GClip on Mac? YES!

That solves the issue with Logic, but what about Amadeus II? That should support VSTs, correct?

Edit: Tried to wrap it with VSTAU Manager, and it gave me an error when it tried to load the gclip VST.
Have X11 open when you try to load the plugin, if you didn't before. I'm sure you already have, but try a few times to load the plugin, because sometimes it will give me an error but work eventually. Another thing you can do is try downloading the demo for reaper to see if that will load it. Not really sure what the problem could be.

Are you running Snow Leopard?
Downloaded the Reaper demo, and it seems to show up in there. I guess it's a compatibility issue with certain programs then. Thanks for all the help.
Did not get working in logic 8. followed the KVR instructions and tried wrapping with VSTAUManager but that kept crashing.

Oh well, can only hope for 7170 to come out as an AU for us mac users soon
ok guys!
as i've been asked lots of time about the same thing - could yo upload the plug etc - wanna write here
this way is unbelievably INCONVENIENT!

1) you need to install wine
2) it works with X11 - coz wine on mac is not implemented on Carbon or Cocoa
3) it always hangs
4) long loading
5) etc

if ya want some plugs so bad that you can sacrifice your nerves - then please use this method
there are some other methods using win vst plugs on mac - they all are INCONVINIENT!
better solution google for substitution - if you cant live without this plug

and again for the guys who ask to upload the plug - it wont work without wine and some other things - no sense of uploading at all
If anyone else is interested in this, looks like the "Porticus" package is not compatible with Lion or Mountain Lion. There is an alternative called "MacPorts GUI" so I'm going to be messing around with. If I get it, I'll post a tutorial if anyone wants it. Might take me a while...
If anyone else is interested in this, looks like the "Porticus" package is not compatible with Lion or Mountain Lion. There is an alternative called "MacPorts GUI" so I'm going to be messing around with. If I get it, I'll post a tutorial if anyone wants it. Might take me a while...

I'm interested to see the results, keep us posted with how it goes. I'll be building an Ivy Bridge hack in a couple of months, so there's no chance of using SL on the system, I have to be on either Lion or Mountain Lion and I have a few windows plugins I'm not sure I'm ready to let go of, so I'm always open to solutions :heh: