Gaming Thread

And in this topic a bunch of video game nerds are about to come unhinged over debates about magic trees.

Take a step back and look at it objectively. We're all pathetic dweebs. :lol:
There once was a time where I would've pointed and laughed. Now I just feel shame.

Nah, fuck it. I love being a nerd.

My favorite magic tree has always been and will always be necromancy or anything where you can summon things, like conjuration. However, summoning animals to fight with you pales in comparison to summoning undead hordes as your minions to fight for you. I've yet to have as much fun with magic as I did with the Necromancer in Diablo 2, if you can even consider that magic.

Of course I love D&D-style magic systems as well but holy crap it gets redundant sometimes. And frustrating. And boring. And action-killing.

Any necromancy in Skyrim, as in, non-sucking necromancy/conjuration? Don't like the timers, either. I want them to fight until they die (again).
No idea what you didn't like about it, because it was pretty expansive. The best part was when you got into the custom spell making...the sky was pretty much the limit. Now that that's gone, it really does fucking suck and feel like "Babies first RPG". I can't help but think "Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt!".

Sorry, didn't see that post.

I really liked how expansive it was in the sense of being able to create and combine spells...that was really neat-o. However, it just got a bit unwieldy, if you'll forgive the pun, after a while. It turned into having to gnat's ass everything. It was almost too wide open for my tastes. It was like magic anarchy.

I feel that way towards these things how some people feel towards the later rules of D&D, such as casters being able to wear armor, wield weapons besides staves, etc..that is, them being against it. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing for the game and not that I'm a purist, but I like to feel that it's going in a direction and not just be inundated with everything so I have to spend an hour sorting through which is better to create.
lol @ playing this game for combat.

Why is it even in the game then, and how else are you suppposed to "RP" in a game that is heavily focused on combat? Use a lot of "dost" and "thouest" while hitting LR? :lol:
We already knew the combat in TES games blew, but this is pretty bad even for Bethesda games. It's not even the mechanics of the combat itself that's wrong. Even Oblivion, as bad as it was was actually much better for a caster type character. It's much worse in this game while the physical classes play somewhat better than before. Hell, I started over again with a quick character just to see how well a bound weapon user would do. Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. You start with two daedric weapons and are even stronger than what a typical melee/non magic user is. Destruction has nothing remotely similar.

Oh, and I fully admit to being a "nerd" when it comes to game mechanics. Despite E-Bortion's relative silence on the subject most of the time, I'm pretty sure he is as well. I probably am bitching a bit too much though, but I am pretty disappointed with that aspect of the game. Even though the game itself is about on par to Morrowind for me, if not even an improvement in many areas.
Anyways...I'm wondering if I should hope I get lucky and find some ebony/daedric armor in dungeons or go ahead and start smithing so I can make it.

i would forge it, ebony is fairly easy to make if you are the right level, im 25 and the merch's JUST started selling it for me, daedric will be hard to make unless you have a good stash of daedra stored away somewhere you can harvest them for their hearts lol

HINT: just get a BUNCH of leather straps and iron ignot's and keep making iron daggers, over and over, it levels smithing up quick.

if only there were a way to do that with enchanting lol.
The only reason I'm not bitching incessantly is because I'm holding off on playing it until I can grab it for cheap on steam or something. I'm not paying $60 for the game :lol: My next purchase is Dark Souls.
First of all, don't tell me what I know and what I don't know.
If you say that simple spells is the essence of TES games, then yeah, I can tell you what you know, and especially what you don't know.

Secondly, I never said "you're playing the game wrong". NEVER. NOT ONCE. NEVER EVEN ALLUDED TO IT. STOP MAKING SHIT UP.
In your own words: "If you're playing Elder Scrolls and using anything besides Fire, Ice, and/or Lightning, you're taking it too seriously and killing the fun."

Taking it too seriously / Killing the fun = playing a game wrong. A game's primary goal is to make you have fun, yes? So if you're doing something that makes the primary goal impossible, then you're doing it wrong. I hate it when people beat their chests and come barreling out of the gate with bold, sweeping statements, only to say "oh but that's not what I meant" when called out on it, even if it clearly was, or worse, saying they never even said it!

"Taking it too seriously and killing the fun" means that you're glossing over all the great things in the game and focusing on nit-picky stuff.
No, "you're glossing over all the great things in the game and focusing on nit-picky stuff" means you're glossing over all the great things in the game and focusing on nit-picky stuff.

