Gaming Thread

Dark Souls is fucking amazing :kickass: Yeah, I can see where it's a bit tedious but come on now, can't expect to just run through a game now, can you? Well, I guess you can. In fact, I think that's what today's average gamer comes to expect. Instant gratification. Dark Souls isn't unbelievably hard like some of the reviews have stated, it's just a challenge. I remember the days when all games were built to be challenging. I wish games like this would come along more often. Seriously though, it's not that tough. Just grind and learn the animations/properties of attacks and spells.
do you guys recommend getting Skyrim for the PC or a console?

if you can run it well, PC. If not, console. Honestly these days with how games are first and foremost optimized for consoles, you really need to have a good gaming PC to make the games beautiful and run well. I remember you mentioning you had a good pc before, so as long as you meet the recommended settings then definiitelllyyy go for the PC. Way better control, way better UI navigation, way more customization (and when tweaked perfectly amazing performance/graphics), mod support in the future which is INSANELY important (they say they'll be bringing some to the consoles but honestly i doubt that will play out well).

That mod posted above, so what exactly is that? just a post processing filter? tbh i don't like things like that because it tends to overamplify the colors and whatnot and make things look ridiculous instead of real. For me the only graphics mods I dig are high quality textures and lighting/certain filter changes (though since this game already includes DOF and HDR I doubt I'd need any filters at all).

Today since it's friday and I have next week off of school I'm going to start fucking around with my .ini, I'm still having problems with the shadows being blocky in that if I increase all of the settings to 4096 they're much better but slow down my FPS outside a fair amount with stutter (and I have essentially the highest power pc you can get now for games realistically). I'm thinking I'll mess with combos of resolutions and the shadowmap distance because from what I understand its due to all the shadows being rendered over a large distance, and having to equally share the memory and as such causing them to all lower down in quality to compensate and thus get blocky (especially when moving). Gotta strike a balance of good performance, adequate distance and good quality which is not easy; right now I get great fps outside and perfect inside, but whenever the shadows move they get blocky as fuck, and only stay quality when they are motionless (making any self shadows look fucking retarded).
about 20 hours in game with Dark Souls and I can't say I've ever been as pleased with such a hellacious challenge. This game is pure gold. Pure hell too :)
Just thought I'd leave this here.

Stormo, if you're thinking about replying (because I know you are, as we both have to have the last word in everything), don't. In the interest of mutual respect and rapport and the amicable nature of our online "friendship", we should just drop the argument and move on to something as equally asinine and unimportant to debate.
Sure, if that's the way you want it. I don't see why our online "friendship" and mutual respect would be ruined by the occasional hard word. I was disapproving of your post, not of you as a person. I will reply to this though:

el stormo, i took a quick glance back at the last page and i have to ask you again. why the fuck do you always pick apart everyone's post word for word and second guess them or their ideas?
It's a digital forum. You have all the time in the world to think about your posts before you type them, during, and after. Which means the excuse of "yeah that's not what I meant" is often worthless, and yes, I'll pick apart your post to prove what you say is wrong. And "second guessing them or their ideas" is what discussion is about. Things might get a bit heated every now and then, but at least people are doing more than posting unfunny shit or making vapid, contentless posts.

So yeah, if I see someone writing bollocks, I'll call them out on it. Same way I'll never hold it against someone else if he or she does the same to me.

Anyway, I'm at level 26 now, finished the Companions questline and ditched Lydia for Aela the Huntress, because sorry Lydia, but Aela is even more butch and badass than you are! I can't play that much because my girl's at home with a broken rib, and she has to work from home using my PC.

I'm loving it a lot, though I do miss the classes, major/minor skills, stats, and all the previous TES staples. It's yet another game that got streamlined too much in the interest of appealing other people than the pure RPG crowd. I understand why Bethesda did it, I just think it's a shame. That said, Skyrim is a very fine RPG, and I daresay better than either Morrowind or Oblivion.
about 20 hours in game with Dark Souls and I can't say I've ever been as pleased with such a hellacious challenge. This game is pure gold. Pure hell too :)

Have you not played Demon's Souls?

I watched IGN review the game. Is it as hard as they say? They say some parts are basically impossible to complete. It looks like a cool game, though.

Lol, no. There's nothing that's (near) impossible to complete. There are just some areas that you really cannot do until later on. Now when you do NG+, there is one fight in particular that is ultra annoying, but you can beat it with a cheesy collision exploit.

The game is definitely not for everyone though. I know of a few people who tried playing the first game and they kept going on and on about how hard it was, and how they never made it 1/3 of the way through the game. That blows my mind, but whatever. Some people just aren't used to, or cannot play action games that require timing.
This is why PC > Consoles for specific games. Especially Bethesda games. I'll now actually be able to play as a Destruction Mage and feel like I'm playing a Destruction Mage...without it feeling completely broken and stupid in a God Mode kind of way. I'm not even sure if these changes are enough for any difficulty above Adept, but they are very good, especially the Rune change. Made no sense to have three different kinds of runes, but you still could only ever lay down a crappy 50 damage rune that eats 30% of your mana.
:lol: Impossible? Hardly. Everything in this game is fair and playable. You just have to grind, use a bit of common sense, and play the game in an intelligent and skillful manner. Timing is everything, patience helps too. Right now my battlemage build is pretty sick. It's taken tons of grinding to get the ring/spells I wanted but I'm wielding a catalyst (wand) in one hand and a sword in the other. soul arrow + magic weapon = win.
This is why PC > Consoles for specific games. Especially Bethesda games. I'll now actually be able to play as a Destruction Mage and feel like I'm playing a Destruction Mage...without it feeling completely broken and stupid in a God Mode kind of way. I'm not even sure if these changes are enough for any difficulty above Adept, but they are very good, especially the Rune change. Made no sense to have three different kinds of runes, but you still could only ever lay down a crappy 50 damage rune that eats 30% of your mana.

I HATE runes. so fucking much. reason being sometimes I'll be walking in a dungeon, not see a rune and BOOM, get fucking blasted to hell. most of the time its no big deal, but sometimes it'll get a cheap kill and if i haven't remembered to save, it'll be some intense fucking reloading.

My only problem so far with the game (aside from some bugs, but that's to be expected) is when they have some characters/fights who are simply overpowered in a cheap way.
I was getting a word of power at a Forsworn camp, and I was doing fairly well cutting through them (though it was a tough fight because there were a fair amount of them/the mages are tough) and finally I got to the end and these 2 Hargreaves were bringing a forsworn leader back to life or something. Anyway, I started fighting and all of a sudden BOOOM, i'm dead. I have it on expert so I figure ok, finally a tough fight, so I keep trying and within 2 seconds each time I just get fucking stomped, despite being level 40, wielding a 70 damage sword enchanted with 15 pt shock damage, having oakflesh active and a potion of the warrior.
So finally after about 15 tries where i've just been getting stomped within 2 seconds (tried ranged, close up, hit and run, all sorts of things) I lowered it down to Adept and tried again, and this time it was wayyy easy. I thought i'd be getting some super powerful weapon but it turns out he just had a regular axe, they were shooting a fireball and then he was hitting me with 1 axe strike, FUCKING ONE and i was dying. it wasn't a case of them being powerful or having way powerful gear, it was just unfairly unmatched.

I'm down with tough enemies, but when you're fortified like fuck in attack and defense, the enemy has no special weapons/their weapons are weak, and they can kill you with 2 hits and you have to take 20 hits to kill them, that just gets a little ridiculous considering they just charge you.