Gaming Thread

from what i remember they're trying to "revitalize" the franchise by basically making a game called DMC which is essentially devil may cry but is supposed to be a retelling/redoing of the first game. so they're trying to "get back to the roots and reamp it" by having a new character, new gameplay etc. kinda like how theres that new tomb raider game and that was called tomb raider or whatever and was supposed to re-do the franchise in modern times. basically just like hollywood remakes, they're out of ideas so they take an old and well liked franchise, completely remake it, give it the same name but edgier and essentially have a "remake" game that ends up sucking and just tarnishing the legacy of the original which they thought they could eclipse. fucking stupid as all hell.
These games are all button mashing nonsense. I button mash my way through them on normal difficulty every time, and I'm not going to turn it up to hard to justify the bland mechanics. Even if you have some strategy or technique behind the buttons you're mashing, it's still mindless button mashing with cookie-cutter storylines and two dimensional characters. Dante felt like he was cooked up by a seven year old weeaboo, and the only interesting thing about Kreitos was the Greek-Mythology basis of the setting he was in.

God of War, Devil May Cry, it's all the same shit. Mindless waves of enemies in a genre that shouldn't have survived the 32 bit era with story lines that make The Disney Channel look innovative, with some silly puzzles thrown in to make you feel like you haven't been doing the same thing for the last five hours.

The bosses are interesting, I'll give it that. But it's still style over substance, all of it.
I'm playing God of War 3 on PS3 and it's quite entertaining. The boss fights are completely fucking epic. Not a fan of this genre but they did this one quite well. Lots more strategy and such.
Haha yeah, absolutely. But it's to games what Independence Day is to movies; just eye candy and mindless fun, but you don't want to sit there for more than an hour or so.
have any of you guys played E.Y.E: divine cybermancy? I'm checking it out on my older pc (source engine so it's not hard to run but it actually looks really fucking good because of the art direction) and it's by far one of the most PC games i've ever played. tons of menus, customization, pc features and it just throws you into the world like fuck you, figure it out. Imagine deus ex but 10 times more complicated and more William Gibson - Neuromancer style. It's got a bunch of flaws yeah but it's actually pretty fucking fun and difficult. The powers you can use are fucking off the wall and the customization is insane; there are some features and things where it takes away skill points and other random shit which bugs me because of how stupid and useless it is, but overall it's really fucking fun and the shooting/world design is really fucking satisfying.

with human revolution coming out i'm hoping this will convince more developers to go sci-fi instead of just military shooters. sci fi allows for soo much more world design (in EYE you have a base which is a giant temple and the scale is INSANE, i mean the giant windows that the light flows into are literally 100 times as tall as your character and it feels massive) and gameplay innovation. even though EYE is a game developed by a small indie studio and is too hard/tedious for regular gamers that aren't PC, human revolution could spark an onslaught of games which have more sci fi and cyberpunk themes and are way cool and innovative. obviously a lot will suck, but i'd take crazy scifi neuromancer type worlds over a military fps any day; plus the fact that some of them will be great and so far HR, Prey 2 and EYE are games I'm really into (prey 2 i'm assuming as it's essentially blade runner) and are unique and pushing boundaries of gameplay and world design, and more like that would be great.

HR is obviously more of the console end, prey 2 i assume will be as well, but eye shows there are real pc games out there still. trailers don't do it full justice as you really need to play it to understand the depth (i suggest dling it as it's $20 but you'll either love it or hate it) but check out the trailer to get kind of an idea. some trailers seem like COD but sci-fi and it's really not considering you will get fucking shredded from all angles if you do, you basically have to stalk and search because enemies are very well hidden, really smart, pretty fucking tough and honestly some of the coolest designs i've seen in a while (badass armor just makes them look like the NCR trenchcoat trooper in fallout nv but more sinister):
sorry for the double post and you shouldn't ignore my previous post because it's awesome! but i have a question and i'm sure some of you veterans can answer it:

basically my friend has a regular comp, and i got him to play deus ex recently (loved it btw of course) and now i want to play some co-op games with him. however, he doesn't even have a designated graphics card really so anything new at all is just a no go. one thing game i've always wanted to play but never got around to is System Shock 2 (i know, how fucked up is it that i haven't played this) and i saw that it has co-op. i couldn't find it on steam or anything but obviously its on a shitload of sites but will i be able to play co-op if i dl it and my friend dl's a copy? it's so old i imagine that it wouldn't have the things new games have where it can block online multiplayer and tbh not being able to find it on steam sucks and i'm not going to find it on some crazy online retailer or anything.

does anyone have any experience with this and know if it'll work out? he can obviously run it since he coudl run deus ex but i don't want to dl it and have him dl it and find out we can't do co-op. any help woudl be appreciated because the only other option i'd do is duke 3d but i've beaten that about a billion times.
System Shock 2 is great. I didn't play it online so I don't know how the whole multiplayer option works. It is an old game so it should run fine if you were able to run Deus Ex.
You may be able to get away with that crap on super easy mode, but increase the level of difficulty and you will see that your mashing is a bad idea.

