Gaming Thread

Sucks to be you on that day! I'll be playing it on Monday after midnight when it is available to download from Impulse. Then again, you've already played the first ten or so hours of it, and I've been waiting. :cry:

haha believe me, you're muchhh luckier that you've been waiting; I had no doubts about it being amazing from the start and I played the beta simply because I could not wait, but instead it had a worse effect in that it ends right at a fucking hugeee cliffhanger and you've really been getting into it so i was like FUCKKKK and even playing it through a few more times trying to find all the secrets just made the waiting even worse. I'm seriously dying here since I've been waiting for a real deus ex sequel since I played it in 2000 (bought invisible war for xbox and was devastated), so this has been a longggg time coming.

It really blows that I had to get a physical copy because I wanted to just do steam, though if you preorder from gamestop you get a special mission with tracer tong in it (as i'm sure you know as you did impulse, but i have a gaming pc and a regular pc, and i refuse to put another bullshit client on my gaming pc and the guy at the store couldn't tell me if impulse just gives you a steam key and you can uninstall; better safe than sorry), and being the huge dx fanboy that I am i couldn't pass up an extra mission. I couldn't give any less of a fuck about the extra weapons and blah blah since I hate that preorder bullshit, but cut content with a previous dx character just forces me to do it. Basically that day i have early morning classes and am out at 1 pm so I'll be sitting in my chair all day squirming and ripping my fucking hair out and the second it ends fucking running to gamestop, installing that shit while I lift in my apartment, showering, locking all doors and windows and playing until the next day, then going to school on 0 hours of sleep haha. Judging by how the leak was I can do a few hours a night that week and basically time it justtt right so Friday when I play i'll be at the spot the leak ended, thus allowing me to lock all doors and windows and play the game from Friday night - Monday morning with no disruptions or leaving my house to play from the spot it left off at.

You're all in for a treat, believe me. Never have anticipated a game this much, and probably have never played a game so perfect in gameplay, innovation, art direction, sound and atmosphere, characters, connection to the world, amazing plot etc. It's beyond pathetic that this is true, but basically right now I'm living for this game and each day is just hours to count down until it's release which is beyond pathetic, yet I can't find anything else that I can pin my purpose for not dying to haha; i'll be playing that game any free time i have all that week, for 72 hours straight that weekend, then all next week listening to the soundtrack on bart, reading the art booklet, and watching the making of on my ipad, fuck yeah augmented edition take my fucking money.

And yes and no in regards to your square thing; Square did not touch the game at all, they bought them out when it was already in development and obviously only gave them limits on the time they could develop it since they had a budget etc, and the trailers were touched by them yes and no. I believe I read that while square did choose some people to work on the trailer, they had their own designer/project leader/some person from EM who agreed to all the things in every trailer. So while square may have paid for the promo stuff/hired the company, EM still had the choice of what was going to be in things so essentially Square didn't just take away all responsibility, the just kinda spear headed it. The only thing I know that Square completely controlled was marketing in terms of where the ads would air, what kind of promotional contests they'd do etc; though things like the facebook unlock program were controlled and created by their community manager. Square had faith in them and just took over most of the marketing work but let them do their thing which is a really good idea considering how invested in this project EM is. Since this is their first game and a franchise loved by gamers everywhere, they go tbeyond lucky with how this has all worked out. The leak could've gone over terribly and fucked them over, but luckily the game was good enough it really boosted them, their promo companies did a great job with promoting the game, and they worked so hard that they truly made a successor to deus ex. Considering how well this does will essentially predict how much money they get/how they're viewed and get creative control in the future (being a bungie where from game 1 you're a big company with control and fame vs a company that falls and gets stuck with shit projects and a parent publisher constantly interfering in your shit) I'm glad this game will do really well and they put so much into it for all of us out there as well as themselves, and I'm very interesting to see what else they are able to come up with in the future now due to having such a bright start/leading with such a good example of a developer who listens to fans and is passionate about their project.
can't watch it haha, the complete media fucking frenzy they've been having has seriously revealed wayyy too much of the game for me and so i've blacked myself out of all videos. having played the leak and watched a good amount of the lengthy ign preview they did, i've basically seen almost all of detroit and a large part of the tai yung medical facility, which is just far too much. if theres anything i can fault them on, it's that they simply showed so fucking much it's absurd, and i would've much rather they showed all aspects of gameplay and whatnot but in detroit exclusively. theres nothign better than that surprise you get seeing a game environment and playing for the first time, and considering i know most of the areas i'm trying to keep as much of that fresh as possible (i know of the areas, but haven't seen much of shanghai or picus at all so i'm chill, plus i've been trying to not listen to the soundtrack much either).

