Gaming Thread

that mass effect video was actually pretty cool and really fit with it, though hr will always be better :lol:

i've spent the last few days working on music that my friend and i worked on a long time ago, it's helped me forget about human revolution. every few hours though i see it somewhere on the net though and am like FUCKKKK 2 DAYS ARGHHH. the waiting is fucking killing me, and i bought a new office chair (super fucking nice), bose speakers ($99 but sound pretty fucking good) and a mousepad for my gaming computer which i desperately needed. also i can take solace in knowing there will be no crack until the game is out; supposedly no release group can crack it until they have the encryption keys and some files or some shit, so everything online is fake. i'm fucking ready.

btw does anyone here know of any good warez forums? obviously theres like a billion places to dl shit because its the fucking internet, but it'd be cool to see a forum where everything actually comes from, news as shit comes out, people talking about releasing/cracking all that shit; recently i've just been really curious about that. if you do know send me a pm so you don't have to post it out here, thanks.
every few hours though i see it somewhere on the net though and am like


yes, this fits the mood even better haha! the thought is just randomly popping up in my brain now, thinking about how/when i'll get it, how i can maximize play time, how many hours are left, comparing it to time that has passed before; i seriously feel like a kid around christmas where he can't sleep because he's waiting for it and then one day you just wake up and its there.

hopefully testing out my new bose speakers with some morrowind SPEAK QUICKLY OUTLANDER will eat the rest of my night. fucking giant map and no fast travel = the shit, if oblivion did that instead of fast travel i would be a happy camper because it forces you to explore more and feels much more engrossing whereas fast travel i just found myself using it constantly and almost never exploring. fuckin lame.
I'm in a situation where I'll be able to play it tomorrow at midnight and then Tuesday, but then from Wednesday through Saturday I have to go out of town on a trip. So I'm basically going to have to cram as much playtime within a day and a half and then nothing for a while. :bah:

Also not sure how many people have a Wii (probably everyone) and still actually play it, but an RPG called Xenoblade just came out, and it's getting really high reviews everywhere. So I guess that's something to consider during the two or three weeks between Deus Ex and pretty much the rest of the AAA titles for this year.
I'm in a situation where I'll be able to play it tomorrow at midnight and then Tuesday, but then from Wednesday through Saturday I have to go out of town on a trip. So I'm basically going to have to cram as much playtime within a day and a half and then nothing for a while. :bah:

fuck that sucks. you'll probably just be able to do as much as the leak is (though if you literally blow through it just doing story stuff and not hacking/exploring at all you could probably do the entire leak amount which is roughly 10 hours in 5 or 4) with that much time. at least you haven't played the leak already so it'll be new for you haha, or you could just dl the leak now, play up until the end of it then keep going when it comes out, but i guess that wouldn't really make much of a difference. i plan on playing as much as i can and i'm going to explore everryyy single aspect of the game so i'm guessing 60 hours total.

oddly i can't even comprehend how close it is now. i mean i keep feeling like it'll never come, then a few hours just fly by and the timer on their site says 20 hours. obviously i can't play it until tuesday at 2 pm, but at the rate shit is going (and if i decide to dl a version before i get my retail pre-order, if there is one out before then that is) it might actually not feel like forever :hotjump:
things are picking up in Morrowind. I'm doing tons of fighter guild quests, found creeper who i used to get 5k, got tons of training, and have been kicking some people's asses.

one thing though: i already need a house or a storage place cuz i have too much shit. any ideas? if you store your shit in a random chest or something do people rob you?
things are picking up in Morrowind. I'm doing tons of fighter guild quests, found creeper who i used to get 5k, got tons of training, and have been kicking some people's asses.

one thing though: i already need a house or a storage place cuz i have too much shit. any ideas? if you store your shit in a random chest or something do people rob you?

I'm not positive on this, but while you can't get robbed, I think chest miiiight reset after awhile.
24 hours exactly until i will be playing human revolution. fuck yes. i tried getting the gamestop guy to just give me the game today since it's not like i can play it or crack it or anything and that way i'd be able to play it right when steam unlocks it (and the store won't do a midnight release, fuckin boooo), but he really did not understand what i was saying (and didn't even know how impulse worked). i'm so glad this is the only game i'll be getting in stores for many years.;title;1

Mmmm, chocolate...

