Gaming Thread

Borderlands is pretty badass but I started to get bored of it. It seems like I've been like that with every game I own....I play them but eventually get bored with them. I have quite a few games and the only one I have beaten is Assassin's Creed.

This also includes WoW....I've been contemplating canceling my account for about a month and a half now.
Thanks man, that's exactly what I needed. Looks like I'll go with Devil Summoner or Suikoden 5 next.

DDS didn't look that good on the preview on my Nocturne anyway. Surprised to see Persona 4 last, since it's my favorite. But that must mean Devil Summoner is that awesome.

Going for the true demon ending on Nocturne. I had a thing for Chiaki, I wish she didn't turn into such an ugly bitch. Starting the fourth calpa now. Also dissapointed to hear Dante is useless against the last boss. Is it the last boss of the tower or the fifth calpa he can't pierce?
is it like an official tournament or just some guys getting together? we had a LAN place that hosted MW tournaments, but i closed down and im pretty sure that was the only one in the area :(
... Steam still hasn't figured out why their software doesn't work on my computer, so my online only copy of Borderlands that I bought: I can't even fucking download to play single player.

I canceled my WoW account as soon as my trial month ran out. When absolutely no one I knew was ever on there at the same time as I was, I was forced to just quest grind. DAMN that got boring fast. I see where it could be a fun game in the right group, but no one bothered with helping me out even a little so I said fuck it and went back to Diablo2.

Fusion Frenzy's been on a lot this past week for me.
everytime I click any link with the steam:// protocol my computer just acts like I clicked nothing. this is a known problem with Windows Vista, but none of the eight fixes the Steam Tech Support has emailed to me have worked. I sent them an msinfo file with my active software and hardware over a week ago and they still haven't gotten back to me. So I can open the Steam engine, but can't chat, can't download demos or games, can't even add non-steam games to my list.

I want my money back for Borderlands so I can go buy in on the 360. This is why I USED to be a PC gamer. Now consoles are my favorites even though there aren't community mods like you see in Elder Scroll PC games, they run 99% of the time. I can't even count how many PC games I've bought that just haven't worked for me, but I couldn't return them cause they were opened.
if it's on PC im in, i have a lvl 30 soldier, but i assume we would all start new chars if we did start over, in which cause i want to try lilith or roland :)