Well, for one, skill trees have been greatly expanded again, as well as weapon and squad customization is back again. That plus the faster action that 2 has makes it quite a nice combination.
Yeah, I remember watching the demo at E3 or where ever when they showed the weapon customization and skill trees. From what I remember, the skill tree kind of looks like ME2 again, except double the size. Although honestly, the change to the tree in ME2 did not bother me after my initial playthrough. I mean really, in the first game you would get very incremental upgrades (+2% - 10% to an ability) and in ME2 it was kind of like you had less blocks to pick from, but each block gave you larger benefits. It was pretty much the same for gameplay, but on paper it looked like you were getting less since you didn't have as many holes to punch.
The weapon customization doesn't necessarily remind me of the first game either, but that's not really a bad thing. As I previously said, there were like maybe two ammo types you would ever want to use in the first game, and you would almost always get the same weapon mods for each character (other than the stability since the AI never missed when it was not shooting a box or the wall).
I guess I'm sounding like I was whining for nothing in my previous post, but there was more of an "RPG feel" from the first game, but from a statistical viewpoint, it did not really add much over the second other than letting RPG nerds get their geek on.

There's really only one series that I've really been into and looked forward to above all others (I guess D3 would be a second, but when there's a twelve year gap you kind of don't care anymore) and they better not find a way to majorly fuck up the third in either gameplay or story. Bioware was on a roll with the first two games; both of which were just as good as the other for different reasons, and if the third can combine the best of both, it will probably be my favorite "console" RPG of all time. And then I'll have to cry myself to sleep at night knowing it's over.
mayhaps but in the end voice acting comes down ALOT to personal preference and assumptions on how it should sound.
Terrible, terrible voice acting...but this is part of what made it so endearing.
Everytime I see that scene, it makes me think of Jill picturing herself between Barry and Chris.