i hear that japanese trailer is ridiculous though, i can't believe how much they've put out though. on something awful there's a thread for it and the OP seriously has listed every media thing related to the game, and the page is just filleddd with hyperlinks. if you guys think i write too much, this guy is like me on steroids. I've probably seen 3/4ths of the videos and even i consider that too much; i'm hoping (and i'm sure there are) to see areas in the game i didnt know about, so i'm really trying to stay out of it. for example theres some giant ocean lab hinted at in a trailer and i dont know anything about that, and plan to keep it that way (plus 2 of the people who worked on the game posted on SA and said a bunch of sidequests you don't even know you're on, so i'm very much looking forward to that and since i know what augs to get first on my first play through to have access to the most stuff, everything will be all good in the hood).

btw a really cool trailer for those of you who aren't on media blackout like me, is one that 1up did recently. it shows a lot of early footage and things from the game such as the original tech demo and this demo they did to show the game before they went into fully developing it. seriously it's by far my favorite video i've seen of the game because how behind the scenes it is and i hope they include it in the behind the scenes thing in the augmented edition; seeing the kinda beta beta version of the game running is trippy as hell because they dont even have the black/gold color scheme and it looks sooo much different (and to be honest, really cool. it looks like deus ex and as much as i like the color scheme, i think this would've been really great too). hell, in the tech demo jensen is even an entirely different character and there's crazy shit; definitely check it out:

if there's any video you should watch to really get a kick out of, it's that. DO IT NAO
I actually liked Invisible War because it furthered the storyline and was very interesting. There's no chance in fucking hell that I'm passing this one up. Hopefully my PC can handle it. After having seen and played it Enemy, can you tell me if you think my specs will do it justice? Minimum and recommended specs are usually bogus; I played the Witcher 2 just above minimum specs and it played fucking fantastically.

Windows XP
Intel Dual Core 3 GHz
3 Gigs of RAM
GeForce 450 1 GB

I'm sure it'll play well...I can play Crysis 2 without a problem on high settings. I just wanted to see what you thought of it since you played it.
I actually liked Invisible War because it furthered the storyline and was very interesting. There's no chance in fucking hell that I'm passing this one up. Hopefully my PC can handle it. After having seen and played it Enemy, can you tell me if you think my specs will do it justice? Minimum and recommended specs are usually bogus; I played the Witcher 2 just above minimum specs and it played fucking fantastically.

Windows XP
Intel Dual Core 3 GHz
3 Gigs of RAM
GeForce 450 1 GB

I'm sure it'll play well...I can play Crysis 2 without a problem on high settings. I just wanted to see what you thought of it since you played it.

Invisible War I don't hate, it's just not Deus Ex. They tried really hard to make a consolized game with great graphics, and they managed to get the art direction/graphics looking really damn good and interesting, but at the expense of the areas (loading times were INSANE for super small areas, backtracking was hell) and everything else in the game. The aug system was just so fucked up considering how random they were and how you had to pass on so many just to have one necessary one and so many other problems. Just like you I only played it because it was "Deus Ex" and it continued the story, and even to this day I still replay it sometimes (recently did it with a bunch of mods/tweaks and on my powerful pc it looks and plays really well) because I do like the continuation of the story/universe/atmosphere as cheesy as it can be. Some of the story elements were really fucking lame but I'm just such a huge fanboy it's still enjoyable to me to play through and continue in that world with those characters. For me Deus Ex is a 10/10 and Invisible war is a 7/10; I expect Human Revolution to be a 9/10.

In regards to your specs yes, you can easily play the game. Even with the beta being unpolished, on my computer it ran perfectly at 60 fps with everything maxed; to be honest it's really not a graphically intense game, and the reason it looks good is just due to the insanely great art direction and things like that. The original deus ex wasn't extremely pretty at it's time either, but the art direction and interesting game made up for it, and this is following in it's footsteps exactly.

I'm not sure how recent your card is, but the only thing that is relatively intensive is it has Directx11 features such as tessellation for those who can handle it. The gigantic performance eaters are things like 3d and eyefinity (tons of monitors) but I doubt any of us want to do that. Judging by the leak I think you as well as most people with a recent gaming PC will be able to play it at max resolution, with all settings maxed except for MAYBE the max anti aliasing. For me I was able to max everything and max the resolution, but my PC is a bit more powerful than yours.

Regardless, you'll definitely be able to make it look great and max everything except maybe 1 setting, and still get 60 fps constantly (even in the beta it runs really well and feels amazingly optimized; I never had any slowdowns no matter what my setting and it felt really great because I'm used to a lot of games that even with powerhouse computers have slowdowns just due to a shitty engine). Those recommended and minimum settings really aren't good to go off of, because I think with even the recommended settings people wouldn't be able to max things out, however yours is different.

