Gaming Thread


Kind of reminds me of that scene with David Arquette in The Darwin Awards. I like how the scientist doesn't say anything, he just points because he doesn't have time for anything other than his experiement and wants you to get the fuck in the Final Destination recliner.

I agree that the whole different modes thing is fucked simply on principles. Bioware has been a great company that made great games and truly innovated, but everyone is watering their product down to appeal to the masses that games that push the boundaries and innovate are becoming few and far between. They shouldn't be tailoring it to suit all sorts of different choices because some players may think WAHHH I DON'T WANT TO HAVE CHOICES AND RPG ASPECTS; freedom of choice is one thing but watering it down just stifles creativity because they need to spend more time on getting those things set up.

KOTOR had a huge hand in revolutionizing the morality system in games and games like the witcher and halo made no concessions in taking design choices that were innovative but also risky. If you try to appeal to everyone and generalize, then it's much harder to really carve out your niche and innovations and be something different than the herd. the more homogenized games become in an attempt to please everyone the less we'll have huge revolutions in graphics, gameplay (the 2 gun model in halo really changed games and at the time halo was highly innovative, they weren't trying to fit in with some mold to sell the most copies) and other aspects of gaming. Pc gaming is being destroyed by consolization and now even console games are being destroyed by the desire for mass appeal since the designers are using their efforts to water their products down instead of innovate, take risks and push boundaries.

I disagree, giving it more options and making it more accessible does not equal homogenization, seeing as its not getting narrowed down in any of these "modes" but gets separate ones. Catering to a general gaming audience while pleasing several sides is actually a pretty good move and one hardly anyone has taken advantage of. I dunno, I really can't see appealing to a wider audience in this way indicating poor quality. I'm sure you can make speculations about the future but it remains to be seen. And it'll be on a different game.

For a game that is all about player choice, I find it kind of fitting :)

But I can see how people would feel the experience is cheapened with the options, but just do as I will and not touch them at all?

That said, I like the slight return to ME1 that they're making.
That said, I like the slight return to ME1 that they're making.

That is, if it ends up being more than words anyway. Nodding to the past, without really implementing much that gives you a similar feel doesn't really matter that much to me. In fact, it would be more of a "slap in the face" because it's kind of like giving you a glimpse of what could have been, but you aren't getting it.

As far as this whole ranting about the new features to ME3, I seriously just don't get it, and I'm usually a doom and gloomer when it comes to changes I don't like to a franchise I do. It's like you're basing everything off of the fact that you think DA2 was the worst game ever created (it wasn't, but it wasn't fantastic either) and that if Bioware adds
(not substitute or replace) features that appeal to players that many of the shitty games are targeted for, that suddenly the game is now ultra casual and not worth playing.

Like I said, if more tards buy the game because of those features, while the rest of us can pretend they do not exist and play the game the way it was meant to be played, then more power to Bioware. Can you honestly say that you would not like to see them get more money that would allow them to continue developing the games you actually do like? It's not like anyone else is making RPGS that matter at all anymore, and once Bioware goes bellyup, the genre may as well be extinct. CDProjekt isn't as prolific yet, so they are still in the "maybe" corner. Plus they seem to be sticking with one franchise.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Bethesda; but I'd feel like I lost both legs if Bioware was gone, and only my pinky if Bethesda no longer existed.
That is, if it ends up being more than words anyway. Nodding to the past, without really implementing much that gives you a similar feel doesn't really matter that much to me. In fact, it would be more of a "slap in the face" because it's kind of like giving you a glimpse of what could have been, but you aren't getting it.

Well, for one, skill trees have been greatly expanded again, as well as weapon and squad customization is back again. That plus the faster action that 2 has makes it quite a nice combination.
ok so I have full faith in Skyrim and am super pumped for it's release, but there is one thing and one thing only I'm worried about: the voices. They have tons of voice actors and I'm sure the production values will be much higher and overall make the world feel much more alive, but it feels like they're watering down the accents of the different races. I believe we went into this a bit before, but John talked about how the accents were english for a lot of characters (and maybe mentioned dark elves, not sure) and today I watched the world of skyrim trailer, and the khajitt in it sounded absolutely WEAK. i mean seriously, the voice of it was absolutely dulled down, weak as hell, and not the snarling khajitt voice that should be.

