Gaming Thread

the newest Zelda got a fucking 10 score from IGN and they say it is even better than OOT

Hmm. Gonna have to take that kind of statement, especially from IGN with a grain of salt, but that's interesting to hear at least. OOT was by far my favorite Zelda, other than ALTTP for nostalgia, and TP put me to sleep.

Eh, just looked at Gamespot. 7.5 Kind of odd, because if you go by for averages, it's sitting at 93% over 20 reviews. I think I need to read more reviews.
Hmm. Gonna have to take that kind of statement, especially from IGN with a grain of salt, but that's interesting to hear at least. OOT was by far my favorite Zelda, other than ALTTP for nostalgia, and TP put me to sleep.

Eh, just looked at Gamespot. 7.5 Kind of odd, because if you go by for averages, it's sitting at 93% over 20 reviews. I think I need to read more reviews.
Magazine my cousin got rates it 10/10 as well. They basically called it flawless.
Magazine my cousin got rates it 10/10 as well. They basically called it flawless.

A lot of magazines/websites seemed to hand out the 9.0 - 10.0 scores like candy though for this generation of games, and so many of them are probably 8.5 at the very most. If it's a FPS, automatic 10 (or about that) even if it's exactly the same as the first six games in that franchise. I think I am just a crusty old "hardcore" gamer who grew up in an era where games were actually put under much more scrutiny and payoffs were nowhere near as rampant as they are today.

Although it is a Nintendo game. If there's one thing you can almost always rely on, it's that the Zelda and Mario games are typically better than pretty much everything else out there from every other developer. Twilight Princess seemed like a fluke, since I've enjoyed pretty much every other Zelda game. The irony is that it used the graphics that people had been dying to see in a Zelda game, yet lost much of it's personality/fun in the process.

I think still to this day, Mario 64 and OOT are two of the best games ever created.


Man, I don't know which sig is more mesmerizing. Your current, or the previous raver guy. Grope was pretty lame in comparison.
You know what I never got? All the Half Life 2 fellatio. Granted, it's a GREAT game, but titles like "The greatest game ever" that everyone seemed to be giving it? No.

It had a great story and great gameplay, but it wasn't innovative at all. It was Half Life with better graphics, which in itself is a great thing but not a genre killer. I played it much later than when it got released due to me not having an internet connection at the time, and I remember feeling a bit deflated after beating it. Granted, it was a fantastic game, but I had this feeling that it just got blown up way too much.

Other games not worthy of all the praise, despite them being great games?
You know what I never got? All the Half Life 2 fellatio. Granted, it's a GREAT game, but titles like "The greatest game ever" that everyone seemed to be giving it? No.

It had a great story and great gameplay, but it wasn't innovative at all. It was Half Life with better graphics, which in itself is a great thing but not a genre killer. I played it much later than when it got released due to me not having an internet connection at the time, and I remember feeling a bit deflated after beating it. Granted, it was a fantastic game, but I had this feeling that it just got blown up way too much.

Other games not worthy of all the praise, despite them being great games?

Agree 100%. I've actually never even finished HL2 either (got really close a few times). Just never felt compelled to bother, and yet the first HL was the first FPS that I could stomach playing all the way through.
HL2 ruled. Greatest game ever? Nah. Fun story but honestly, the only thing I really, really like about it is that it was the precursor to then, community developed games like Counter-Strike, which I still play very heavily to this day.
HL2 was great. Not as good as HL1 though. HL1 is my favorite game of all time.

A few years back everyone was raving about Left for Dead. It got high scores in all the magazines and stuff. I played it, co op, and got bored within 10 minutes.
Aight so any more games that were undeserving of all the praise, even though they may have been great games?

Any of the Halo or Gears of War games. They were really good games, but not as good as the masses would have you believe, and also showed everything wrong with the current generation of console games and gamers. I also truly believe MGS4 was massively overpraised, and I say this as a huge fan of the game. I do think it was deserving of the 9.0 ratings, but not the 10/10 "perfect" shit, because it wasn't. Having to sit through four hours of exposition that takes precedence over gameplay does not make a great game, it makes a good game with a lot of cut scenes. FFXIII took it to the extreme next level though.

As far as most overpraised game so far this generation? That's easy; Oblivion. Terrible, terrible game with a handful of interesting NPCs and quests. That "game" was more of a tech demo/FPS pretending to be an RPG.
As far as most overpraised game so far this generation? That's easy; Oblivion. Terrible, terrible game with a handful of interesting NPCs and quests. That "game" was more of a tech demo/FPS pretending to be an RPG.

I wouldn't go that far, but now that I've played Skyrim I'm definitely in that sort of camp. Oblivion for it's time was great (to me, don't bother saying why it's not, i know all the reasons) and was a huge step up in terms of what a game could be. I kept modding it too so the graphics always kept improving, and I felt like it was a good follow up to Morrowind.

