Gaming Thread

I'm deeply sorry sir. Only that spot is fit for one of us Mass Effect veterans. #2 spot is for David, Derick or myself.

Again, I am deeply sorry.


*shakes his giant ass effect penis at you*

If that's the case, I call the #2 spot. Playing ME2 on Insanity right now :kickass: Best. game. ever.

I am trying to make it a point to play both games again and all of the DLC before March...if I can find time between Skyward Sword, Kingdoms of Amalur and SF4AE2012.

I doubt I'll play the first game on Insanity though. It isn't really that harder as it is tedious since you literally have to cast Warp on everything just to damage it. Very Hard or whatever is right below is good enough for that game. I typically play Insanity on ME2 though, although it seems to favor Vanguard, Soldier and Infiltrator...and pretty much solo since the AI enjoys eating rockets to the face so much.

Oh, and for anyone who actually still has their Wii and wants a good JRPG, Xenoblade got a US release date finally. It's set to be out in April. So that's literally three months in a row where huge RPGs will be released...and then Diablo 3. For those that don't know or forgot, Xenoblade is the latest JRPG that's been making major waves lately, and it was developed by the guy who had most of the influence over Xenogears and Xenosaga. The story is supposed to be great and the combat actually fantastic.
^yup, pretty much exactly what i was saying except from someone who plays real rpgs/mmorpgs as well (or so i assume from the wow/eve online sections).

speaking of eve online, i've heard about that game but never played it. is it a space nerd mmorpg? and isn't there a ps3 version coming out that has the space rpg/rts elements but also a first person shooter aspect on planets where you can battle it out? if something like that were to come to pc where you could chart battles/overall strategies in space and then join the fight on the surface of the planet whoopin ass while other team members control space/fight with you on land i'd get that shit IN A FUCKING SECOND. the old republic i was almost about to break down and get (despite the risk of eliminating the almost flatlining social life i have now) but then i heard the space combat was just like starfox/on rails and that bummed me out pretty hard.

Whew, where to start? Ok, first of all you don't wanna get into Eve Online unless you wanna play with people whose average age is 30. It's a "grown-up" mmo and it can be brutal. It's a game that focuses on pvp, and while there is any number of things to do, pvp always seems to be at the center of it. You can run missions, mine asteroids/ice/clouds, become a market trader, etc., but at the end of the day it's about blowing up other people's spaceships or taking over their claimed space or destroying their space stations. There is no quick-fix to anything in the game and if you spend 50,000,000 isk on a ship and you lose it, then you're out a 50 million isk ship (isk = interstellar kredits). Fly only what you can afford to lose because while you may sometimes risk it and it pays off and get rich, you will most often lose more ships before you do it. Therefore you must have a side job to make money like scanning down wormholes and jumping into them and attacking pirates (npc or player) or you can run missions and grind up to high level missions and make literally billions of isk per day, you can put factories on planets and exhume their resources and refine them and sell them on the market (or use them to fuel your POS, or player-owned station) or you can scam people on the market. There are no rules to Eve as long as you aren't physically threatening to come over to people's houses and beat them up. It's wide open.

The game you're talking about that's tied to Eve that's coming out later next year is called Dust 514. Basically it's a cross-platform crossover game in which I, as an Eve player on PC can hire your mercenary corporation on PS3 to protect my planetary assets or attack another corporation's planetary assets and attempt to take over. The key to Eve is to get into a really good corporation (guild) and just whoop ass like a roving biker gang. Corporations usually belong to an alliance of corporations and said alliances often battle other alliances for sovereignty of space, all pvp.

They've expanded Eve into "captain's quarters" where you can leave your ship in stations and chill in your own quarters, which is a prelude to something that's coming out later known as WIS, or walking in stations. Eventually they're going to open entire space stations with player-owned bars and shops so players can walk around the station concourse and interact with each other and their avatars instead of just having it based around spaceships. Think something like Freelancer but much more technical and innovative. They were supposed to do it earlier but players got pissed that they were neglecting the spaceship gameplay for the WIS and they've refocused for now on improving the flying part of the game with new ships, fixes, rebalancing, etc. Expect WIS to come out later next year, but as of right now we just have our captain's quarters which is more like an opportunity to see your avatar, which is completely customized with tattoos, clothes, extremely realistic facial and body design, etc.

It is definitely a big boy space mmo, and to be honest it's deeper than most single player RPGs I've played. It takes planning, risk, cunning, and diplomacy to get anywhere in this game; you must work for everything you have and if you aren't careful you can lose it all. There is no "leveling", there is only skill leveling which is a queue that you put skills in to level up over time automatically, even when you're not in game. At the beginning it's very fast but the more skill points you have the longer it takes. I'm leveling up one of my ships and it's taking literally 15 days. The good part is that although my computer is fucked right now, I've got it installed on a laptop and I just log in to change out my skills when they finish and then log back out.