if every race has their voices watered down that could be a huge bummer, because the races in skyrim and their different cultures/attributes are a huge part of the universe. so far everything i've seen/heard about skyrim is a positive thing for me and i'm beyond pumped for it/believe this will be the best elder scrolls game yet with throwbacks to the old but bringing the new, yet the voices, while being not a hugeee deal do worry me.

the khajjit speaks at 56 seconds.

you can check out the voice there, it also looks like there's a main character in there who is a high elf yet she sounds extremely normal. I know some of the races were already getting watered down in oblivion, but i pray they didn't do it even more in skyrim because having them all sound the same would be a huge fucking bummer and take away from the distinctness of each.
That wasn't a high elf in that trailer.

Some of the Nords sound really Scandinavian and awesome. Some of them sound like a drunk guy doing an Arnlond Shwatzenegger impression. The High Elves sound great. Really posh and arrogant.

The voice acting does leave a lot to be desired, overall.
That wasn't a high elf in that trailer.

Some of the Nords sound really Scandinavian and awesome. Some of them sound like a drunk guy doing an Arnlond Shwatzenegger impression. The High Elves sound great. Really posh and arrogant.

The voice acting does leave a lot to be desired, overall.

mayhaps but in the end voice acting comes down ALOT to personal preference and assumptions on how it should sound.
Yeah I'm not worried about the voice acting itself, they got more actors and a lot of them are really good so I'm pretty content with that as well as the fact that I usually am not really picky about it, but what about the races? I loved in morrowind how they all had their own distinct sound, and that khajitt sounded weak as fuck, the dark elves in oblivion sounded like fucking pussies and if all the races have been dumbed down i'm going to be seriously bothered. i tend to compare all elder scrolls games to morrowind in terms of atmosphere as that was my first and my favorite, and i have no doubts the game itself will be amazing, but weak race voices could be a big pain.

i'm not worried about the human voices that much, but you say the high elves sound good? that's good to hear, but what about khajitt, argnonian, dark elves, bosmer etc? are they watered down as much as i fear or do they retain their morrowind personality such as the dark elf snarl? if you feel they fit in with how they should be then i'm satisfied as you're the ultimate in pickyness/devotedness to the elder scrolls series and i don't really want to download the leaked footage to check in case i end up spoiling the plot or something (i'm trying to avoid as much plot info/character info or anything like that as possible).
well, it's official, the voices of the races are watered down. I cracked and had to check the footage and skipped through it so as to not ruin the story, and i heard a dark elf and he basically sounded slightly english with a deeper and gruffer voice, but it was not the patented dark elf snarl. all the races sound similar but with slight accent changes (i heard the high elf you were talking about, some woman in the street sounded all snooty in her accent and such). that's a real disappointment because i was really hoping they'd feel different like in morrowind to make the differences between the races actually feel palpable, but with them all having pretty similar structure in terms of bodies and voices i dunno, i'll have to reserve judgement until i get the game and am able to talk to a bunch of different characters.

since the game will be truly amazing obviously i won't let something small like that bother me, but i will miss the dark elf snarls, the red eyes/fucked up faces, the khajitt/argonian weird bodies and ways of walking as well as speech. i know the main point of the plot is the struggle between some resistance group and the empire so i have a feeling that the different people will feel disconnected due to political affiliations more than race, which isn't terrible since i'm sure they'll do it well but i will miss having the distinct feeling of dark elf culture/ideals/attitudes vs nords vs khajitt and them all being so unique and different that you truly feel its a different world and that where you go makes a huge difference in terms of the inhabitaants and how they view you/act as well as culture. the animosity or connection between the races was a pretty big part and made you feel connected/not connected to certain groups/areas but if they can manage to do that in other ways it'll be fine anyway.

