Gaming Thread

the dragon fighting sounds like it could get tiresome and quickly. one of the best things about oblivion was running through the countryside undisturbed and just exploring. i don't mind running into danger but if it happens a lot it could get old. like those giant fucking birds that always attack you in Morrowind. So fucking annoying.
Simply ignore the main quest and they won't spawn.

Hmm, without giving away anything; I thought there were "main" dragons and then those that simply randomly spawn wherever? Are you saying NO dragons start spawning until you hit a quest trigger?

Anyway, unless you are banking on texture packs being released in the next month or so, just get it for the 360/PS3. So many people are raging over how awful the textures look on ultra on the PC. It really does not look much better than the console at all, and that's with AF/AA etc enabled.

You also cannot use hotkeys, and have to use a mouse/keyboard with an interface that was specifically designed for the console. At least with Oblivion you could map quickslots, but you simply cannot with Skyrim. That's kind of pathetic really.

I want a chicken by my side!

One that you can constantly choke and revive?
the dragon fighting sounds like it could get tiresome and quickly. one of the best things about oblivion was running through the countryside undisturbed and just exploring. i don't mind running into danger but if it happens a lot it could get old. like those giant fucking birds that always attack you in Morrowind. So fucking annoying.

You gotta get the cliffracer mod! No joke, that was the very first mod I downloaded for Morrowind back in 2002.
Hmm, without giving away anything; I thought there were "main" dragons and then those that simply randomly spawn wherever? Are you saying NO dragons start spawning until you hit a quest trigger?

Anyway, unless you are banking on texture packs being released in the next month or so, just get it for the 360/PS3. So many people are raging over how awful the textures look on ultra on the PC. It really does not look much better than the console at all, and that's with AF/AA etc enabled.

You also cannot use hotkeys, and have to use a mouse/keyboard with an interface that was specifically designed for the console. At least with Oblivion you could map quickslots, but you simply cannot with Skyrim. That's kind of pathetic really.

One that you can constantly choke and revive?

I think somewhere a week ago or so I said something to the effect that getting it on the console will be better anyway due to it being developed on a console, and that the consoles will have mods as well. I knew this was going to happen.

Name one game developed on a console and ported to the PC that ended up being better on PC in the end. If you really want the PC version in order to get the mods later on down the line, just download it. Vanilla games these days aren't vanilla games from ten years ago.
I think somewhere a week ago or so I said something to the effect that getting it on the console will be better anyway due to it being developed on a console, and that the consoles will have mods as well. I knew this was going to happen.

Congrats on your guess? Was not like this with Oblivion, and that game was developed for the console and then ported as well. You also will not have texture mods for the consoles, and if there are any, they can never match what you will see on the PC due to the limitation of console hardware.

Name one game developed on a console and ported to the PC that ended up being better on PC in the end. If you really want the PC version in order to get the mods later on down the line, just download it. Vanilla games these days aren't vanilla games from ten years ago.

Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Arkham Asylum, DAO/DA2, DE:HR. I'm not sure about BF3. It was said from the start that it was going to be better on the PC, but it could have just been a simultaneous project, so I suppose that would not be considered a legitimate port. I'm also not really understanding your last comment. Developers maximizing the "current gen" consoles doesn't mean shit when they are neglecting what a PC can do simply because it's not worth their time and they assume mods will fix the problems.

I spoke too soon about the hotkeys though. Appears the first people reporting didn't know what the hell they were doing. You have to go through the favorites menu initially, but when you highlight your favorite whatever, you hit a number key to hotkey it.
You seem to think that I'm not a PC gamer. Like I said, I'm getting Skyrim for the "sit on the couch and watch a 32" screen" factor, not customization. If I want mods, I'll just download the game for free and play it on my PC with the bazillion other games I have. Just like I did with Mass Effect 1/2. Just like I did with Arkham Asylum. Just like I did with Dragon Age. BF3's graphics aren't as good on PS3 but I'm running XP and can't play it on my PC anyway...and in any case, it runs like shit on the PC right now. I'm upgrading my computer after the first of the year from a dual core 3 GHz to at least an i7.

I'm not some retarded kid playing CoD and screaming over a headset. I play console games if I think the experience will be better on the console. Control-wise, I prefer a PC any day because it's sharper and more intuitive.

Stop preaching to the choir.
I'm not some retarded kid playing CoD and screaming over a headset.

I never suggested that you were.

I play console games if I think the experience will be better on the console. Control-wise, I prefer a PC any day because it's sharper and more intuitive.

As do I. You simply came off like "See, there really isn't a reason to get the PC version because the console version is just as good like I said it would be". There was every reason to assume that there would be at least a step up for textures, but there's not.