What I'm saying is that as far as OFFENSIVE spells go, IN MY OPINION, anything other than the fire, ice, and lightning-based spells are boring.
Only, that's not what you're saying. You're saying: if you play in style X or Y, you're killing the fun. Again, you're shouting bullshit off the rooftops only to pretend you weren't when called out on it.

I fail to see how not having D&D-style spells in a game like Skyrim is such a gamebreaker, as Sdralwekhroahdgfahsdgfiopuayfsdgio seems to be saying.
Neither do I, but there's a difference between not agreeing with someone and telling someone he's playing the game wrong because he doesn't play by your standards.

I'm saying that IN MY OPINION those spells aren't very missed in a game like Skyrim where combat is almost an afterthought to everything else there is to see and do in the game.
Not once did you use the phrase "in my opinion". Quite the contrary, you were telling people they played the game wrong if they didn't play it your style. Presenting your opinion as fact, which Talkingbackwards never did. Again, tou literally said: "If you're playing Elder Scrolls and using anything besides Fire, Ice, and/or Lightning, you're taking it too seriously and killing the fun." That's not stating your opinion, that's forcing your opinion on everyone else when you don't even know what the shit you're talking about.

Were they NOT in a game like Dragon Age, I could see why they would kill the immersion factor because D&D games are all about immersive combat as well as environments, whereas Skyrim is more tailored to ease of combat and immersive environments.
Skyrim, yes. But TES? No way. Don't tell people they should play a D&D game if they want D&D style gameplay, because TES started out with D&D style gameplay! It's like saying "If you want to play a D&D style, play something else than Baldur's Gate, because Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance was a hack & slash game".

That doesn't mean he doesn't have a point or shouldn't feel that way, and that's NOT what I'm saying. All I'm saying is that I couldn't care less if they're not included in Skyrim because even if I made a pure mage-esque character, I probably wouldn't use them anyway.
Then say that, don't say they're killing the fun for playing it their way. Reason I'm pouncing on your post so hard is because "playing the game your way" is the fucking essence of a role-playing game! You wanna keep it simple? That's cool. Other players want to make it complex. Who the fuck are you to say they're killing the fun?

To me, saying that Skyrim fails because of a limited magic tree is like saying The Witcher series is terrible because they don't have those types of spells either. They're two completely different styles of RPGs.
Difference is that the Witcher franchise was always that way, the TES franchise wasn't. It used to be D&D style gameplay and a lot of people legitimately find the later games dumbed down. That's their good right. Another difference is that the Witcher almost completely eliminated player choice when it came to main character: you were Geralt, and used Geralt's fighting style. In TES, you create your own character, and you should have the freedom to create whatever type of character you want - the new magic system makes many character types impossible, and that's what people are complaining about. And they're not wrong, to be honest.

Now if you wanna have a pissing contest on who's the bigger RPG elitist prick, you can gladly have that title, because I never claimed to be.
It's not about who's the bigger elitist, it's about someone ranting away about something they don't know enough about.

All I said was that those are rather boring OFFENSIVE spells anyway and they won't be missed when I play it.
No, that's NOT all you're saying! Maybe it was all you meant but it wasn't all you said. And now, instead of admitting you were using a bit too hastily chosen words, you try to pretend you never said what you did, a tactic you so hate in others. You're better than this, DW.

I like RPGs that are fun, intuitive, immersive, and grandiose. I also like the Diablo series, which is just button mashing hack 'n slash and quick-keying potions. That doesn't mean they're any less great.
That's great, and nobody says you shouldn't like them, or shouldn't say that you do. YOU are saying people shouldn't play the game YOUR way, not the other way around.

Jeez. Lighten up.
I'll lighten up when you stop and think, and then admit you were talking silly.
Where the hell did I say simple spells were the essence of TES? That's craziness. In fact, in my last post I actually said that it was too unwieldy for me in Oblivion (Oblivion! Not even Daggerfall or Morrowind!) because it was so wide open and didn't seem to have any direction, that it was like magic anarchy. Some people loved the "sky's the limit" type of magic system. I personally don't. What I said was that Skyrim offers so much more in terms of gameplay that maybe you should just overlook that detail and appreciate the simpler spell system for what it is. But OMG now I'm telling you how to play the game. :rolleyes:

Maybe I should've chosen my words more carefully (I was in a hurry when I typed it), but that doesn't change the fact that just because the aforementioned spells aren't to his liking or that there aren't his favorite spells in the game doesn't mean that it's a bad spell system. Like I've already said several times, to each his own. I still believe that if those are the extent of your gripes of the spell system then you're being a bit too nit-picky and killing the fun. I don't see how you see that as "you're doing it wrong". That's just like saying, "My thief doesn't do back flips and somersaults so this game is shit for thieves." No one's arguing the fact that it's simpler; we're arguing the fact that maybe it's better BECAUSE it's simpler. However, when we argue that it's better because it's simpler, that's blasphemy to you and we're dictating how to play the game...but when you argue the fact that it's worse because it's simpler, that's somehow the "correct" point of view and that you're somehow "correct" in telling people how it should be played because it's your opinion.