i can always go back to morrowind with all my mods if i want to hear that "what is it outlander" and feel the differences in cultures/races and if i fit in/don't fit in in certain areas. i'm not for racism in real life but in the game the racism between the different groups did add a lot to the feeling of difference between towns/characters/groups and a real culture (even be it of hate) to the world. the witcher has that seem feeling too and it has a fairly deep effect and sheds light on real life prejudice which makes the story fairly mature (the story and content of the witcher and witcher 2 are underappreciated for sure and are a lot deeper than some give them credit).
well, it's official, the voices of the races are watered down. I cracked and had to check the footage and skipped through it so as to not ruin the story, and i heard a dark elf and he basically sounded slightly english with a deeper and gruffer voice, but it was not the patented dark elf snarl. all the races sound similar but with slight accent changes (i heard the high elf you were talking about, some woman in the street sounded all snooty in her accent and such). that's a real disappointment because i was really hoping they'd feel different like in morrowind to make the differences between the races actually feel palpable, but with them all having pretty similar structure in terms of bodies and voices i dunno, i'll have to reserve judgement until i get the game and am able to talk to a bunch of different characters.

since the game will be truly amazing obviously i won't let something small like that bother me, but i will miss the dark elf snarls, the red eyes/fucked up faces, the khajitt/argonian weird bodies and ways of walking as well as speech. i know the main point of the plot is the struggle between some resistance group and the empire so i have a feeling that the different people will feel disconnected due to political affiliations more than race, which isn't terrible since i'm sure they'll do it well but i will miss having the distinct feeling of dark elf culture/ideals/attitudes vs nords vs khajitt and them all being so unique and different that you truly feel its a different world and that where you go makes a huge difference in terms of the inhabitaants and how they view you/act as well as culture. the animosity or connection between the races was a pretty big part and made you feel connected/not connected to certain groups/areas but if they can manage to do that in other ways it'll be fine anyway.

i can always go back to morrowind with all my mods if i want to hear that "what is it outlander" and feel the differences in cultures/races and if i fit in/don't fit in in certain areas. i'm not for racism in real life but in the game the racism between the different groups did add a lot to the feeling of difference between towns/characters/groups and a real culture (even be it of hate) to the world. the witcher has that seem feeling too and it has a fairly deep effect and sheds light on real life prejudice which makes the story fairly mature (the story and content of the witcher and witcher 2 are underappreciated for sure and are a lot deeper than some give them credit).

Keep in mind every race has more than one voice actor now. I've heard at least four for generic Nords.

On reviewer claimed to encounter two Dunmer, one of which had that stupid English voice and the other had the Morrowind style, but that was pre-gold so I dunno.

I've only heard one Bosmer, who had an American accent, but sounded pretty decent.

Haven't heard any Argonians. Heard one Breton with a very shitty voice actor and American accent. Imperials also American accent, some good, some bad.
Well, for one, skill trees have been greatly expanded again, as well as weapon and squad customization is back again. That plus the faster action that 2 has makes it quite a nice combination.

Yeah, I remember watching the demo at E3 or where ever when they showed the weapon customization and skill trees. From what I remember, the skill tree kind of looks like ME2 again, except double the size. Although honestly, the change to the tree in ME2 did not bother me after my initial playthrough. I mean really, in the first game you would get very incremental upgrades (+2% - 10% to an ability) and in ME2 it was kind of like you had less blocks to pick from, but each block gave you larger benefits. It was pretty much the same for gameplay, but on paper it looked like you were getting less since you didn't have as many holes to punch.

The weapon customization doesn't necessarily remind me of the first game either, but that's not really a bad thing. As I previously said, there were like maybe two ammo types you would ever want to use in the first game, and you would almost always get the same weapon mods for each character (other than the stability since the AI never missed when it was not shooting a box or the wall).

I guess I'm sounding like I was whining for nothing in my previous post, but there was more of an "RPG feel" from the first game, but from a statistical viewpoint, it did not really add much over the second other than letting RPG nerds get their geek on. ;) There's really only one series that I've really been into and looked forward to above all others (I guess D3 would be a second, but when there's a twelve year gap you kind of don't care anymore) and they better not find a way to majorly fuck up the third in either gameplay or story. Bioware was on a roll with the first two games; both of which were just as good as the other for different reasons, and if the third can combine the best of both, it will probably be my favorite "console" RPG of all time. And then I'll have to cry myself to sleep at night knowing it's over.

mayhaps but in the end voice acting comes down ALOT to personal preference and assumptions on how it should sound.

Terrible, terrible voice acting...but this is part of what made it so endearing.

Everytime I see that scene, it makes me think of Jill picturing herself between Barry and Chris.
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