Gaming Thread

Magic is fine. Way better than previous games where it was formulaic and numeric, it actually feels like magic now.

What the hell are you talking about? There's literally ZERO customization.

-There's no damage over time spells
-There's no huge damage, point blank touch spells
-There's no drain health spells
-There's no poison spells
-There's no multi element spells
-There's no speed increasing spells
-There's no true "Regeneration" (health over time) spells
-There's no gravity (encumberance) spells
-There's no temporary stat buff spells

For damage you literally have "Flamethrower", "Icespewer", "Forceshock", Firebolt, Icebolt, Lightningbolt and then Fireball. That's it for single target damage and you usually only ever need to toggle between Fire and Shock depending on resistances or if they are casters. The area of effect spells are utterly POINTLESS because enemies are almost never together enough to ever hit more than two *at most*. The damage doesn't scale at all either, and since you can't create more powerful spells, you cap out fairly quickly in damage. The magic in this game = plasmids from Bioshock in not only function, but it actually LOOKS identical now with the new hand positioning.

If you want to argue about Conjuration; ok, it's great and Alteration can be ok too if you don't want to wear armor. Otherwise, the magic is utter crap in this game. Not to sound like some elitist prick or anything, but level up and then reconsider. Destruction is "fine" until around level 20 and then it's all downhill from there. To actually use Destruction from then on, you're required to use summons, unless you enjoy countless hours of backpedalling.

The game became so easy with my lvl 30 melee character that I had to jump from Adept to Master just for anything resembling difficulty. And it's still pretty damn easy, and yet I was struggling on Adept with Destruction...because it sucks.

Also, is the game engine like every other Bethesda game? You know, buttfucking the engine as opposed to playing an actual RPG? :lol: As far as the magic thing goes, I'm talking numbers here. He mentioned that a fireball did 50dmg whereas he was hitting with 83? Yeah, I'm a DnD player. I won't play a game with something that fucking nonsensical.

If you missed it when I was talking about it earlier; you can enchant items to add +%damage to one-handed and two-handed weapon skills. You can have four of these, and I believe the cap is 50% each, so you can have +200% weapon damage. That's not counting the fact that you also can improve your weapon skills through perks by +100% AND if you took smithing, you can increase the raw base damage by something like +50% with the correct level and smithing gear. That's just base damage, not even counting the DOUBLE fire/frost/shock/whatever enchants you can put on each weapon as well. Magic only gets +%regen and -%cost reduction. There's absolutely zero way to increase the damage of Destruction after you're 100 in the skill and have the +50% modifier (that barely seems to do anything).

Also, the "Dual Casting" perk makes your spells do slightly more damage, but it's horribly inefficient. It's like you get a 25% increase in power, but at a 40% increase in cost, so until you have a giant mana pool, or the cost reduction gear, it's not so great. Even Impact doesn't make up for the cost. There was a specific "Reaper" type creature that literally took me six dual casts of fireball to kill at lvl 26. Against that same enemy, my current character simply rushed up, power attacked once and hit it again with a normal swing. And I have around 2.5x the health as what the caster did, because the caster had to have all of that mana to do anything. It's easier on Master difficulty as melee than it is Adept difficulty for a caster who does not want to rely on summons to do everything for them. I'm sure it's a breeze if you level up Conjuration, but then you may as well have the game play itself.

Bitching aside, the game is leagues beyond Oblivion in every other way possible and you should attempt to play it even if you're stuck using mundane magic. It's interesting enough that the throwaway combat can be dismissed.
New engine for Skyrim. Skyrim is better than any other previous games. Don't assume it is another Oblivion, because it is far from it.

New engine, same developer, same tendancies. Either way, I'll be buying Dark Souls this week, not Skyrim.
New engine, same developer, same tendancies. Either way, I'll be buying Dark Souls this week, not Skyrim.

You could just get both. Also, I don't know if it was faked or not, but someone showed a screenshot of Skyrim with the console command list debug open, and it actually had a line about VATS. So uh, much for a "completely new" engine if it's true. :lol: Whatever though, it's still leagues better than Oblivion for sure.

Although this may not actually have anything to do with a previous Fallout, and it could just be a feature that was already added to the engine for later use.
dude with the fucked up name, you take games wayyyyy too seriously, man. magic, shadows, just shut up and try to enjoy the game and be thankful you're in a position to play it. it hasn't even been 48 hours and you're already complaining about it. just chill.
dude with the fucked up name, you take games wayyyyy too seriously, man. magic, shadows, just shut up and try to enjoy the game and be thankful you're in a position to play it. it hasn't even been 48 hours and you're already complaining about it. just chill.