Oh, and for anyone who was insane enough to be "borderline" or "unsure" when it came to HR:

Quick roundup of review scores (so far)

Edge - 9
IGN - 9.0
1UP - A
PCGamer - 94/100
Gamespy - 4/5
Joystiq - 4.5/5
Eurogamer - 9
Gametrailers - 8.7
Destructoid - 9.5
TheSixthAxis - 9
Videogamer - 9
IncGamers - 10
C&VG - 94
WorthPlaying - 9.7
Strategy Informer - 9.5
Guardian - 4/5
Metro - 5/5
Telegraph - 4/5
Bit Gamer - 90
Ars Technica - BUY
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Recommended
GamesTM - 8
MTV Multiplayer Blog - BUY
RPG Fan - 90
VE3D - 4.5/5
X360A - 94
Gamersyde - 5/5
Nowgamer: 360 (7.5), PS3 (7.1)

Metacritic at 90 so far. GOTY claims many.
Nice, it's downloading from Impulse right now...except that with their horrible download speeds (125KB/s) it's going to take eight hours to finish. That's actually pretty ridiculous considering they are trying to compete with Steam, and Steam is about nine to ten times as fast.
Nice, it's downloading from Impulse right now...except that with their horrible download speeds (125KB/s) it's going to take eight hours to finish. That's actually pretty ridiculous considering they are trying to compete with Steam, and Steam is about nine to ten times as fast.

so impulse is a client where you have to play it out of it? thats fucking bullshit, and makes me glad i went with the physical edition. i can wait until tomorrow at 12:30 pm (i know the exact time i'll be home to start installing it while i lift, playing it by 1:30pm - 12:30am) if it means not having to install a stupid bullshit client on my gaming pc and dealing with all that. If basically you could use impulse to get the steam key, put it into steam and then uninstall impulse i mighttt be down with that, but i think in the end i'm happy for this game i'll actually have the physical package.

it's weird, right now i'm in that eerie calm where i'm just so fucking excited it won't even register. i'm just in absolute disbelief that i will be playing human revolution finally after all these years in just a few (perceiveable) hours, not counting sleep. i cannot fucking wait to bolt out of my first class, run to the mall, pick up the game, bolt back for my 2nd class, read the manual once all the main things have been covered and the teacher is just going over the syllabus, and then run home to start installing it while i lift like a madman.

i will also be off these forums (and all internet forums) until i beat the game, starting tomorrow. i know you'll all miss my absurd posts (cept not rly).
I didn't mention anything about playing out of it. It's also listed as "Steamworks" so it will probably work like other games where Steam keeps track of achievements and such, even if you have the physical version. I don't know if I'll need to connect to Impulse to play yet, just that the download speed for the game itself sucks ass. I started at 9:45 and I'm only 63% done.

Heh, the PC version is said to be an extremely great "port" and "the" version to play. However, the takedowns are still as sloppy as what I was complaining about before, and sometimes it does some crazy crap like makes your enemy clip through the wall a lot. Also, the AI is considered to be pretty poor (although it was pretty bad in the original game too). There are also complaints about how 90% of the game allows you to tackle areas any way you want, but then the bosses completely force you to become a shooting style completely.

That doesn't necessarily bother me, because I would play in a way that was the best for the situation, but I can see why some people would be put off by that aspect.

Yes, indeed. This most inappropriate of places has boss fights. Which would be ignominious enough if they weren’t incredibly lousy boss fights. Feeling as though they were programmed by another team, from another planet, they absolutely, unequivocally do not fit in this game. They’re the sort of inclusion that you can only think, “I can’t wait until enough time has passed that the developers will feel able to tell the miserable story of why this happened.”

It sucks that they’re there at all, and it sucks more that they’re all so boring and tedious, lacking even the grace of a classic Nintendo boss fight that at least contains a logical path. But what goes so far beyond just sucking is the betrayal they represent. Here all illusion of choice is gone. All playing styles are abandoned. Playing as someone killing no one, learning that the first fight at least, early on in the game, forces me to kill a man almost put me off the game entirely. Despite only using stuns, EMPs and tranqs on him, I was still treated to a cutscene of a man covered in bullet wounds and blood, gasping his last words as he died. And my clear response was: Fuck you.

I didn’t play for two days.

In the end, the only sensible response is to pretend they’re not there. They have so little to do with the game, and their inclusion makes so little sense, that it’s oddly easy to pretend they didn’t happen. Bizarrely their impact on the plot is minimal, and in they end they’re not actually that hard, so really you can switch off, angrily get past, and then carry on playing the splendid Deus Ex game you were enjoying.