Det Som Engang Var
Viking Bastard
No, this is our thread. You rarely contribute to it. Get over it.
Don't come wide at me John, this isn't 4chan and I'll post where I want to. It's very easy for you to condense posts to a few sentences instead of three paragraphs.No, this is our thread. You rarely contribute to it. Get over it.
original UT is an all time favorite as well, and almost as awesome as q2, but those q2 dm maps are just perfection. well balanced, well stocked, everything in the proper place, and yet unusual, asymetrical, with little hidden places and paths, so many different routes to take around the maps depending on preference. also q2 had a better weapons lineup, everything could actually get you kills, even the bottom guns, single shotty vs rockets you had a chance to come out on top with some well placed shots. and the RAIL GUNall DM and team DM games bow to Unreal Tournament. Seriously, the original Unreal Tournament just destroys everything else