I always play on the next to highest settings for my first playthrough and then attempt "God/Spartan" or whatever modes after that and you definitely cannot mash and succeed at those difficulties. But then some people just come back with "oh, so you mean the default difficulty isn't the real normal difficulty?". They are made this way to appeal to a wider audience. Problem is when people do play them in a mindless manner, get really bored (rightfully so) and assume that's all there is to it. Dynasty Warriors on the other hand...

I will say though that God of War 3 was a huge QTE turd of a game that had so much potential. The first twenty minutes of the game was the most impressive part of it too, and after that it was all downhill from there. There was also really only one difficult fight in the entire game as well.

@Enemy: I saw that game, and was considering playing it, but then saw all of the negative feedback with it. It has a relatively unique premise, but it's supposed to be extremely vague, extremely repetitive level designs and repetitive gameplay. I can't play a FPS/TPS if it doesn't have some compelling reason to play. Shooting the same mindless AI again and again is not it.
I'm playing God of War 3 on PS3 and it's quite entertaining. The boss fights are completely fucking epic. Not a fan of this genre but they did this one quite well. Lots more strategy and such.
Yeah it's not a question of running it, I know my friend can run it as he can run deus ex and even on my old comp i can run hl2 on max settings, it's more of can the online co-op work on a downloaded copy that isn't retail (i know a lot of games now require cracks to play online multiplayer, and a lot of them can't even crack it). if it has some sort of system in place where it detects it and doesn't allow us to play online then that'd be a bust. I already have it though so I'm looking up some mods and guess I'll just try it out, can't hurt.

@Enemy: I saw that game, and was considering playing it, but then saw all of the negative feedback with it. It has a relatively unique premise, but it's supposed to be extremely vague, extremely repetitive level designs and repetitive gameplay. I can't play a FPS/TPS if it doesn't have some compelling reason to play. Shooting the same mindless AI again and again is not it.

It does have reasons to play as there are a lot of gameplay elements, such as just learning to use all the psi and other powers (there's tons of them, all with totally unique actions) is a task in of itself. Not only that but the hacking is really intense and versatile (less fun than DX:HR though) and there are crazy unique other things. The biggest reason for the negative feedback is the difficulty though. Really most people can't do it because it just drops you into the game, has tutorial videos you can watch, but even then still has crazy complex stat systems and other things, plus NPC's all around your home base you can talk to/get info from about the mechanics/world/lore and that's a bit tedious. The morons at IGN gave it a 5 and gamespot gave it a 7 because IGN can't rate anything highly that you aren't able to instantly jump into and play without effort and that doesn't pay them for a good rating. However if you're a PC gamer and have been for a while it's easier to grasp the ideas and basically just playing through it you learn as you go and it's quite unique and worth it; last night I planned just to play for 30 minutes and ended up going 2 hours because I couldn't stop.

If in doubt just pirate it and try it out; it's 20 bucks to buy it so that might be steep considering the love it/hate it but if you pirate it, basically play for 2 hours learning as you go by that point you'll either know if you hate it or love it and can decide to continue or not (plus it's like less than 3gb so you won't be dling for 10 years).
why wouldn't a downloaded copy work online? they always do, and there are VERY rare exceptions to pirated working online. The only one that has in the past 5 years that I have played it is Borderlands. also If I can find them does anyone wan't a CD key to BFBC2 or Oblivion? i'm not sure on the Oblivion but I know I got a BFBC2 one, I bought oblivion on sale on steam and so i have a spare for that but i'm not sure if I still have the little booklet for it.

Also have one for GTA4 CD-key I believe.
sometimes pirated games (back when i used to pirate, i don't any more and have as such deleted all the games from my comp and bought them on steam because of the ridiculously low prices and the fact that i don't want to fuck my comp up with potential spyware/viruses) simply don't work for online play. I remember this when I had Halo on the PC (had it on xbox as well) and it just wouldn't let you connect to servers etc. maybe cracks now fix this problem or something since I'm sure crackers are crazy good now but as far as I can remember pirated games weren't able to play online so I was concerned about if system shock 2 would have an issue since I can't even find it on steam, but maybe that far back they didn't do anything in regards to that.
exactly they still aren't able to go online, only time they were was before CD-keys lol

In other news GG Call of Duty, why don't you let Battlefield take the reins back pl0x

The morons at IGN gave it a 5 and gamespot gave it a 7 because IGN can't rate anything highly that you aren't able to instantly jump into and play without effort and that doesn't pay them for a good rating.

