Gaming Thread

I think I'm going to start all over again...from level 15. :cry:

Once again, Battlemage just isn't viable. It's bad enough I can't block, but spreading my stats too thin is becoming a problem. That, and lightning magic is useless. Ohhh, I can drain enemies magic, big whoop. 90% of the enemies I fight don't even use magic.

I think I'll go ahead and make my stealth guy, get the Thieves and Dark Brotherhood out of the way, then remake a pure fighter for the Stormcloaks, Companions, and MQ.

thats weird, my friend said he built a battle mage and he could take down a dragon with 4-5 chain lightnings.
thats weird, my friend said he built a battle mage and he could take down a dragon with 4-5 chain lightnings.

Not all of the dragons have equal health. Some are much weaker than others for sure. I think the random ones are the weaker and those that are either part of a quest or those that you find by the words of power take a bit longer to kill.
Not all of the dragons have equal health. Some are much weaker than others for sure. I think the random ones are the weaker and those that are either part of a quest or those that you find by the words of power take a bit longer to kill.

Yeah I think so too, as well as being leveled. I was near the western portion of the map for a quest and an Elder Dragon flew over the hills and fucked me the hell up. I died at least 20 times, shit was insane.

I'm 30 hours in and god damn, this game just does not stop being amazing. As I've said before, to me this is the culmination of all the stuff they've done in the series since morrowind + fallout 3. You guys are wayyy nitpicky about the stat stuff but hey that's your whole deal, it'd just be a shame if that made you dislike the game because it really is fucking amazing. Going from the unique landscape of Morrowind to Oblivion was seriously kinda weak (but the graphics pulled the veil over my eyes for the most part), and now seeing Skyrim with its unique landscape is fucking amazing.

I've gotten to a fairly pivotal point in the story (or so I believe, it's still quite early I assume though so don't spoil main quest plz) and so I've been doing a bunch of side quests and god damn, there are so many it's absurd and they're all fleshed out, even if they're smaller ones. I love how the guilds have progressed as having the fighters guild/mages guild etc in the previous games sorta felt like the same concept but skinned differently and not truly affecting the world, but in Skyrim I seriously feel liek what I'm doing in the college of winterhold is affecting the world, that it actually has a place, that what the companions do has an affect, that they're respected and people recognize I'm a part of it etc. The guilds have evolved into their own entities with more history than ever before, and it feels fucking great. Hell, I'm just content to walk out of a town, look around, find a mountain that looks cool and go climb it, cleaning out any dungeons along the way.

To me this is one of the best games ever, hands down. What they've done in the past was great, but the art design/architecture/world design/way the characters interact with you/feels like everyone has their own life/insane variety of gameplay elements big and small, it makes you feel like the world truly is alive and on it's own with its own history. The lore in books plus what people say, their own habits, the return of culture to towns (fucking finally) really makes it feel alive and makes it so god damn fun; i'm still discovering new gameplay elements and things to do and it's just so expansive and varied it's absurd. Bravo Bethesda, fucking bravo. If Fallout 4 is a jump anything like this was, then holy fuck I cannot wait for that.
You guys are wayyy nitpicky about the stat stuff but hey that's your whole deal, it'd just be a shame if that made you dislike the game because it really is fucking amazing.

Dude, for are playing a melee character. If you want to know what the griping is all about, play the first 20 levels as a soley Destruction magic only (with the occasional healing of course) for your damage and no pet and let me know how it goes. You also need to play it on Expert for comparison purposes. Melee is light years easier. :loco: Doesn't make me dislike the game (in general) at all, it just makes me fucking hate "the" classic damage school for magic.
thats weird, my friend said he built a battle mage and he could take down a dragon with 4-5 chain lightnings.

Well shit...maybe I'll keep him.

I'm just getting raped too often right now and I don't know if it's my build or not. Can't even get past the first room of Lambrythian. Two frost trolls fuck me up if I don't use my powers on one.

I'm glad there's a challenge and all, I'm mainly just concerned I'm level 15ish and don't have enough magic to cast Storm Cage, the third tier storm spell. My stamina is already gimp from the points in magic and health.

Then again, I hate bows and I need to shoot dem dragons.

Fuck it, I guess I'll keep him.
Well shit...maybe I'll keep him.

I'm just getting raped too often right now and I don't know if it's my build or not. Can't even get past the first room of Lambrythian. Two frost trolls fuck me up if I don't use my powers on one.

I'm glad there's a challenge and all, I'm mainly just concerned I'm level 15ish and don't have enough magic to cast Storm Cage, the third tier storm spell. My stamina is already gimp from the points in magic and health.

Then again, I hate bows and I need to shoot dem dragons.

Fuck it, I guess I'll keep him.

