Gaming Thread

Yeah man, this was one of the most memorable PC game tracks for a looong time for me. And I was never actually into Quake all that much either.
One more week until another awesome game with an awesome soundtrack arrives...

DAMN RIGHT FUCKERS. seriously, i am beyond pumped for human revolution (just preordered from gamestop, had a 20 minute chat with a salesman about how i could get the preorder stuff via digital dl without dling a client to clutter up my gaming comp, ended up just going with a physical copy haha) and the soundtrack is going to be GREAT. deus ex had amazing music and really was just completely new and influential, but while human revolutions' may not be as ground breaking as that, from what i've heard in the beta it is really amazing. invisible war had an ok one in the more ambient style, yet hr takes that and makes it even more ambient yet at the same time perfectly fitted to the scenario you're in due to how the tracks change. one amazing example was in the detroit streets they have a sample where it's really dark and brooding and they have some sort of odd horn/electronic instrument muffled in the background which sounds like a car horn almost, yet not so much as it directly portrays one and it perfectly matches the city.

that quake song was pretty cool though, i could imagine blowing peoples heads off to that haha
DAMN RIGHT FUCKERS. seriously, i am beyond pumped for human revolution (just preordered from gamestop, had a 20 minute chat with a salesman about how i could get the preorder stuff via digital dl without dling a client to clutter up my gaming comp, ended up just going with a physical copy haha) and the soundtrack is going to be GREAT. deus ex had amazing music and really was just completely new and influential, but while human revolutions' may not be as ground breaking as that, from what i've heard in the beta it is really amazing. invisible war had an ok one in the more ambient style, yet hr takes that and makes it even more ambient yet at the same time perfectly fitted to the scenario you're in due to how the tracks change. one amazing example was in the detroit streets they have a sample where it's really dark and brooding and they have some sort of odd horn/electronic instrument muffled in the background which sounds like a car horn almost, yet not so much as it directly portrays one and it perfectly matches the city.

that quake song was pretty cool though, i could imagine blowing peoples heads off to that haha

Let me know how the new Deus Ex is. I am a fan of the original, but the other one was awful. I won't buy it unless until I've heard a Deus Ex fans opinion on the game.
I've played the beta and absolutely fucking loved it. no joke, it was flat out amazing and just put invisible war to shame. I personally semi enjoy invisible war as i like continuing the lore of the universe and even despite it's shortcomings its still an ok game when compared to other games out there, but the difference is huge. invisible war is an ok game, but not deus ex, despite sharing the same lore. human revolution however, is what the fucking sequel should have always been. unless somehow the full game is WORSE than the beta and the beginning part of the game, then it's going to be flat out fucking perfect when it's the full release version which is polished and allows you to go on. at the end of the beta i literally was furious because i couldn't continue and find out what happened int he story.

the beta is fairly rough and yet i'd give it a 9/10. there were almost no issues i could find except for small things, and the only big concern i have so far is load times (huge areas you load into unlike invisible war where the areas were tiny and you had to move through a bunch of them, but still fairly long load times). do yourself a favor and get it launch day because seriously, it is deus ex. things like skills needed for guns and whatnot are gone, but all the design decisions they made do fit in with the game such as the regen health is not a cop out, it takes a long time to regenerate, the dialogue is just as branching, adam is fairly stoic so you can put your emotions into the character, the choices are seriously deep and very important and nerve wracking, and the overall freedom of choice of how you use your augmentations (which btw is a much better system than deus ex i think and has tonss of them to affect many different areas, rewards exploration etc and has tons of great ones) which substitute for the skills works perfectly. hell, even the hacking minigame is so fucking fun i hacked every fucking computer! they did a great job of transfering deus ex into the modern era and it seriously is my most anticipated game i have to say ever; it finally has that art direction, that unique feeling, the skills turned into augmentations, a deep and conspiracy filled world which isn't cheesy and just depth and depth and depth.

I know this was a long post and a lot of you will be pissed, but i don't care. if you're considering picking up human revolution, fucking read it. this is the only time i can say i have 100% full faith in a game and know it will be great. the art direction, combat, skills (augmentations), freedom, soundtrack, mood and story are the most captivating i've experienced in a long time. if a leaked previewer unpolished beta can leave a lasting mark on me, i can't even imagine what the final game with all that it has to offer will. deus ex is fucking back baby.
double post again but oh well, this is an example of the music and seriously, there is tons of music that flows depending ont he scenario, be it ambient, combat etc. it fits perfectly with the detroit city streets when you're in freeroam and you can note some of the strings kinda sound like cars in the distance. it makes me fucking SHIVER it's so beautiful and expertly composed, yet a huge amount of the game has music this great.

don't get me wrong i love big string sections and whatnot in blockbuster games, but now it feels like everyone is just trying to copy hans zimmer and make every game have The Rock soundtrack. Deus ex had influential music and human revolution is looking to have some amazing music itself, and just like deus ex fits into the feel of the atmosphere instead of just OH MAN GIANT CHOIR AND STRINGS, THE TENSION, OH GOD WAS THAT ANOTHER SCRIPTED EVENT, SHOOT OFF MY M16 CALL OF DUTY FUCK YEAH.
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if you're curious just try the leaked beta. it's what they sent to journalists for previews and is the real game, it's just a very unpolished early version so you have to take some things with a grain of salt. nothing really stands out as bad at all, but obviously the graphics and some tightening up will be done in the actual release. the cool thing is since its a leaked journalist preview it's not like a demo where it's one small section tailored to do one thing, but it's the real game from the beginning up until the first major boss battle in the first city hub and then stops so you essentially get to try what the real game will be like, minus of course the adjusting they did to it (i believe the build is from april so basically whatever score you'd give the beta you should add 2 points for what the real thing will be and even then it's still fun as fuck). you can speed through it in 4 hours or you can do all the side quests, hack stuff and explore and it'll take roughly 10-12 (thats how long i played it and i did some replays as well).