Again, that doesn't mean I'm telling you how to play the game, only that maybe you should re-evaluate what it is you want from the game. I understand that TES has been dumbed-down over the years, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it for what it is, and once again I'm not telling you how to play it. The earlier games had more stuff because, well, graphics sucked and the only way to be immersive then was to make everything else extremely intricate. Now you're saying that while you may have a Porsche, a Porsche sucks because you used to have a Lamborghini and that anyone who tells you to enjoy the Porsche for what it is is wrong for saying that simply because it's your right to say you want the Lamborghini. Well, yes, it's your right to say it and you're entitled to your opinion, but maybe I don't want a Lamborghini. Maybe I like my Porsche the way it is, even though it may not do everything the Lamborghini can do. If I tell you to stop complaining that the interior of the Porsche isn't like the Lambo, I'm not telling you you're a bad driver.

I was only speaking from my point of view of gameplay, not some empiric standard that games should be played like X, which is kinda what he's saying...and to be honest, it's an attitude you have as well. I would've thought that was obvious and only someone looking to be offended would've gotten offended, i.e., you. If you're upset with my post then by your reasoning you should also be upset with his for saying the magic system sucks because he likes to play differently. Saying, "this magic tree is shit, don't use this type of magic because it's worthless" IS telling people how to play the game, but neither I nor other people really believe that's his intention because we can extrapolate that to mean that's just his opinion. However, when I simply make a rebuttal to the contrary, you lose your mind over it and say, "Who the fuck are you to tell me how to play? I played Daggerfall!!!! RAAAAAAAAGE!!!!!" when he did the exact same thing you claim I did.

Now I'm calling YOU out. If you want to be semantic about it, let's get semantic.
i would forge it, ebony is fairly easy to make if you are the right level, im 25 and the merch's JUST started selling it for me, daedric will be hard to make unless you have a good stash of daedra stored away somewhere you can harvest them for their hearts lol

HINT: just get a BUNCH of leather straps and iron ignot's and keep making iron daggers, over and over, it levels smithing up quick.

if only there were a way to do that with enchanting lol.

I am not going to give any big spoilers, but Daedra Hearts are MUCH easier to find than you may think. I was actually getting kind of annoying at how hard it seemed to be to get them, and then I stumbled onto an unlimited supply (it's not in any kind of dangerous place either). :lol:
People also keep saying to level up daggers...literally everyone says this, and yet Leather Bracers are much easier to skillup on because of how much leather you come across in the game via wildlife and the stacks of it sold from the various's dirt cheap too. Sure, use whatever iron ingots you find on the daggers, but when you don't have any, don't buy any...leather is cheaper.
You know what else was more intricate and more wide open? Dragon Realms. I'm gonna go out on a limb here, watch out, but I say that Skyrim is a better game than Dragon Realms because there are actually graphics you can see and it's not a text-based game. I'm neither telling you how to play it nor am I saying you're wrong. I'm simply saying that in my opinion I prefer a game with graphics, and if you argue that Skyrim gameplay is worse than Dragon Realms gameplay then that's your opinion and I respect it, but I disagree for a litany of reasons. I don't feel that you're telling me "I'm doing it wrong" in Dragon Realms simply because I prefer Skyrim's "dumbed-down" gameplay, Stormo.
Maybe I should've chosen my words more carefully (I was in a hurry when I typed it), but that doesn't change the fact that just because the aforementioned spells aren't to his liking or that there aren't his favorite spells in the game doesn't mean that it's a bad spell system. Like I've already said several times, to each his own.

Err, I don't think you understand at all what I was talking about. Not having a handful of the spell effects that are not included is not what "kills the fun" for me at all, it's the fact that if I wanted to, I could use some random utility spell or create my own in the past. That no longer exists. Furthermore, having an emergency, point blank spell was HUGE for any kind of caster in a game like this. All you have now is a slow casting Dual bolt or Fireball with the Impact Perk to "kind of" do a similar effect. I also loved making spells that would drain the life of enemies, over time. Even if it wasn't OMG dmg, it kept my health up while slowly draining theres, allowing me to do whatever else I wanted in the meanwhile. I this game, it's nothing but pew pew pew rocket launcher type spell casting. I am 100% certain shouts are to blame for this. But with their 30 - 60 second cooldowns, it's not like they break the game in any way and that magic needed to be gutted for it.