Sure, if I were allowed to actually do well as the style I wanted to play. I already knew that the crafting skills + melee/bow was miles ahead of what you can do with magic, but I didn't realize it was this grossly overpowered in comparison.

Gear fully Enchanted
4 X Weapon Enchants and 4 X Armor Enchants. (Note I used the +32% self made Enchanting Potion to Power the Enchants... if you don't do this, your results will be 20%ish lower)

Full Daedric Armor: 2175 Armor
Daedric Bow: 562 Damage
Daedric Dagger: 171 Damage - Too bad one handed enchants don't work for daggers... I guess sneak attacking with fully enchanted swords is better.
Daedric Two Handed Sword: 605 Damage
Daedric One Handed Sword: 518 Damage

Add 60 Second Weapon + Armor Potions
Custom Made Potions using my enchanted Alchemy gear: Last 60 seconds

Full Daedric Armor: 2469 Armor
Daedric Bow: 1242 Damage - So much the display reads 124!=P
Daedric Dagger: 393 Damage - I don't understand this one... but that is what it read
Daedric Two Handed Sword: 3199 Damage!
Daedric One Handed Sword: 2742 Damage

Excuse me for being more than a little disappointed with a broken game.
-There's no damage over time spells
-There's no huge damage, point blank touch spells
-There's no drain health spells
-There's no poison spells
-There's no multi element spells
-There's no speed increasing spells
-There's no true "Regeneration" (health over time) spells
-There's no gravity (encumberance) spells
-There's no temporary stat buff spells

That's perfect; all those spells are boring and usually a pain in the ass. I don't play Elder Scrolls because I want to play a D&D game...I play them because I like to keep the combat relatively simple. The entire reason I like Elder Scrolls is because it's simpler than NWN and DA. When I wanna geek out on magic I'll play those. I play Elder Scrolls because of the atmosphere and relative simplicity of combat in an RPG. If you're playing Elder Scrolls and using anything besides Fire, Ice, and/or Lightning, you're taking it too seriously and killing the fun.
dude with the fucked up name, you take games wayyyyy too seriously, man. magic, shadows, just shut up and try to enjoy the game and be thankful you're in a position to play it. it hasn't even been 48 hours and you're already complaining about it. just chill.

God forbid someone plays the game in an analytical fashion. :erk: Seriously, that attitude is why game development is on a steady decline in favor of casual gamers. Some of us need a bit more than polished turds covered in sprinkles. Some of us like a system where the numbers actually make fucking sense and there's more to the game than 'splosions, bleeps, and bloops. Just because you choose to ignore the actual game below the surface doesn't mean we should. That's like saying we should stop paying attention how the pieces move in chess and just knock them around. That's okay though, because it's pretty, right? That is seriously the stupidest post you've ever made.
What kind of ass-tarded statement is that?

What else is there? Do you actually use a regen spell instead of a healing spell in ES? Poison? Poison's always the most boring of spells.

Granted, speed, invisibility, and flying spells would be nice and I always use those, but shit like poison and weaken are fucking boring.

If you want D&D, go fucking play a D&D game. This is Elder Scrolls.
Well said, E-bortion. Some truly depressing posts in this thread.

What else is there? Do you actually use a regen spell instead of a healing spell in ES? Poison? Poison's always the most boring of spells.

Granted, speed, invisibility, and flying spells would be nice and I always use those, but shit like poison and weaken are fucking boring.

If you want D&D, go fucking play a D&D game. This is Elder Scrolls.
Yes, and I've been playing Elder Scrolls games since Daggerfall first came out, so don't think you can tell me what Elder Scrolls games are supposed to be like, because Daggerfall had an even broader range of spells that your beloved Morrowind ever had. But you have no idea what Daggerfall even was, do you?

Thing is, you might not use some spells. I use almost no spells. But other people might use other spells, maybe because those suit their playing style better, for a self-imposed challenge, or simply from a role-playing standpoint. Who the fuck are you to tell them they're playing the game wrong if they don't play according to your playing style? It's not only extremely arrogant, but it's also completely idiotic.