it's everywhere but be warned, it's the real game so if you don't want to spoil ANYTHING then don't play it, however it really is a cool way to decide what you think of the base game so you can beat it, then if you dig it at all get the real game, replay that segment of it seeing how much of a difference the final version made and then continue on from there.
I had already preordered mine a week ago, and I haven't actually played the leak either. I just wanted to experience it in it's "less buggy" form from day one and also have everything being fresh. I also didn't want to play for ten hours and then be stuck for a week or two waiting to be able to continue. Anyway, there's already been a lot of gameplay footage, but this is probably one of the better takes, especially since it's also a Q&A. I like most of what I see here, although the transition during the takedowns is fucking awful, and this is with the finished product. The ambient music also has a very "Mass Effect" feel to it--which isn't a bad thing at all in my opinion.;thumb;2

Good luck getting their slow ass server to load the media though.
Haha, listen to that Quake song while watching Liverslapper's sig...

Here's an example of what I'm talking about with the transition. It's not gamebreaking or anything, but it doesn't flow like it should at all.

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I had already preordered mine a week ago, and I haven't actually played the leak either. I just wanted to experience it in it's "less buggy" form from day one and also have everything being fresh. I also didn't want to play for ten hours and then be stuck for a week or two waiting to be able to continue. Anyway, there's already been a lot of gameplay footage, but this is probably one of the better takes, especially since it's also a Q&A. I like most of what I see here, although the transition during the takedowns is fucking awful, and this is with the finished product. The ambient music also has a very "Mass Effect" feel to it--which isn't a bad thing at all in my opinion.

haha I know what you mean, I could see now that it's so close to release that being kinda a bummer if you KNOW you're buying it, I said check it out more for people totally on the fence who want to see if it is in essence, Deus Ex again. I personally played the leak THE DAY it was out, basically following it's progress on boards and sites seeing if it was real (I was in utter disbelief) and then finally played it and this was MONTHS ago so the waiting after I got to the end, even with my subsequent replays (I replayed it 2 times doing completely different choices and found new things even up until my last replay, shows how truly deep it is and i didn't fly through it each time either, i really looked) was flat out painful and I'm beyond excited the game is so close.

I will admit things like the takedowns can be a little bit bothersome considering if you're a stealth player you use them a lot and that animation and the panning back into it just gets ridiculous (it's worth mentioning that it's extra noticeable in that video though, in combat situations or actual stealth the flow moves a bit faster and doesn't feel as disjointed). however, i imagine that's one of the things they edited since the build is from like april and even so there are enough animations to make it interesting (plus lethal as well as non lethal ones and belive me, the lethal ones are BRUTAL fucking mortal kombat shit such as grabbing someones head with your hand, spinning it around and then crushing their skull in your grip). Like I said with the beta there are a few problems which will be highlighted due to so many people playing it, but it's important to keep in mind it is a beta so it will be fixed, the pc version has been greatlyyy optimized by nixxies (i was nervous but now i'm not, this is the version to play as it should be) and overall is just amazing and blows everything else out there away.

I would say the music is muchh better than mass effect. deus ex has always been known for it's music, and even invisible war had pretty good ambient stuff if you turned it up loud enough to hear it. on youtube you can find the full official soundtrack (i believe ther eare more in the game though) and honestly, the mood is so sweeping and different depending on the scene and if it's ambient or fighting,yet keeps the same general tone and is flat out amazing. the composition and nuances in each song just blow every other game out of the water, and comparing mass effect to what human revolution has is like comparing mission impossible 3 to the first one; same attempt, same idea, same general feel, but not even fucking CLOSE. when people play the game and hear the soundtrack it'll literally amaze them how good it is and how much it draws you into the game world, and if you're getting the augmented edition (like me) you'll love having the soundtrack.
Oh, you know me. I get barred out, shoot my mouth off, make an idiot of myself, and come back when I detox a few days later.

Too bad the internet isn't real life so NoLordy could give me a much deserved smackin.
You don't want a smacking. I nearly had a violent confrontation at Lowes a few days ago that would have landed me in jail if my cousin didn't intervene. If I'm going to hit, it means shit went very bad.
however, i imagine that's one of the things they edited since the build is from like april and even so there are enough animations to make it interesting

Come on man. You want people to read your text walls (hell, I don't mind reading a lot, but they are getting kind of out of control :loco:) but you can't even read a small paragraph of theirs? I said that the Gamespot gameplay was with the finished product. It's a very recent video under their "Now Playing" section where they play games that have already gone gold.
internet? you mean real life?

incidentally, anyone been able to preorder Mass Effect 3 and actually put money down on it yet? I wanna pay for it ahead of time cause I'm always broke when a good game is released but no one around here has the SKU for it yet. And I'm finally playing Left 4 Dead for the first time. Love it