The only thing I'd say is the loading times might be a bit of a hassle because even with my computer they were a bit long (though again, leaked unpolished beta so that could be definitely shorter in the final version, plus all the areas you load into are massive so its not like invisible war where backtracking means 10 load screens and you spend 5 minutes in each area), but other than that you should have no issues as long as you don't force options in your graphics card control panel. There's really no reason for people to get this on consoles considering how much work has gone into the PC version, and Nixxies did a really good job optimizing it and making it a true PC game. With all the options and extra stuff they did, the game looks and plays amazing on PC and playing it on consoles is a crime unless your PC is like 3 years old.

EDIT: I noticed you have XP, so I'm not sure actually about what EXACTLY will happen. All this was assuming it will work on XP like it works on Vista/7 but I think you'll be alright. If XP can run Directx11 then it'll be exactly like I've stated, but if it can't run Directx11 then you'll basically be losing out on a few features like tesselation etc. It's not a big deal though considering those eat up performance and if that is the case you'll miss out on some nifty things, but your performance will be GUARANTEED 60 fps constantly even with everything maxed. So who knows, either you have the super intense features on and it looks great and is almost positively 60 fps or you don't and it's guaranteed 60 fps even with everything pushed to the fucking limit. Either way it's all good.
XP cannot run DX11.

but your performance will be GUARANTEED 60 fps constantly even with everything maxed

That's a very silly and innacurate thing to say. No two PCs run exactly the same, and even a "more powerful" setup can have many more issues than a slightly lower end PC. All you really need though to have an enjoyable experience is no dips below 35 - 40 FPS, and they also need to be infrequent.
XP can't run DX10 either. Honestly, I don't miss it...9c is fine. I'm not gonna buy Win 7 for this computer because I'm getting a new rig around the beginning of next year when all the sales start, so I'll just get it with my new build. I've had this one for 5 years and it's been fantastic. Changed video cards and bought a new hard drive and that's it. It stays nice and cool and is very quiet.

I was watching the demo and I see what Enemy's saying about the graphics; they're not groundbreaking or anything really special, but the art direction the game has is amazing.

I'm seriously thinking about getting Skyrim for PS3 instead of PC. It's not a shooter even though it's first-person, and I'd really like to see it on my tv in all its HD glory. Shooters, RPGs, and Eve will stay on my PC.

But I'm REALLY looking forward to Dust 514.
I believe he will have no problems with 60 fps. You may think otherwise, but sorry, I think that is the truth so that's what I'll say. Just from what I've experienced and extrapolated, there's no reason for it not to, considering how truly well the game is optimized, how the graphics are not demanding at all yet look good etc. With a 1 gb card, 3 gb of ram (without vista or 7 hogging it all), a 3.0 dual processor and no directx11 features? If he experienced lag more than 3 times in the entire game I would be flat out baffled. I play a lot of PC games so while I'm no expert, I know a lot of games lag regardless, yet others really don't, and from what I've seen and played (a lot), HR really does not lag and just all around is a game that performs extremely well. It's a pretty rare case in this regard and unless by release it's completely fucked up there should be no reason, and if he's cool with only have 9.0c then honestly that's going to be a pretty great setup.

Definitely agree on the Skyrim thing though, ps3 would be the way to go. My pc is a fucking behemoth but even I'm sketched out about skyrim as I love to play games on max settings and resolution, and bethesda games are notorious for glitches, bugs, performance issues, stuttering etc. That's the type of game where no matter what PC you have you have no idea how it'll work. I'm probably going to get an SSD and maybe upgrade my i5 2600k to an i7 for it as well as Rage, but not completely sure yet.
XP can't run DX10 either.

Not the "true" DX10 that Microsoft produced anyway. There are a few libraries running around out there that allow you to run DX10 games with all of the DX10 options enabled in XP. That's why I didn't list that as being non compatible. But there's hardly any DX10 games worth mentioning anyway, and the performance hit was too large for what you gained in comparison to DX11. Maybe someone will do something similar for DX11 if you haven't upgraded before then.

As for Skyrim...if all I were planning on doing was playing the vanilla version, and that's it, I'd probably get it for the console too. But of course that's not the case, and the game will be a lot better within six months after release through all of the mod releases. It already looks good graphically, but people will still be able to make it look even better, and they will also probably find a way to make the combat less shitty for a change.

You may think otherwise, but sorry, I think that is the truth so that's what I'll say.

That's great, but the fact (see: not gut feelings) is that you have no idea exactly what is going to happen on his system, so you cannot guarantee anything. You can only give an educated guess. You could have said something like "I'd be willing to assume you'll have no problem having a consistent 60 FPS" not "I CAN GUARANTEE IT!". He already said that he can run Crysis 2 on High without any issues, so he should be able to run HR at a consistently high framerate.
I know, dude. I know. You see what I mean? It's like a movie! It was the first game I played where I felt like I was intimately involved in the story on a level that transcended other games.

