GClip on Mac? YES!

I don't understand....if you bought those plugs you should also have gotten the Mac-versions, right?

well, anyway...I used to use GClip on my PC back then....I don't understand why everyone is missing it on the mac, there are so many clippers for mac as well...

now making MH CS work on a PC...that would make tons of people happy I guess ;)

I'm just interested in the PC free amp sims for a pop electro/industrial thing I'm doing. More than adequate for this nutty stuff. Rock nuts! :kickass:
I'm gonna give this a try hopefully in the near future.
I'd love to get somewhat of a tutorial from someone who has it working currently in logic

congrats though!
I only know of 2 and only one of them is RTAS... What are you using to clip things in PT on Mac Lasse?

Well for example this one?

so the main instruction are in the KVR site
here are only tips and solution for common problems an errors
the main this is to make wine working - once you did it you can run any plug with WACVST
here we go


OS: Snow Leopard 10.6.0 running in 32bit mode (coz UAD doesn't have 64 bit drivers...)
Xcode: from Leopard Install Disc (/Mac OS Install DVD/Optional Installs/Xcode.mpkg) - you can see this package installer in optional installs when you insert your disk
X11: native Snow Leopard's X11, that i've installed with my OS
Porticus: Porticus_1_6_3.dmg
MacPorts: MacPorts-1.8.1.pkg

Installation tips:

1) first of all while installing Xcode you need to chose "UNIX Dev Support" without that thing, it will not working.
2) while compiling WINE you could have problems like that:

Error: You cannot install wine-devel for the architecture(s) i386

Error: because /opt/local/lib/libexpat.dylib only contains the architecture(s) x86_64.

Error: Try reinstalling the port that provides /opt/local/lib/libexpat.dylib with the +universal variant.

Error: Target org.macports.extract returned: incompatible architectures in dependencies

Error: Status 1 encountered during processing

(it means that this lib is compiled for 64 bit but you need 32 libraries) to solve this problem you need to figure out what port uses that lib and force a universal upgrade, so open terminal in write there (you can copy/pase from here):

port provides /opt/local/lib/libexpat.dylib

it will show you that:

/opt/local/lib/libexpat.dylib is provided by: expat

That means you need to upgrade "expat", so type this in terminal (it will ask you for your pass - that you're using to login):

sudo port upgrade --enforce-variants expat +universal

that stuff takes some time…
this are lib names that i had to upgrade expat, fontconfig, freetype, jpeg, libiconv, libxml2, libxslt, ncurses, openssl, lib, mesa

you could have some more… 2 or 3 usually - so make the same thin for that libs

TIP: to compile WINE from terminal - type this:

sudo port install wine-devel

again - it will take some time

3) (this is not necessary)
when you're running VST or some programs you could have in terminal message like that:
wine[437:903] _CFGetHostUUIDString: unable to determine UUID for host. Error: 35

this error is result of that SL tryes to get connection for network interface that doesn't exist.
to solve that you need to add new <dict> section in file /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/NetworkInterfaces.plist:

<key>BSD Name</key>

and after that reboot.
tip: you will have problems with editing this file - coz it is in system folder - so copy it to your desktop - then open thru TextEditor, add this section - and then move it back SL will ask you for your password - don't forget to chose to replace file

there's some other tips e.g. running multiple plugins with WACVST - i'll write about it later...

and here's GClip mac VST plug - if you're did everything right - and have compiled WINE it should work - just put it in your VST folder (/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST)
hope that is not vialation of some rights - all plugs are free (WACVST and GClip) so..
I'm gonna let someone else give this a shot first - but I'm definitely going to try it later on. Thanks for the instructions!
in 10.5 will be less installation errors...
but you need to use packages for 10.5 (the packages from original HOWTO)
then it should work
Thanks for posting those instructions Fistula. I must say this seems a bit too complicated for me to just try it right away. I have two important projects I'm working on and I don't want to mess with my DAW right now. But sooner or later I will. In the meantime, I'll be watching how things work out for everybody else.
this works GOOD!!
i can finally use some good fucking amp sims and some voxengo ( some is only windows..psht..)

great thread dude
thanks for that!
you saved my ass!
Are you guys able to use multiple instances of VST plugs without problems?

I can in reaper, but when I wrap them for logic or pro tools I can only use one at a time. It would be awesome if someone comes up with a way (or already has a way) to fix that, then I can switch back to doing everything in PT.

I've gotten GClip, Nick Crow 8505, TSS, TSE X30, LE456, and Boogex working so far. :rock:

Kind of sucks because I never used Reaper, just got the demo to see if this would work. Might need to buy it now.