Gaming Thread

Come on man. You want people to read your text walls (hell, I don't mind reading a lot, but they are getting kind of out of control :loco:) but you can't even read a small paragraph of theirs? I said that the Gamespot gameplay was with the finished product. It's a very recent video under their "Now Playing" section where they play games that have already gone gold.

I did read it and I said 2 different things. One of which was that yes it is jarring in some parts, but it flows a lot better in stealth/action sections where you go right up to guys and do it as opposed to something like that where it just comes out of dialogue (that's where the fading to black and into it is most prominent, gold or preview build both included). My mentioning of tightening it up was related to MY experience with it since obviously they have tightened it up (those random takedowns in the build were even MORE jarring, thus i'm sure in actual combat in the final version it'll be fine but stuff like passive npcs will still seem a bit odd), not the video as there's no denying it looks disjointed, but that's a specific scenario.

the finished version does look a lot better though and i'm quite glad. things like the depth of field and some other graphical effects just weren't as prominent in the beta and freaked everyone out, but i'm glad the full version is going to be completely polished. now i just have to keep my mind off it, fuck.

edit: haha that video is fucking ridiculous, i knew from the second i did a takedown on a random civilian that people would be making tons of videos of them doing takedowns on random innocents walking the street, pretty much the modern equivalent of all the ridiculous deus ex videos such as blowing up the little kid in hong kong.

That's great.:lol:

but it flows a lot better in stealth/action sections where you go right up to guys and do it as opposed to something like that where it just comes out of dialogue (that's where the fading to black and into it is most prominent, gold or preview build both included).

The sequences on the Gamespot video are in fact, from stealth. And they look horrible.
That's great.:lol:

The sequences on the Gamespot video are in fact, from stealth. And they look horrible.

well we're just going to have to agree to disagree then aren't we haha; i think when coming right up on someone in an action setting it flows really well (as long as there isn't any console/pc lag but that's on the user) and the number of different amounts is really vast and seeing it in 3rd person as opposed to first looks a lot better (people would complain about motion sickness if it was in 1st). shouldn't have watched that video all the way through though, just gets me even more pumped considering that part is in the beta and it looks a lot better actually there, evne on fucking CONSOLES so on pc it'll look marvelous.

i've been working on a metal/remake of the Unatco return song and it's so nerdy yet fun haha; i'll post it here when i'm done as i'm hoping to get it out before human revolution releases and i think its sounding pretty cool. only lame part is finding a good arrangement and recording the themes on guitar was fucking hard (plus i can't seem to get the EXACT sound of the original unatco arpeggios which i want to put in a spot in the background).
that looks like it's going to be sooo generic and lame haha; i enjoyed the rage trailer more (speaking of which, totally pumped for rage. watching a related video which is about id, pretty crazy history of such a great developer and rage looks like it's going to keep that tradition going and their nerdyness is hilarious).

"We’ve really struck a great balance. [...] Mass Effect came out almost eight years ago – you’re not going to remember all the details from when you played that game, right? Even I can’t recall everything that happened to me when that came out in 2007.

I think this is definitely the best chance we have in the series to really break out and go truly blockbuster. It really is a natural entry point for people: giant alien race launches all-out war, you have to rally the forces of the universe to counter and see if you can take them down. That’s pretty clear. You don’t need to be like: ‘Well, what about when I had this love affair?’ It’s like, who cares? It’s all out war!"
*yawn* Remind me why people play this button mashing nonsense?

Because if you're actually playing to the engine's strengths, you don't just "button mash", even if on the normal or easy settings you can get through most of the game doing that. Have you ever played the modern Ninja Gaiden games? Those are definitely not button mashers, yet fall into the same genre. I'm also going to assume you've never played Devil May Cry 3.
The first Devil May Cry was amazing when it came out, and it's still a pretty great game even today. The second was kind of garbage and the third was conisdered one of the most difficult action games from the PS2 era--which also means it's still one of the most difficult today.

DmC on the other hand is probably going to end up being a (mostly) mindless button masher similar to God of War 3. It's being developed by a team that's known for graphics, "ok" gameplay and games that don't last more than six hours. Their last game had some nice scenery, but the gameplay was completely shallow and so easy that it may as well have been on rails.
I enjoyed devil may cry 3 when I had a console and yes, it was fucking tough. however, nothing can touch ninja gaiden. i remember furiously throwing my controller against a wall during that giant boss battle in the church; man that game was fucking hard yet awesome. i think honestly these games are dying because now instead of making challenges you have to think about/puzzles it really all is just button mashing and learning new "OMG CRAYZAYYY" moves to blow shit up with. i don't have a console so i don't have to worry about it, but if the next ninja gaiden sucks that'd be a crime.
The Ninja Gaiden series died when the main man behind them took off to form his own company. The game he's been working on for a few years though looks like it could be of the same level as that series (if they actually end up with enough funds for a polished product--something not known for games from THQ).

Yeah, the Ninja Gaiden series is essentially "dead" and has been replaced by God of War 4: Revenge of the Ninja.;title;4
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I am a huge fan of the Devil May Cry storyline. Devil May Cry and Devil May Cry 3 are great games. Two and four were absolutely terrible, which is due to the fact that the team who developed the original split and did their own thing *cough Bayonetta* which was fantastic.

I see they are calling this one Devil May Cry. What the fuck is their problem? Do they not know that there is already a game called Devil May Cry? When does this take place and who the shit is this guy? Are they going to pull a stupid stunt like they did in Devil May Cry 4 and have you play some other dude and not Dante? Is that Dante? Highly doubt it, since Devil May Cry 3 is about Dante in his younger years and how he came to be.

I am not getting my hopes up for this one, but I will play it of course. Also hack-n-slash games are not really a button masher. You may be able to get away with that crap on super easy mode, but increase the level of difficulty and you will see that your mashing is a bad idea.