Gaming Thread

You're absolutely right...however the others up to 4 had a 3rd person view which made it easier to maneuver when you're surrounded by zombies.

Out of ammo? Ok, I'm gonna run up to him and slice him with my machete. Oh crap he's still there and I haven't hit him, BUT LOOK! I have to put away my machete, inch closer to him, wield it again...crap, still not there! Inch closer again, wield it again, ah shit...he's already latched on to me because for some reason I can't move and shoot at the same time.

There is absolutely no suspense in this game, just "Oh shit I don't have much ammo and there are ten Lickers trying to get me that I saw from a mile away!" There's a definite panic element to it but only because you can't get the dude to do what you want him to.

It's nearly 2010 and the only thing interesting about it is the storyline and graphics...and the storyline is pretty much the same as the others. I can forgive the Playstation ONE with it's 32 bit graphics and 15 year old gameplay, but now? Come on, Capcom!

Graphics are fucking stunning, though.

you must be pretty bad at the game! ;)
Haha no I'm pretty good...I made it to like Chapter 5 Scene 2 in one sitting before turning it off in disgust. It's just so annoying because it could've been so good.

It's like a bad movie you pay for; you're already halfway through it so you might as well finish it.
Do any of you fags have one of those stupid 48 hour Xbox live trial codes that come with games laying around? I feel like yelling at 12 year olds, but microsoft are fucking cocksmokers that make you pay for that privilege (that and I want to watch a movie on netflix).
he's the reason i don't buy Wii games anymore


that cat is fuckin good. he beat be in boxing and baseball:OMG:
Still waiting to save up money for ODST. I too miss yelling at 12 year olds who cry because they get killed once and then don't shut the fuck up about getting two or three frags in a row.

But the only multiplayer games I have now are Fable2, Prey, and Madden07.

Your not missing much on ODST. Other then 3 new multiplayer maps and the firefight mode there is really nothing else. The campaign really does suck. It's a game you should just rent, save your money.
Liver - but I never even bought Halo 3. Haven't bought halo2 either, just the original. So having all the mythic pack and all the other multiplayer stuff makes it a worthwhile investment for me. I don't care about the single player, I never do unless it's an RPG or adventure.

Plus, I really miss the stupidity of 12 year olds who have nothing to do all day during the summer except play games then get mad when they get pwned