There is no instant gratification like in WoW or any other mmos, and the good thing is that you can have lots of fun in even the smallest and cheapest of ships; everything has a role and if you use it correctly you can make an impact. Also, all the expansions are free.

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I am trying to make it a point to play both games again and all of the DLC before March...if I can find time between Skyward Sword, Kingdoms of Amalur and SF4AE2012.

I doubt I'll play the first game on Insanity though. It isn't really that harder as it is tedious since you literally have to cast Warp on everything just to damage it. Very Hard or whatever is right below is good enough for that game. I typically play Insanity on ME2 though, although it seems to favor Vanguard, Soldier and Infiltrator...and pretty much solo since the AI enjoys eating rockets to the face so much.

Yeah, I play adept mostly. I've found that an adept coupled with Tali and Grunt works perfectly. Yeah, you end up throwing out mostly Heavy Warp but when they lose their armor it's slam/throw time. With that if you have some of the DLC weapons it's great fun that you can mixup. <3 The Mattock Heavy rifle/Inferno Armor
Yeah, I play adept mostly. I've found that an adept coupled with Tali and Grunt works perfectly. Yeah, you end up throwing out mostly Heavy Warp but when they lose their armor it's slam/throw time. With that if you have some of the DLC weapons it's great fun that you can mixup. <3 The Mattock Heavy rifle/Inferno Armor

I boycotted playing an Adept ever again after my initial playthrough. They totally screwed over biotics in ME2 compared to the first game where they were not only powerful, but fun as hell to use. Fuck having to rely on squadmates just to Warp bomb everything again and again until they eventually die. Fuck having to use Singularity just to keep something stationary for a whole 1.5 seconds and fuck having to warp or shoot a gun to remove the first "health bar" of enemies before the non Warp biotics actually do anything. You spend so much time shooting a gun as an Adept in ME2 if you aren't just sitting there Waiting for your warp to recharge. I was talking about having to use Warp so much in the first game on Insanity though. You have to do it on pretty much all of the difficulties in ME2 as an Adept.

Screw that, I'll just charge into them and shotgun blast all of the first bar away, and then shotgun blast their head off. :cool:
Well, I love adept :p I don't mind relying on the support of my squad. I like directing them and casting.
question about modding for pc skyrim people: so in all the mods obviously it has you replace textures/folders etc, my problem is i don't have any of these folders in the data folder. I have all of what WOULD normally be the data folders, but they're in .bsa format. I understand what that means and all, basically that the meshes, animations, voices, textures etc are being loaded from these .bsa's, but then how do i install mods that overwrite anything contained inside? I've never had them all be .bsa's in any bethesda game i can remember, usually they have the folders for the different data files. how can i install these mods/copy over/add textures and whatnot? if i extract all of those to folders should i keep the .bsa? help plz, i want to try out some bitchin mods.
You have the option to extract the mod manually or there will be a .exe program that does it for you. It just depends on the mod you are wanting to use. If you want, you can backup anything you may want just in case you want to replace something.
no I know how to mod that's not my problem, my problem is in my Skyrim Data files folder there AREN'T the subfolders there should be, but instead they're .bsa's. So mods say to merge the textures folder included with your textures folder, but i don't have a textures folder. so it ends up copying but I'm not feeling like it's overwriting or changing anything. Do i have to extract all the .bsa's and then delete them so skyrim loads everything from the directories that have been made? will that even work? if i have ONLY .bsa's instead of directories how do i overwrite textures and other things since those original files would be inside the .bsa and if i extract it then i'm not sure if the game will know to run everything from these new directories i've made.
You don't touch the .bsa files. Read the readme of the mod when you download it, because they almost all have instructions. If you do not have a specific folder, simply make it in the required directory.

The "Textures" folder and the "Textures.bsa" aren't the same thing. Most of the time when you download a mod that is something like a texture replacement, once you extract it, it usually creates a "textures" folder that asks if you want to overwrite if there was already a textures folder where you were trying to extract or copy it to. All that does is replaces same named files, but will leave everything else in the folder alone. If you don't get the "overwrite, yes/no?" prompt then you most likely did not have that folder already and that's fine.

I believe the .bsa files are just everything that is "default" with Skyrim and any of the subfolders are simply what the game loads up afterwards, so that if you wanted anything to change it would by using whatever is in the subdirectories.

More Amalur gameplay. The combat looks fun as hell too.;title;2
Hold the line.

Mixed feelings on Kingdoms of Amular

+Class balancing seems great. They recognize spreading points never goes well, it seems you can have freedom in class spreading without fear of being under powered.
+Ken from Bethesda is working on it. Lead designer of Morrowind.
+Plenty of lore and books to read.

-Art style is horrible. Cartoony, stupid, can't be taken seriously. Everything looks fucking goofy.
-R A Salvatore in charge of designing the world...Ok? He didn't create Forgotten Realms. He is a shitty author, but he did do a good job of fleshing out the Underdark. And despite being two dimensional, Drizzt was a memorable and lovable character. Still...
-Seems to be on rails, like a Bioware game.