The good thing is that the online gameplay is actually pretty have to level up your character and the PvP is pretty decent and actually pretty tough. After you beat it, start playing online. Actually, get Undead Nightmare because that's got all the expansion packs on it and is a really, REALLY cool single player game. With that game you unlock all the other areas online and you can actually play poker with other players.

If you start playing online, I'm doomblackdeath. Hit me up and we'll form a posse.
That's great, but the fact (see: not gut feelings) is that you have no idea exactly what is going to happen on his system, so you cannot guarantee anything. You can only give an educated guess. You could have said something like "I'd be willing to assume you'll have no problem having a consistent 60 FPS" not "I CAN GUARANTEE IT!". He already said that he can run Crysis 2 on High without any issues, so he should be able to run HR at a consistently high framerate.

splitting hairs there buddy, i'm sure he doesn't think that my guarantee means that there's no way it couldn't happen, arguing semantics is just retarded. seriously. the chance of all that not happening is so low the fact that my word choice wasn't exactly right is seriously not a big deal.

also fucking hell, supposedly the 360 version has leaked. :bah: so now i have to fucking watch EVERYWHERE i post/go to make sure i don't catch any spoilers or any info from it, because people will assuredly be past where the leak ends probably by fucking tomorrow. even if i did have the capabilities to play it (modded illegal or developer 360, kinda hard) i wouldn't because the pc version is going to be where it's fucking at, though i gotta say i'm FUCKING PISSED ITS ALWAYS THE 360 VERSION. every time a game gets leaked its the fucking 360 version; I just want them to do a game rip and leak the fucking pc version for once.

I would be so happy that tears would run down my face, i'd spasm uncontrollably, fall to the floor, and my dick would literally spew jism all over the walls like a firehose if the pc version leaked today and I could play it constantly and beat it before school started. then i could go into my first week of school satisfied, playing it at night, enjoying my leisurely 2nd-5th playthrough trying all the different things instead of pulling my hair out and being pissed as hell beacuse i'll only get maybe 2 hours per night to play it and then have to go insane over the weekend playing it 24/7.

If the pc version leaks and one of you sends me a pm of where to get it you'll be my fucking hero/i'll love you forever and send you a gift basket of scented soaps, flowers, fruit and a vial of my tears/any bodily fluid aside from blood that you desire. thnx.

edit: FUCKING HELL ITS BOTH PS3 AND 360. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. and of course the pc one won't until maybe a day before and then won't be cracked until a day after release. i'm fuming right now thinking about the fact that i could be enjoying this with the perfect amount of time, no stress and making my first week of school way easier to deal with/the game much more enjoyable, but instead i'll be playing 2 hours a night until the weekend and then going insane. I know this is totally spoiled of me but i don't give a fuck, i've waited for this so long and the anticipation is just so insane that this infuriates me considering developers shy away from the pc and then on the consoles the games ALWAYS get fucking leaked and pirated weeks before. nice fucking logic you douchebags.
What's really funny is all of the moaning about PC piracy. Yeah, it happens...a lot, even more than console pirating, even if more people are actually playing on the consoles. Thing is, a hell of a lot more people RENT or trade in their games for other used games than anything else. That hurts the bottom dollar more than piracy ever could. Most games aren't worth buying new anyway.
Going to continue my journey through Deus Ex on Realistic Mode.

I pretty much have to turn into an augmented ninja. Running around blasting bullets does not work well in this mode. What works in this mode is stealth, and increased hacking knowledge because you are going to need it more than you've ever needed it before.
What's really funny is all of the moaning about PC piracy. Yeah, it happens...a lot, even more than console pirating, even if more people are actually playing on the consoles. Thing is, a hell of a lot more people RENT or trade in their games for other used games than anything else. That hurts the bottom dollar more than piracy ever could. Most games aren't worth buying new anyway.

yeah I know, it's seriously fucking bullshit. leaking on consoles is even WORSE, piracy is catching up, and the renting/trading is so common that there's almost no reason for people to buy it new unless they absolutely need to play it day 1 (and of course you can't trade in anything for pc so there's none of that). in the end it's just that more common gamer douchebags have consoles and buy the AAA games while the pc is viewed as the "hardcore" gamers platform so the audience is perceived of as less, and even if that is true it's really not as bad as it seems. i've pretty much sadly accepted that true pc gaming is gone and that only a few games will really keep that alive, but all this bullshit really pisses me off. the fact that it's leaked on 360 and ps3 almost a week early and yet the pc version won't even be cracked until the day of release/maybe the day after is fucking ridiculous; i already bought the game i just want to play it after 12 fucking years dammit!

yeah realistic mode is so hard its ridiculous. hell, even on normal you can't just go in shooting considering you can empty an entire fucking clip with your assault rifle and if you're not very skilled you won't even kill an MJ-12 soldier. on realistic it's basically being 100% stealth and getting people with the baton/dragon tooth sword once you get it/gas grenades for large mobs.