And then there was Skyrim. Morrowind was my first huge open world game (gta 3 maybe technically but its a different kind) and its still in my top games, and Skyrim takes the graphical brilliance of Oblivion for its time and combines it with all the amazing aspects of Morrowind. Had you asked me if Oblivion was a great game a year ago? I'd say yes. Now? I'd say it's decent. Skyrim really showed me what could've been done, and it's a shame Oblivion got consolized, fucked up, dumbed down (such as the landscape being nothing like the lore due to tech limitations) when it could've been great.

On the other topic, I'd say a game that is wayyy overpraised would be any Call Of Duty after Modern Warfare, and even some before. The original Call Of Duty actually was pretty damn great, and really did give a lot to the genre. Then once they realized they could release any piece of shit once a year they just started doing so and making the multiplayer updated, and the single player shorter but with more QTE's and scripted events. As far as I'm concerned that series is seriously a giant zit on the ass of FPS', and I'm glad that tons of people on metacritic just ass rammed it and gave it horrible scores, saying to the developer in some form "fuck you".
On the topic of Skyrim...

I still cannot believe how fucking massive this game is. seriously, WHAT THE FUCK. I've been doing side quests and whatnot and building up smithing (an actual fun way of weapon improving other than just clicking on an item a billion times with a repair hammer equipped) and on the side I've just been exploring when I go to an area where I've discovered almost nothing. The landscapes are so diverse it's fucking ridiculous, and there's just so god damn much of it so filled up.

I seriously avoid discovering dungeons if I'm trying to do a specific thing because I don't want my map to fill up with icons when I don't have time to explore them (though I know if you fully clear it out it says cleared, but that doesn't always work). From the Tundra, to the highest snow capped mountains, to the forest, to the swamps/bogs, to mountain paths through the icy waste, to a frozen iceberg wasteland, exploring it all is just god damn fucking ridiculous. combine this with the fact that every dungeon feels unique in some way (be it a different architecture style, different elements, different enemies, or one large theme such as a boss or quest etc) and you can explore forever. I stopped doing the main quest at 30 hours in and now I'm at 45 and haven't even needed to go back or felt compelled to, as I'm just so addicted to doing everything else.

The fact that they were able to recapture the Morrowind feeling of unique ecosystems with different aspects yet keep the size and scale is absurd. I'm going to enable screenshots because there are some points where I seriously stop and just stare out at a vista, and it looks like something you'd see on a post card saying GREETINGS FROM SKYRIM. The detail in the different regions is just absolutely insane, and I've never felt compelled in any videogame to just walk around, see a mountain, climb it, do whatever and purposelessly walk around (maybe the only other time would be in grand theft auto 3 back in the day).

I can't even imagine how many hours I'm going to sink into this. Morrowind being my first game of the type I spent at least 100 hours on xbox just doing the basic intro things: killing people, stealing stuff, taking peoples houses, exploring etc (my brother did the same in Oblivion as that was his first), and another 60 on PC, I've spent at least 70 in Oblivion and already in Skyrim I've spent 45 yet show no signs of boredom whatsoever, no signs of monotony, just sheer new interesting adventures. I'd guess I'll finally complete the main quest (after doing a lot of side stuff) at about hour 80, then do more side quests until hour 100, then explore the entire landscape until hour 140, and then once all the DLC's come out spend at least another 20 hours. God damn this game is an amazing piece of art and deal.
do so! people should post their most epic/intense/flat out beautiful screenshots that they come across (but not one of their characters every 5 minutes or stuff like that or we'd get buried in pics haha!). there are times i just feel rapt staring off into the distance in the game with how beautiful it looks; we aren't fully at photorealistic graphics by any means but when you're in the environment at dusk looking out onto the ocean at the north end of the province (and if you have all graphics maxed out haha) it actually does look quite realistic for what it is.

now that i've seen what they can do i seriously cannot imagine the next elder scrolls/fallout. I've said it before but i'll say it again, if they made the next fallout in nyc area or la that'd be absolutely fucking AWESOME and with all the technical power they have now (either on this console or the next gen, being super optimized on this or just having the sheer power of the next) and the experience they have it'll look seriously amazing, same with the next elder scrolls and whatever climate they choose (now that they've done morrowind, cyrodil and skyrim i'm not sure what they'd do next, but i sincerely hope they don't do black marsh as i would not want to be stuck in swamp/super dense jungle for the entire game honestly).





My girlfriend

My other girlfriend that my first girlfriend doesn't know about.

Getting another girl drunk at the bar, because that is how I roll


yeah i actually had a point where i could have snapped a pic of three dragons one fighting me and two flying around a mountain but i didn't know the screenshot button :(