I don't know what we are even arguing about either.
Hmm, without giving away anything; I thought there were "main" dragons and then those that simply randomly spawn wherever? Are you saying NO dragons start spawning until you hit a quest trigger?

Anyway, unless you are banking on texture packs being released in the next month or so, just get it for the 360/PS3. So many people are raging over how awful the textures look on ultra on the PC. It really does not look much better than the console at all, and that's with AF/AA etc enabled.

You also cannot use hotkeys, and have to use a mouse/keyboard with an interface that was specifically designed for the console. At least with Oblivion you could map quickslots, but you simply cannot with Skyrim. That's kind of pathetic really.

One that you can constantly choke and revive?

Yes, no dragons appear until you hit a quest trigger.
I never suggested that you were.

As do I. You simply came off like "See, there really isn't a reason to get the PC version because the console version is just as good like I said it would be". There was every reason to assume that there would be at least a step up for textures, but there's not.

I don't know what we are even arguing about either.

I don't think there's a reason NOT to get the PC version, I just think that the very first experience would be worth it on the console due to it being developed for it and being able to watch it on a large screen. Of course you can just hook up your PC to the flat screen tv, but that's not nearly as comfortable as sitting on your couch with the controller. Also, there are always tons of bugs in the beginning, especially for Bethesda.

It's not the type of game where you need pinpoint accuracy, so to experience the vanilla version in my opinion would be more epic with a flat screen tv and a surround sound system. Afterwards you can download the PC version and go buck wild with the mods. I personally don't like adding mods to a game until I've finished the vanilla version of it...except for Morrowind, of course, and those fucking cliff racers. I think they've learned since then, however.
If you haven't been able to play it yet, the first shout you get sounds very much like an expletive being coughed. :lol:
I get what you're saying about the television and sound setup, although technically a 22 - 24 inch monitor will give you the same immersion when it's closer to your face than what a larger television would from farther away, so I think it just comes down to a matter of sitting more relaxed. About the sound setup, I can't really blast a surround setup here, so I have the next best thing and have a sound card that emulates 7.1 fairly well. Although I have the same thing for my consoles too, so it's a win/win whichever I pick.

I think the graphics are actually pretty great in motion. The only time you really notice low res textures is when you actually stop and stare at things up close. But since you'll be moving most of the time, you'll barely notice it. One thing that does stand out though, and really needs to get fixed on the PC are the shadows. They are some of the worst I've seen in a modern game. Completely jagged and looking like stacks of legos. No amount of AA and FA fixes it either.
I've got a decent setup on my PC as well. I've got a Klipsch 4.1 300 watt sound system for my PC and a 22 inch monitor, but my couch is oh so comfy, hehe.

I'm not so worried about graphics as long as they're smooth and look good. Of course I love awesome graphics just like the next guy, but when I get into my games I tend to forget about it and get sucked into the gameplay.

My PS3 with the HD cable (why would you use anything else? RCA cables? No fucking way) renders the graphics really nice and smooth, at least well enough to enjoy the game. Of course you miss out on the upper echelon of AA and such but I really don't care. I don't like graphics that look like you're looking into the window of a sauna, and I don't like the bloom effects very much. I like them sharp and crisp but with just enough AA not to ruin it.
One thing that does stand out though, and really needs to get fixed on the PC are the shadows. They are some of the worst I've seen in a modern game. Completely jagged and looking like stacks of legos. No amount of AA and FA fixes it either.
Yeah, the shadows are completely awful.

Holy shit there are a lot of character creation options, I can't decide!
Too many? I don't think there's enough. It's mostly a mix-and-match of preset facial features.

I'm liking it so far, but one thing that seriously bothers me is that if you remap the E or R keys, you can no longer give commands in menus. I mean, come on, Bethesda! Surely some of your playtesters remapped E or R to Mouse4 or Mouse5, like many people have done, and noticed that dumb-assed oversight!
I'm fucking loving it. there are minor flaws yeah but they're sooo overshadowed by the rest of it it's insane. the atmosphere feels like morrowind again, like a real living and breathing world with different towns, characters, history, feelings etc. playing this really shows how generic a lot of the stuff in oblivion was, despite it being good for its time. the story is marvelous and i'm so engrossed yet even the side quests are fucking great.

the only problem i'm having is the fov fix, have any of you guys managed to get it to work? everywhere i've checked says you enter fdefaultFOV=(fov number) at the end of the general section of the .ini, and i put it in every single possible config ini and yet it doesn't work, though it works if i do it in the console. i don't want to be using the console as i've heard that disables achievements but the default fov is fucking TERRIBLE. is there something i'm doing wrong? i really really really want to get a good fov without disabling achievements/entering it every time i load up the game but i've followed the instructions from every site and tried as many ways as possible yet it doesnt fucking work. my documents .ini's i've changed, even the one in the game folder but still fucking nothing!