Gaming Thread

Oh, and about the Redguards, the ones I've heard were not Michael Mack, I hope he's in it as surely we can all agree he was the best generic NPC voice actor in Oblivion.

I'm gonna have to avoid this thread Friday until I can rent Skyrim. Not for spoilers but sheer envy. :cry:
Have you ever played Persona 3? Fuuka's voice acting is god-awful and she speaks ALL THE TIME. It's not even endearing in that case, just rage-inducing.

Was there one for any other system besides the PS2? I played that one two or three years ago, but I think I only got halfway through before sending it back (rental), so I don't remember.
Playstation and PSP.

Yo, Sdrawkcabnet I'm real happy for you and ima let you finish, but Persona 4 is the best JRPG of all time. OF ALL TIME!

Isn't that one on the PSP only? I never bought one, and I can't even stand to play my friend's. I hate playing on two inch screens. It has an adapter that lets you hook it up to a television, yet it only fills up 1/3 of the screen, so whatever.

Just installed Skyrim.
See? I told you Bioware's new game would be an FPS.

Come on. Desert, cars? Borderlands/Rage money-train? Remember MGS4 was also in that same setting though; and while they are now controlled by Electronic Antichrist, I can't see them being that completely unoriginal. It's not like they did not sell a a very large amount of games from the DA and ME franchise. Although I guess if it's not 20 million of the next generic FPS, it's not enough.
Isn't that one on the PSP only?
Nope P4 was available on PS2.

I don't think she is. Well, her voice is higher but she's certainly a more likable character. I'm telling you man...P4 is so much better than 3.
I'm sure it is, and I'll experience it myself when I finish 3 and start 4 :)

Come on. Desert, cars? Borderlands/Rage money-train?
Bioware's lost a lot of its credibility in recent years, so I wouldn't be surprised.
IGN is going to review Skyrim today, or tomorrow for you guys, since I'm in China. My questions is how far in advance they get a copy? It's impossible to review it properly if they've only played a game like that for 3 days. 3 Weeks probably isn't even enough time, given how deep it is.

How long do you think they play it (and similar types of games) before they review it?
Depends on the game, but they usually get them in at least a week prior and spend about as long playing. If the game is higher profile and known to be long, they will spend more time playing it than they would another title (i.e. try to be more thorough with the extras).

Gamespot has their review up, and while they are mostly positive about it...

After all, how often do you face a towering giant and a couple of woolly mammoths? It's too bad that as you approach the giant's camp, one of those mammoths might spawn 100 feet in the air and fall to its death, or land on another mammoth and ride on its back for a few seconds before sliding off."

It's a pity that Skyrim often breaks the immersion it tries so hard to create, in ways both minor and major. Some bizarre details are simply annoying. A character might initiate conversation through the ceiling. The chatter of nearby characters could drown out important story exposition. Two shopkeepers standing next to each other may be voiced by the same actor and repeat the same lines. A dragon skeleton might disappear and then later drop out of the sky in a new location. A dragon could get stuck in place, flailing about in the geometry in a mess of wings and tail. For that matter, you could get stuck in the environment, maybe just by walking into a corner, which entails either quick-traveling to a different location (if you're lucky enough to be outdoors) or loading a save game. Frame rate drops are uncommon, but you might encounter a few severe ones, and Xbox 360 system crashes might occur. The question isn't whether you will experience anomalies--it's a given. The question is: which ones and how many?

If you've played previous Elder Scrolls games, glitches and oddities don't come as a surprise. Nevertheless, Skyrim comes in a year graced with multiple quality RPGs that feature tighter combat, fewer bugs, better animations, and so forth. But to be fair, none of those games are endowed with such enormity. Yet The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim doesn't rely on sheer scope to earn its stripes. It isn't just that there's a lot to do: it's that most of it is so good. Whether you're slashing a dragon's wings, raising the dead back to life, or experimenting at the alchemy table, Skyrim performs the most spectacular of enchantments: the one that causes huge chunks of time to vanish before you know it.

Who else can't wait to see ninja mammoth sex?

You might want to watch the one from Destructoid though. It's a bit more informative.
It's not unexpected, but it's pretty unanimous right now. Every review is saying it's a "must play" event. Even Giantbomb, who are a bit more strict (They are the core of "legit" reviewers that left Gamespot in 2006 - 2008).

You'll probably have your own set of stories about the crazy things that happened during your many hours in Skyrim, including a horse fighting a dragon, and a conjurer who raised a slain chicken as her undead minion during a battle. Those both happened to me, by the way.
I don't put any stock into complaining about glitches because almost all bethesda games are glitchy so it's no surprise and they're almost never gamebreaking. not only that, but with a world that huge it's no surprise some things slip through; imagine bug testing that game vs a linear game where they can just do runthrough after runthrough to eliminate all bugs for sure whereas one skyrim run through is only 5% of the game. also there's the fact that their review copies they've had for at least a week, and bethesda has already announced that on day one theres going to be a patch, so most likely a lot of those major bugs will be fixed by the bug patch so it's not really fair the reviews are complaining about bugs which a lot of which will most likely be fixed by release.

that being said i'm so fucking pumped for skyrim it's insane. i have a huge paper due at midnight tonight so i took the day off school to work on it, and being at home working on a paper just makes the waiting all the more unbearable. i preloaded it last night and there was some weird funky shit with steam saying my gift had expired/that i had a trail run but on another page it said i owned skyrim/it preloaded roughly 5 gb so i'm not too worried. worst case scenario i re-buy it and have most of the data so it'll be a small download. the more i see in great review scores the more fucking pumped i am for this, I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE I'M GOING TO BE PLAYING THIS TONIGHT AT 11 PM ARGH.

now i just gotta wait through the day and try not to go insane since i'll be home from work at 11 pm, finish downloading the final portion as i make pizza, and stay up all night and all friday playing as i have no school or anything this weekend and i specifically cleared my schedule so that i can play all night tonight, all day tomorrow, go to bed at 11 pm friday, play all saturday, play all sunday.

the wait has been oh so long but i feel we're finally getting a sequel to morrowind that will live up to all the expectations i've had. oblivion was great and all, but i'm expecting sooo much more and then uniqueness, story, atmosphere and everything about the game just points to it being the culmination of all the great old aspects of the series and all the new tricks they have. FUCK YEAH.