Sucks to be you on that day! I'll be playing it on Monday after midnight when it is available to download from Impulse. Then again, you've already played the first ten or so hours of it, and I've been waiting.![]()
haha believe me, you're muchhh luckier that you've been waiting; I had no doubts about it being amazing from the start and I played the beta simply because I could not wait, but instead it had a worse effect in that it ends right at a fucking hugeee cliffhanger and you've really been getting into it so i was like FUCKKKK and even playing it through a few more times trying to find all the secrets just made the waiting even worse. I'm seriously dying here since I've been waiting for a real deus ex sequel since I played it in 2000 (bought invisible war for xbox and was devastated), so this has been a longggg time coming.
It really blows that I had to get a physical copy because I wanted to just do steam, though if you preorder from gamestop you get a special mission with tracer tong in it (as i'm sure you know as you did impulse, but i have a gaming pc and a regular pc, and i refuse to put another bullshit client on my gaming pc and the guy at the store couldn't tell me if impulse just gives you a steam key and you can uninstall; better safe than sorry), and being the huge dx fanboy that I am i couldn't pass up an extra mission. I couldn't give any less of a fuck about the extra weapons and blah blah since I hate that preorder bullshit, but cut content with a previous dx character just forces me to do it. Basically that day i have early morning classes and am out at 1 pm so I'll be sitting in my chair all day squirming and ripping my fucking hair out and the second it ends fucking running to gamestop, installing that shit while I lift in my apartment, showering, locking all doors and windows and playing until the next day, then going to school on 0 hours of sleep haha. Judging by how the leak was I can do a few hours a night that week and basically time it justtt right so Friday when I play i'll be at the spot the leak ended, thus allowing me to lock all doors and windows and play the game from Friday night - Monday morning with no disruptions or leaving my house to play from the spot it left off at.
You're all in for a treat, believe me. Never have anticipated a game this much, and probably have never played a game so perfect in gameplay, innovation, art direction, sound and atmosphere, characters, connection to the world, amazing plot etc. It's beyond pathetic that this is true, but basically right now I'm living for this game and each day is just hours to count down until it's release which is beyond pathetic, yet I can't find anything else that I can pin my purpose for not dying to haha; i'll be playing that game any free time i have all that week, for 72 hours straight that weekend, then all next week listening to the soundtrack on bart, reading the art booklet, and watching the making of on my ipad, fuck yeah augmented edition take my fucking money.
And yes and no in regards to your square thing; Square did not touch the game at all, they bought them out when it was already in development and obviously only gave them limits on the time they could develop it since they had a budget etc, and the trailers were touched by them yes and no. I believe I read that while square did choose some people to work on the trailer, they had their own designer/project leader/some person from EM who agreed to all the things in every trailer. So while square may have paid for the promo stuff/hired the company, EM still had the choice of what was going to be in things so essentially Square didn't just take away all responsibility, the just kinda spear headed it. The only thing I know that Square completely controlled was marketing in terms of where the ads would air, what kind of promotional contests they'd do etc; though things like the facebook unlock program were controlled and created by their community manager. Square had faith in them and just took over most of the marketing work but let them do their thing which is a really good idea considering how invested in this project EM is. Since this is their first game and a franchise loved by gamers everywhere, they go tbeyond lucky with how this has all worked out. The leak could've gone over terribly and fucked them over, but luckily the game was good enough it really boosted them, their promo companies did a great job with promoting the game, and they worked so hard that they truly made a successor to deus ex. Considering how well this does will essentially predict how much money they get/how they're viewed and get creative control in the future (being a bungie where from game 1 you're a big company with control and fame vs a company that falls and gets stuck with shit projects and a parent publisher constantly interfering in your shit) I'm glad this game will do really well and they put so much into it for all of us out there as well as themselves, and I'm very interesting to see what else they are able to come up with in the future now due to having such a bright start/leading with such a good example of a developer who listens to fans and is passionate about their project.