The only thing that improves is your mana pool...much later when you can enchant gear and get -%cost enchants since +%manaregen doesn't even work in combat. Still, if you refuse to play with a summons or use Freny/Paralyze it doesn't get any easier, only more tedious. You can stunlock targets eventually when you have the mana surplus, but that's single target only and it also doesn't really speed up your killing. It just means something will die...eventually.

I was having major problems too and I did not invest a single point into health. My mana was always being drained. Then again, I also did not pick High Elf, which in hindsight was a pretty significant factor.

I was also not that far off with my estimation on just how inefficient the dual casting perk makes your spells. I assumed it was +20% - 25% damage for +40% the cost. It's apparently not even that good, and many are claiming test results with 10% - 12% damage for +40% cost. Dunno who playtests these things, but they were asleep at the time.
Gods, that's my biggest complaint in this game.

In Oblivion I could switch spells with a press of the d-pad. Now I have to pause everything and select from a list? No thanks, one spell is all I'm using.
The biggest problem I've read on the forums is that magic doesn't scale and becomes useless after level 40, especially in comparison to melee weapons which are easy to stack on damage with.

Gaaaaaaaah, I'm so torn on starting over or not.
Dude, for are playing a melee character. If you want to know what the griping is all about, play the first 20 levels as a soley Destruction magic only (with the occasional healing of course) for your damage and no pet and let me know how it goes. You also need to play it on Expert for comparison purposes. Melee is light years easier. :loco: Doesn't make me dislike the game (in general) at all, it just makes me fucking hate "the" classic damage school for magic.

thats why i said it's your deal and that i hope it doesn't fuck up the game for you because it truly is a great game aside from little technical nitpickings, i never said that your way isn't difficult or fucked up. i do play it on expert and i acknowledge there are probably some problems with the magic and other systems that super intense stat nerds will feel, my point is just that the atmosphere/world/characters and overall everything else is just truly great and well crafted that'd it'd be a shame if the nitpickings over magic made people miss out on a lot of the stuff in it due to feeling jaded or straight up stopping and not playing anymore (for me it's just getting better the more I go on, though I can imagine once I'm high enough level and have the max gear etc it might start to lose a bit of enjoyment, we'll see).

Gods, that's my biggest complaint in this game.

In Oblivion I could switch spells with a press of the d-pad. Now I have to pause everything and select from a list? No thanks, one spell is all I'm using.

man playing it on consoles is brutal. pc ftw, oblivions magic system was awful for me, and with the pc you just press the q key, you're in your favorites and you can grab anything instantly. it's quite easy to switch back and forth and i'm loving the new UI in comparison to the other games. Seeing all the items in fully 3d is great (though i wish we could see our character as well, maybe have a separate option for that though you can just go into third person, zoom out and then open the UI) and it's far easier to navigate and use, plus the HUD is very unobtrusive. all in all i couldn't imagine playing this game on consoles, especially since the graphics/performance just cannot possibly live up to a powerful pc; i can't wait to come back to this game in 2 years or so once i've mega upgraded again and use all the inevitable high res graphics mods and whatnot and just make it look fucking AMAZING.
man playing it on consoles is brutal. pc ftw, oblivions magic system was awful for me, and with the pc you just press the q key, you're in your favorites and you can grab anything instantly. it's quite easy to switch back and forth and i'm loving the new UI in comparison to the other games.

Hit Q. Hightlight something on the list. Press a number...
Just thought I'd leave this here.

Stormo, if you're thinking about replying (because I know you are, as we both have to have the last word in everything), don't. In the interest of mutual respect and rapport and the amicable nature of our online "friendship", we should just drop the argument and move on to something as equally asinine and unimportant to debate.
any of you guys played/playing Dark Souls?

Yes tool. I commented before about how you made the right choice when you said you were buying that instead of LA Noire...but then you didn't. :mad: Picked it up on release, and just like Demon's Souls, it's amazing.

At this point, the bound weapons + the perk that increases bound weapon damage does just as much as the Glass swords I can make, and is weaker than reinforced Glass swords, but considering the whole point is to play some kind of "Conjuration Armsman" type character, I'm going to stick with the bound weapons a while longer. Plus, I picked up the sould stealing perk so I capture souls anything I kill with either the swords or the bow. Grand souls are easy to farm this way. Even though I could just enchant normal weapons to do the same. Lately I've just been letting my Dremora Lord kill everything for me so it slows down my leveling.
It has been awhile since I've seen this thread blow up from a game. It is a good thing! If people were not a fan of the series or enjoyed the game, people wouldn't be such a hard-ass about everything. It shows that you CARE about the game. Bethesda has been good about listening to their fans, so I really do think there will be an update of some sort. This game has had so much attention, and its only been released for 5 days! FIVE DAYS!