I'd never expected you to make such a petty, ignorant and console-tarded post.
I started down the destruction tree but have been having more fun shooting people so I'm leaning more towards summoning and archery. Haven't found any summoning spells yet though :( Only level 7 so I don't think I jacked up my dude beyond repair yet.
What were spells in previous Elder Scrolls games? A number and a fucking color that shot out of your hands. A red ball, a blue ball, or a lightning ball. Now we have different ways to cast magic, with spells that feel like spells instead of having the same animation and numeric spread sheet for all of them. Also, how can you say this is dumbed down when this is the most character customization since Daggerfall?
The game is clearly not for everyone. What matters is I enjoy the game, regardless of numbers and what people say. If you like the game, play it. If you don't, then don't play it. Very simple. We all play games for different reasons, so it will never be the same for exactly everyone.
Well said, E-bortion. Some truly depressing posts in this thread.

Yes, and I've been playing Elder Scrolls games since Daggerfall first came out, so don't think you can tell me what Elder Scrolls games are supposed to be like, because Daggerfall had an even broader range of spells that your beloved Morrowind ever had. But you have no idea what Daggerfall even was, do you?

Thing is, you might not use some spells. I use almost no spells. But other people might use other spells, maybe because those suit their playing style better, for a self-imposed challenge, or simply from a role-playing standpoint. Who the fuck are you to tell them they're playing the game wrong if they don't play according to your playing style? It's not only extremely arrogant, but it's also completely idiotic.

I'd never expected you to make such a petty, ignorant and console-tarded post.

First of all, don't tell me what I know and what I don't know. Just because I don't play Daggerfall doesn't mean I don't know and didn't know what it is/was because the entire reason I played Morrowind when it came out was due to it being the next in line after Daggerfall. Yes, I know that conceptually Daggerfall is probably the best out of all the Elder Scrolls. I didn't play Daggerfall when it came out because I didn't have a computer back then, and playing it when Morrowind came out became moot. I never played the original Baldur's Gate either, but I played Baldur's Gate 2, Icewind Dale, NWN, NWN 2, and Dragon Age when they came out. I guess I don't know what the fuck I'm talking with those games either since I never played Baldur's Gate.

Secondly, I never said "you're playing the game wrong". NEVER. NOT ONCE. NEVER EVEN ALLUDED TO IT. STOP MAKING SHIT UP. "Taking it too seriously and killing the fun" means that you're glossing over all the great things in the game and focusing on nit-picky stuff. Granted, you can play it how you want and I'm not about to tell you how it should be played, but I think if you're pissed off because it doesn't have a poison spell or a regen spell, you're missing the big picture. What I'm saying is that as far as OFFENSIVE spells go, IN MY OPINION, anything other than the fire, ice, and lightning-based spells are boring. I fail to see how not having D&D-style spells in a game like Skyrim is such a gamebreaker, as Sdralwekhroahdgfahsdgfiopuayfsdgio seems to be saying. He's saying that the magic system in Skyrim is terrible because it doesn't have everything he listed, and I'm saying that IN MY OPINION those spells aren't very missed in a game like Skyrim where combat is almost an afterthought to everything else there is to see and do in the game. Were they NOT in a game like Dragon Age, I could see why they would kill the immersion factor because D&D games are all about immersive combat as well as environments, whereas Skyrim is more tailored to ease of combat and immersive environments.

That doesn't mean he doesn't have a point or shouldn't feel that way, and that's NOT what I'm saying. All I'm saying is that I couldn't care less if they're not included in Skyrim because even if I made a pure mage-esque character, I probably wouldn't use them anyway.

To me, saying that Skyrim fails because of a limited magic tree is like saying The Witcher series is terrible because they don't have those types of spells either. They're two completely different styles of RPGs.

Now if you wanna have a pissing contest on who's the bigger RPG elitist prick, you can gladly have that title, because I never claimed to be. All I said was that those are rather boring OFFENSIVE spells anyway and they won't be missed when I play it. I like RPGs that are fun, intuitive, immersive, and grandiose. I also like the Diablo series, which is just button mashing hack 'n slash and quick-keying potions. That doesn't mean they're any less great.

Jeez. Lighten up.
The game is clearly not for everyone. What matters is I enjoy the game, regardless of numbers and what people say. If you like the game, play it. If you don't, then don't play it. Very simple. We all play games for different reasons, so it will never be the same for exactly everyone.