Gaming Thread

And the trap excuse doesn't count for the boss fight against Letho. What the fuck? He blocks every attack, Quens as soon as he has even one second (which conveniently staggers you if you try to break it), and spams Aard and Igni, switching between signs faster than any human could. He takes off 25% health with every attack and has unlimited vigor. Trapping him with the Yrden didn't help much, Aard simply knocks him back for a short moment

Remember how I said Aard was useless, except in one or two fights? Whoops, (edited out a minor spoiler). It rapes on that fight though. Rush towards him, hit Aard. Hack at him 2-3x and repeat until he's dead. Actually, since everyone is talking about the game again now that it's on the console, are you playing the console version? If so, that might be part of the problems you're having with the controls. Time slows down when going into the signs menu, but it doesn't stop. Are there buttons on the controller that allow you to set a sign, or do you always have to get them from the menu?
I'm using the PC, actually, but it makes little difference. I didn't invest points in Signs yet, so Aard was pitifully useless. I finally set it on Easy and hacked him to bits.

First time EVER I find myself forced to turn a game's difficulty down. Great game, shit combat.
I'm using the PC, actually, but it makes little difference. I didn't invest points in Signs yet, so Aard was pitifully useless. I finally set it on Easy and hacked him to bits.

First time EVER I find myself forced to turn a game's difficulty down. Great game, shit combat.

I died on him twice. I tried traps, I tried Igni, I tried bombs. Then I said fuck it and destroyed him with Aard.

I just did a quick search on youtube, and this is what I found (no, I didn't look shit up when I first played it):

I never actually played this game since I beat it once on each scenario. I think I may go back and play it again on Dark mode before May 15th.
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I didn't say it anything about the quality of the game, did I?

No, but to compare the atmosphere of it to Majora's Mask in terms of creepiness is downright insulting! :lol: Yeah, creepy moon pressing down on you is pretty legit but it's nothing compared to the ambiance of the USG Ishimura teeming with polymorphs. Few games during this generation, actually none aside from Amnesia, have come close to creating the atmosphere that Dead Space did. Yeah, 2 went more of the Hollywood route but it still had it's moments. I can say that I'm disappointed in the "horror" games released. The last two Silent Hill's were a joke. Resident Evil? Sucked since Code Veronica. I didn't like 4 and I certainly don't like 5 or Operation Raccoon Hat.
The first Dead Space was the only real Resident Evil game so far this generation on the home consoles (can't really speak about Revelations), and one of the few games that I've actually purchased after renting and beating it.

The second game was very fun too, but the "shock factor" was pretty much gone after the first hour or two thanks to constantly being bombarded left and right. Dead Space = Alien, Dead Space 2 = Aliens. That, and the Shredder was the most broken weapon in the game.
Cool, so it will play exactly like it does now.
Looks like I won't be replaying TW2 since I downloaded it from D2D and that history was "lost" when they merged with Gamefly.
And so Bethesda signs away its soul and joins the money-grabbers. Not exactly unforeseen.

And sdraw, that vid and your advice implies you've got a mage build. If you've put points in swordsmanship, the Aard simply knocks him back for 0.1 second, and he'll have his block up again before you can even swing your sword.
And sdraw, that vid and your advice implies you've got a mage build. If you've put points in swordsmanship, the Aard simply knocks him back for 0.1 second, and he'll have his block up again before you can even swing your sword.

Not really. The only points I had invested were what allowed me to unlock Quen, and I don't remember if I could go straight up the middle with Destructive magic or not. I avoided putting points into any sign other than Quen as long as possible until much later on. I started out by going up the sword tree to get some of the more important skills first, then went to magic just for Quen II, then back to the sword tree. And Quen was worthless on this fight. I'll see if I can find out later, but I'm 99% sure that I never put even a single point into Aard, simply because I planned on never ever using it--then ended up having to for that fight.

Actually, I just found out that Quen had been nerfed later on, and so it's possible that Aard received a similar treatment if all you were using was the base ability. I haven't played it since the first month, and there's been a handful of big patches since then.
No, but to compare the atmosphere of it to Majora's Mask in terms of creepiness is downright insulting! :lol: Yeah, creepy moon pressing down on you is pretty legit but it's nothing compared to the ambiance of the USG Ishimura teeming with polymorphs. Few games during this generation, actually none aside from Amnesia, have come close to creating the atmosphere that Dead Space did. Yeah, 2 went more of the Hollywood route but it still had it's moments. I can say that I'm disappointed in the "horror" games released. The last two Silent Hill's were a joke. Resident Evil? Sucked since Code Veronica. I didn't like 4 and I certainly don't like 5 or Operation Raccoon Hat.

agreed. though I did kinda enjoy 5, though as an action game and not as much a resident evil game

also lol at mmo hostility :)
Amnesia was hands down the scariest game to ever be released. Some might argue with Fatal Frame but I haven't played it (don't kill me)
Yeah, but to claim that Dead Space (the first at least) was not "the least bit creepy" just because Amnensia may have been creepier doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I mean, I guess if you played the first game with the sound completely off, had the lights on and were surrounded by a bunch of people your experience may have been a little different. :flame:

Some might argue with Fatal Frame but I haven't played it (don't kill me)

I haven't played either Portal game yet.
read up a bit on new elders scrolls, still is kinda sounding like a pretty generic MMO from what it sounds like. But, remains to be seen. Interesting to see what Zenimax (not beth as people were saying) do with it.