Gaming Thread

I haven't used any magic yet (well, except for healing). I'll do that when I play through it again. Right now I am sticking with my Rogue Wood Elf. I am enjoying that character Race & Class a lot!
this guy is a good smith but i also want to start concentrating on enchanting and magic so i can make him some bad ass armor sets tailored to different uses, ill make a steel plate set (since i like that best) and make it towards one handed enchanting and magical abilities (haven't decided which one to focus on yet) an orcish set for pure one handed/blocking/heavy armor upgrades. A light armor set (haven't seen glass, quite like elven even though it looks weird on an orc) for archery and stealth. A thalmor set for just magic and a leather set for JUST blacksmithing/enchanting upgrades for when i'm making things.
I never liked the magic system in Elder Scrolls. I always made melee characters and then when I maxed out all my skills for melee I switched to archery.
yeah so far im not impressed with it i dont do nearly as much damage, ill probably make a character and cheat all the skills in and see how he fares but early game it would take forever to chop them up with two, maybe i'm missing something but i switched to sword and shield.
yeah. I'm pretty surprised actually by the spells/weapons system, I really like it. once you get your favorites set up switching between things is wayyy easier than oblivion or morrowind and it just feels good. I'm mostly a warrior but I do a lot of magic as well and switching back and forth between things is easy as hell, and the inventory is just really nice. I don't dual wield weapons or spells, for some reason i just haven't felt compelled/really leveled it up or chosen many perks for it, but switching magic spells in one hand, sword in the other and then switching to shield is easy as hell.

maybe i'll try some dual wielding of other later today. the only thing that blows about it is that fucking disarm shout GOD DAMMIT THAT SHOUT IS ANNOYING. every time i face a powerful drauger with that shout i spent half the fight scurrying all over the ground looking for my fucking weapon, or if i switch weapons then by the end of the fight i'm combing the entire room to find all the gear that has been knocked away from me/lydia.
Duel Wielding + Archery = DEATH

That's kinda what I'm thinking about doing, just having a super-fast dual wielding badass with archery skills.

What kind of armor is there? As in light, med, heavy, etc. I ask simply because Morrowind had medium but it kinda got lumped into the heavy in Oblivion.
lol actually thats entirely possible, there is an armor very similar, to what he wore and I was thinking about making a nord dual weilder in a few minutes ill see what i can come up with.

also armor is very similar to the rest shrouded fur, hide, leather, elven, scaled, glass, dragon scale for light and iron, steel, dwarven, steel plate, orcish, ebony, daedric, dragonplate. Orcish on an Orc looks pretty bad ass, Ebony is arguably the coolest, my personal favorite is Steel Plate. difference is with this game there are variants that look a bit different and make it look heavier or lighter especially in the leather/steel department.
yeah so far im not impressed with it i dont do nearly as much damage, ill probably make a character and cheat all the skills in and see how he fares but early game it would take forever to chop them up with two, maybe i'm missing something but i switched to sword and shield.

Nearly as much damage as what? I'm not sure what you're doing, but it's the most damaging build in the game, especially with the power attack bonuses. Dual Wield/Archery is what my second (current) character is, and honestly...he rarely ever uses Archery except to level itself up. Even dragons are not that big of an issue to just rush up, power attack 2-3 times and finish them off.

The favorites system is also complete and utter ass for dual wielding. When I first started playing this character, I had no problems setting it up so that two of the same weapons would pop out with one key press. Then, after I smith two that were better, the game decides to get all confused and stop working like it did previously and now EVERY TIME I use anything other than dual wielding, I actually have to go into the main apparel window just to equip them again because the game keeps unfavoriting one of them again and again.

I never liked the magic system in Elder Scrolls.

No idea what you didn't like about it, because it was pretty expansive. The best part was when you got into the custom spell making...the sky was pretty much the limit. Now that that's gone, it really does fucking suck and feel like "Babies first RPG". I can't help but think "Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt!".

@Enemy; yeah that shout is truly annoying because sometimes the physics causes your weapon to be blown to the next state, bounced off of the tallest building and then sent to the moon. The worst part is that they can do it to you, but yours doesn't work on them.

What kind of armor is there? As in light, med, heavy, etc. I ask simply because Morrowind had medium but it kinda got lumped into the heavy in Oblivion.
There's different kinds, but you wouldn't really want anything other than heavy if you're dual wielding since you won't have a shield. With four points into the Heavy Armor tree it becomes weightless and no longer makes your character walk/run slower as well. Well, I guess you could always wear medium and just cast an armor buff if you really wanted to, but it would get annoying having to do that at the start of every fight I would think.

The combat is actually as bad, if not worse than Oblivion...if that's even possible. Melee got "buffed" quite a bit, but unless you play in third person view, the actual perspective is awful and the swing mashing is about as dull as before. Magic is probably ten times more basic than it was as well, which doesn't help. It's a good thing then that the locales and quests so far are much more interesting, even though I honestly think the main guild quests and NPCs were much more fleshed out in Oblivion. I do think the actual main quest in this game is a little more interesting though.
Here's an interstind tidbit too. Need to make some money to purchase the materials for smithing? After you craft an item, upgrade it via the workbench and increase it's value to the vendor quite a bit more than what the upgrade material is worth to the vendor (say you have extra ore lying around). Once you get 50+ smithing and wear the smithing enhancement gear when upgrading (Epic or Legendary status), the items become worth double to what they previously were to the vendor...
You could say "Well, I actually could have used that material for a skillup". True, except that you'll be making enough money off of cannibalization that you can pay for more materials than what you initially started with. The majority of the vendors sell Leather and Leather Strips which can get you from 1-100 in smithing by making leather bracers. When you buy out one, go to the next and then just quick travel back to the one you previously bought from. The longer the distance, the more of a guarantee that they will have restocked.

I would not be suprised at all if this was an infinite gold loop either. Since it costs like 300g or so to outright buy materials for an Orc breastplate, yet you can get 750+ (more with a better speechcraft).
If magic/spellcasting is no good, I won't be playing this game. I only like magic-users in fantasy games.
Also, is the game engine like every other Bethesda game? You know, buttfucking the engine as opposed to playing an actual RPG? :lol: As far as the magic thing goes, I'm talking numbers here. He mentioned that a fireball did 50dmg whereas he was hitting with 83? Yeah, I'm a DnD player. I won't play a game with something that fucking nonsensical.