Both Gamespot and IGN are usually worthless (IGN even moreso), but Gamespot still has one or two reviewers who seem to have some integrity. Besides that, I don't just look at two sites before deciding on something if that's what you were assuming.

This is from Destructoid:

You see, E.Y.E doesn't make any sense. At all. It's not clear if this is due to poor localization or the French developers really being that schizophrenic, but the dialog is inane, the narrative is incoherent, and the ending only serves to confuse rather than explain.

If this sounds a bit overwhelming, that's because it is. You will drown in a sea of concepts, and though many menus are stuffed with information, none of it's very informative. There are over a dozen tutorial videos to watch, but they explain very little and the game really requires you to just dive in, muddle through, and work it out as you go along. There are things about E.Y.E that I'm certain I still haven't discovered, and possibly never will, but wrestling this game to the ground and trying to understand it is a pleasure in and of itself.

That's not good for a game that's has a lot of roleplaying elements. Using some lame excuse like "PC gamers are used to this" or "PC gamers are smarter so they will figure out this mess!" is not a valid reason for a game to be so messy. It's also only six hours long, so you're basically paying for a very long demo. Overall though, they had favorable things to say about it.
Gamespot and IGN are both guilty of taking under the table cash for good ratings, to hell with them both.

Human Revolution is out soon! I haven't been keeping up with it because I don't trust Square-Enix to make a decent game but who knows!
Gamespot and IGN are both guilty of taking under the table cash for good ratings, to hell with them both.

Human Revolution is out soon! I haven't been keeping up with it because I don't trust Square-Enix to make a decent game but who knows!

Except that they aren't the developers, just the publisher. Big difference, even though they are the people in charge of making sure there's enough funds and time for a quality product. It's no different than people hating on EA, and still expecting ME3 to end up being great (Bioware).

I haven't really heard a single negative thing about Human Revolution from the various people who have played the leak--in it's very unfinished state. Pretty much everyone, everywhere thinks it's going to be one of the best games this year if the last twenty hours are as good as the first ten. The transition to takedown attacks doesn't look good to me, but that's pretty much the only thing I haven't liked, and it's pretty insignificant.
Except that they aren't the developers, just the publisher. Big difference, even though they are the people in charge of making sure there's enough funds and time for a quality product. It's no different than people hating on EA, and still expecting ME3 to end up being great (Bioware).

I haven't really heard a single negative thing about Human Revolution from the various people who have played the leak--in it's very unfinished state. Pretty much everyone, everywhere thinks it's going to be one of the best games this year if the last twenty hours are as good as the first ten. The transition to takedown attacks doesn't look good to me, but that's pretty much the only thing I haven't liked, and it's pretty insignificant.

Supposedly Square has not touched one thing in the game. It was being developed before they were bought out and Square basically just left them alone and only dealt with marketing/contests things like that, but everything else was up to them (in terms of the game).

The only things I can POSSIBLY think of people hating on (I don't find these to be bad at all) would be: the takedown transitions, the loading screens being a littleee bit lengthy (very well could be fixed in the final version), slightly low res textures (people expect photo realistic when thats not what they're going for).

I'm pretty much dying counting down the days, and have the augmented edition on preorder. I've been doing everything possible to try and burn up the time and forget about it but considering it comes out the day I start school it's pretty hard, but oh well, it'll be amazing.
I've been doing everything possible to try and burn up the time and forget about it but considering it comes out the day I start school it's pretty hard, but oh well, it'll be amazing.

Sucks to be you on that day! I'll be playing it on Monday after midnight when it is available to download from Impulse. Then again, you've already played the first ten or so hours of it, and I've been waiting. :cry:
Square never touched the actual game/gameplay but they did actually do the first (I think it was) CGI video where Adam was smoking, and then picks up that glass and cracks it a little bit. I think that was just for promotional purposes, but you cannot deny that Square has some high talent when it comes to that kind of thing. They've just been sucking in every other area for the last five years. I also feel odd calling them Square-Enix, since I distinctly remember playing RPGS made by Enix and those made by Square until the buyout or merger or whatever it was.