etc.

the only question I have is so now every skill contributes to your level up, no more major and minor skills? won't that make leveling a bit overpowered if say you basically do a shitload of things like constantly eating ingredients, upgrading alchemy, wear different armors so you can constantly keep them easy to upgrade, using different weapons so you keep them easy to level up in etc as opposed to choosing a few skills and sticking with them just to level up? I see that you still level up the skill proficiency for using it so if you want to be a sword swinging warrior that'll obviously be your main thing but in terms of actually gaining a LEVEL then you could just go use a bunch of skills you never use to get easy points to level. How are they doing the full on level up, and when you level up is that where it gives you points to use on the skill trees or do you get points when you gain another level in that specific skill due to use?

it seems like a cool system using the witcher 2's system but it's obviously a bit more complex since you gain a level in that specific skill just by using it whereas the witcher 2 only allocated points once you gained enough exp to gain a level.

I'm also still not convinced about that same exact things. I mean he literally looked at the environment, changed views, stepped in areas the exact same. could he really just remember exactly what he did in every demo to replicate that live? that seems a little bit worthless to me to replicate every second you look at a tree and every second you sprint etc plus if the engine is dynamic it replicating the same death animation at the same spot in every single demo that wouldn't be right. dunno, it doesn't really affect anything i guess, just curious since they could just be running the demo and pretending to play it but id on't know what that would help.