speedy meatmonger
actually why not go all out
I do live! Life caught up to me, so I've been crazy busy dawg. But the shizzle is in the bizack of the hizzle now.... or that is to say... hey how's it goin?
Come on man. You want people to read your text walls (hell, I don't mind reading a lot, but they are getting kind of out of control) but you can't even read a small paragraph of theirs? I said that the Gamespot gameplay was with the finished product. It's a very recent video under their "Now Playing" section where they play games that have already gone gold.
but it flows a lot better in stealth/action sections where you go right up to guys and do it as opposed to something like that where it just comes out of dialogue (that's where the fading to black and into it is most prominent, gold or preview build both included).
That's great.
The sequences on the Gamespot video are in fact, from stealth. And they look horrible.
*yawn* Remind me why people play this button mashing nonsense?