Gaming Thread

I don't get the Morrow Wind worship. There is no spoken dialogue, which takes away so much from the game. Starfox on Nintendo 64 had spoken dialogue for fucks sake. Reading all that shit makes the game painstaking.
Star Fox 64 also barely had any dialogue at all, as opposed to Morrowind which has tons and tons of it. There was no way they could fit all that on the CD Rom.

I prefer it written. Not only did characters have more to say, but I cringe when I hear an American accent in traditional fantasy games. It didn't even make sense. Imperials had both English and American accents.

And the Nords in Skyrim, GEEZ. I'm not expecting a Scandinavian accent, but come on, American? For a Nord? Ugh.

Really I just hate the way that Dark Elf looks, though. Obviously, they chose a light skin tone for him, compared to the other one they showed, but come on, he looks like a Middle Eastern guy. He doesn't look like a fucking elf at all.

Edit-God I laughed hard at this.

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I always dug the fact that in Morrowind they used real words from different languages to mean completely different things. There's a TON of Italian in that game, and it's really ingenious how they mixed it up. For example, "Sera" they use to mean something like "sir" or "fellow" or something, but in Italian it just means "evening". That's the one that stands out the most because everyone says it, but there were lots of other words from all kinds of languages to mean different things in the game.
eh i think dark elves looked dumb in oblivion. then again EVERYONE looked dumb in oblivion.

Even though they had less polygons, the Dark Elves of Morrowind actually looked a hell of a lot better than those in Oblivion. That screenshot is fine too. You'll most likely be able to adjust the skin tones quite a bit for them, and obviously the hair.

You should see the debate on the forum as to what kind of weapon he's holding. Some are arguing short sword, while others think it's a dagger. One thing is for sure, you wouldn't actually hold a sword like that and expect any kind of consistent results in combat. Knives (or daggers) are what you would usually see someone holding like that.

He doesn't look like a fucking elf at all.

Except that he's got the obnoxious "Night Elf" floppy ears going on...
Oh, DW, I got Red Dead, about to fire it up in a few minutes!

Get ready to say goodbye to your life for about two weeks! The online mode is tons of fun too.

I'm currently playing the Undead Nightmare game they came out with a while's like RDR in an alternate universe and really, really fucking cool. Riding an zombie horse while blasting hordes of zombies? How cool is that?
Seriously, RDR is worthy of being made into a movie. It would be a great movie as well...the storyline in it is one of the best I've ever seen in gaming history.
I don't get the Morrow Wind worship. There is no spoken dialogue, which takes away so much from the game. Starfox on Nintendo 64 had spoken dialogue for fucks sake. Reading all that shit makes the game painstaking.

You mean you have to use your brain? That's like a baby's toy!

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Please don't talk about 'using your brain' while referencing an action/adventure video game. I used mine when I got my master's degree, so if I want to challenge myself I'll read something academic instead of tales about elves and magic spells, caves and wizards.

You do realize it was nothing but a facetious comment right? It simply reminded me of that clip from the movie where people were complaining about the way games used to be--and is par for the course with all of the "streamlining" that's been done over the last decade. I do still find it amusing though when people complain about having to read anything, game or not.

sorry, couldn't help it
oh and games like Morrow Wind and Oblivion go too far with the dialogue and text. Remember in Oblivion how you could go into a house and pick up a book and actually read the book? Some of the books were like 50 pages long if I remember correctly. I mean, seriously, who, if anyone, actually stopped what they were doing to read the stories within the stories within the stories! Insanity. I like the depth and detail the game makers aimed for but no one can have that much free time.
Remember in Oblivion how you could go into a house and pick up a book and actually read the book? Some of the books were like 50 pages long if I remember correctly. I mean, seriously, who, if anyone, actually stopped what they were doing to read the stories within the stories within the stories! Insanity. I like the depth and detail the game makers aimed for but no one can have that much free time.

A certain viking bastard on this board has read every last scrap, I can guarantee!

Also, I just finished installing Morrowind, all of the expansions and the MGSO plus it's three patches, and holy crap does it look a lot better. It pretty much looks like a modern PC game from 2009 now for the most part instead of something released in 2002.