I also would not be so offended with just Fire, Ice, Shock and nothing else if the spells actually scaled, but they don't. They are extremely underhelming and underpowered unless you play below Adept OR you're using summoned pets to keep enemies off of you. You can play that way, but it seems like it's assumed everyone would play that way so that's the supposed "balance" and you are literally required to go down a path already chosen for you.

Anyway...I'll be able to revisit that playstyle once the huge spell overhaul arrives. And it will. Many people fucking hate the current spell system...a lot. The silly thing too is that there are weapons that increase your Destruction by 20% (but you can't Dual Wield spells with it equipped) and potions that increase it by 25%. You can't disenchant that weapon for the enchant though. It's like it was in the game before and they took it out...for no apparent reason, and it's desperately needed.
Err, I don't think you understand at all what I was talking about. Not having a handful of the spell effects that are not included is not what "kills the fun" for me at all, it's the fact that if I wanted to, I could use some random utility spell or create my own in the past. That no longer exists. Furthermore, having an emergency, point blank spell was HUGE for any kind of caster in a game like this. All you have now is a slow casting Dual bolt or Fireball with the Impact Perk to "kind of" do a similar effect. I also loved making spells that would drain the life of enemies, over time. Even if it wasn't OMG dmg, it kept my health up while slowly draining theres, allowing me to do whatever else I wanted in the meanwhile. I this game, it's nothing but pew pew pew rocket launcher type spell casting. I am 100% certain shouts are to blame for this. But with their 30 - 60 second cooldowns, it's not like they break the game in any way and that magic needed to be gutted for it.

I also would not be so offended with just Fire, Ice, Shock and nothing else if the spells actually scaled, but they don't. They are extremely underhelming and underpowered unless you play below Adept OR you're using summoned pets to keep enemies off of you. You can play that way, but it seems like it's assumed everyone would play that way so that's the supposed "balance" and you are literally required to go down a path already chosen for you.

Anyway...I'll be able to revisit that playstyle once the huge spell overhaul arrives. And it will. Many people fucking hate the current spell system...a lot.

I can understand that and see why and how it could be improved. I know you know I'm not telling you how to play the game and you know that I know (dat you know dat I know, Norton! :p) that you're not telling me how to play it.

I happen to prefer huge balls of fire (or just huge balls) coming from (or on) my hands (and face) and Emperor-esque lightning bolts arcing from my palms, so I like the "rocket launcher" type of magic. I don't think either of us believes that we're telling each other we're doing it wrong, just different strokes for different folks. While I don't think you're ignoring the great aspects of the game, I was speaking in the second person that people shouldn't write off Skyrim just because the spell system needs tweaking.

I wonder if anyone will get the Norton reference. Maybe I'm too old.
el stormo, i took a quick glance back at the last page and i have to ask you again. why the fuck do you always pick apart everyone's post word for word and second guess them or their ideas? you fucking do it all the time. and you always end it by saying something like 'this is the dumbest thing you've ever said' or something like that. we've all seen you write some pretty opinionated shit on here about everything under the sun, so don't act all high and mighty. go get drunk or something/
I think I'm going to start all over again...from level 15. :cry:

Once again, Battlemage just isn't viable. It's bad enough I can't block, but spreading my stats too thin is becoming a problem. That, and lightning magic is useless. Ohhh, I can drain enemies magic, big whoop. 90% of the enemies I fight don't even use magic.

I think I'll go ahead and make my stealth guy, get the Thieves and Dark Brotherhood out of the way, then remake a pure fighter for the Stormcloaks, Companions, and MQ.
I think I'm going to start all over again...from level 15. :cry:

Once again, Battlemage just isn't viable. It's bad enough I can't block, but spreading my stats too thin is becoming a problem. That, and lightning magic is useless. Ohhh, I can drain enemies magic, big whoop. 90% of the enemies I fight don't even use magic.

I think I'll go ahead and make my stealth guy, get the Thieves and Dark Brotherhood out of the way, then remake a pure fighter for the Stormcloaks, Companions, and MQ.

:lol::lol::lol: No, I feel your pain entirely, but :lol::lol::lol:

Anyway, here's my new "Battlemage"...