So, I really do not like suggesting how someone
should play, or tell them that they are somehow "doing it wrong"...or rain on there parade etc etc, but Bethesda really fucking screwed up magic in this game BAD.
1. Destruction is "ok" until around your mid 20's where it falls on it's face because it does not scale at all, and there's no way to improve it after you're already at 100 skill and have all of the perks.
2. You cannot rely on Destruction and very high armor to take care of things for you. In fact, the damage ends up being so pitiful sometimes that punching actually does more! If you want to play a caster that uses Destruction for damage, you literally must use summons. Double Daedric Lords will rape faces and are probably doing two or three times as much damage as you (each). That's actually pretty sad.
3. You may as well just ignore Destruction completely and use the bound weapons since you're investing heavily in Conjuration anyway. The weapons rape face until your late 30's where smithed + enchanted weapons gain ground, but not enough to gimp you. Plus, you didn't have to spend all of that time leveling up smithing.
4. The Destruction spells literally play like Bioshock FPS crap. There's nothing exciting going on with them and the damage is piss. After your second tier of spells (i.e. your first "bolt" type spells) you never get any more single target spells, everything becomes area of effect (at a much higher cost). This essentially forces you to use those shitty bolt spells indefinitely for most of the game since you'll almost always be hitting single targets.
5.I was getting really annoyed with how my character was progressing, because I refused to use summons, so I started over. Even without the broken enchanting crap, my character was doing damage that was unbelievable in comparison to what my Destruction character had been doing. I also could heavily invest in health/stamina, and even though both character had literally the same armor rating, and my "Mage" spent less time getting hit, my melee character's health barely ever dropped below 80%, because I *think* health regen is %based, so the higher your pool, the quicker it regens... I rarely ever had to use the Restore spell either.
6. When I say my melee character was killing things four or five times faster than what my spells could do, that's a gross understatement, and now that I'm using weapons that are hitting for 83 damage each (Fireball is 50), and my power attacks deal an additonal 75% damage on top of what they were already doing...and I'm not even using weapon skill enchants yet...