
Salamurhaaja said:
Actually I wonder if Passive Healthy Wildlife (ala The Puma Man) did that too,
can't remember...
I don't do any mods, I haven't found any use for it, since I like most of the mods
the others have done and I am not really missing anything or if I am it's a bit too
hard to do them, like more interactive NPCs, not just dialog and schedules but
them actually doing something other than just waiting for you to arrive and talk to

LDones mods are my favorite, along with TLM - full, makes thiefs so much more
interesting when you actually have to sneak in the shadows to have a better
success rate.
I do my own mods when i need very specific fixes, like when all the people selling alsimivi intervention spell just dropped it out of their spells shop for no particular reason, i modded the mudcrab to offer an alsimivi intervention ring. Or when i modded the mudcrab to enable....it...to buy gems and potions and do enchanting ( i have shitloads of personality potions so lets face it: the only thing it saves me is travel time since i can get any enchanter at 100% disposition ).

Or when i was trying to stop the damn cliff racers from attacking at sight, i couldnt find a working plugging that was compatible with my installed features so i did a mod myself.

One mod i SERIOUSLY recomend if you dont already have it is the No Glow mod: it removes all the glowing effect from enchanted items so you can actually see their design. Bound items look like daedric armor now! Now i dont regret enchanting my full daedric armor set because i can still look at the design without that obnoxious glow.
Child of Time said:
Misanthrope: Thanks for the advices. My problem with the wilderness isn't exactly that it takes a lot of time to cross it, the problem is that I can't find the morons hiding out there. :bah:
Check www.elderscrolls.com for the forums, there are several great tips for location finder programs. Check faqs.....leave notes on hard to find places you know you will need to visit later...It is somehow annoying but its fitting considering you are, after all, and outlander in a vast, vast, vast island.
Sorry to invade the geek-kingdom. :p
If there's anyone out there, extremely patient and willing to take an illiterate newbie by the hand and explain in full detail, step by step, how to encode/compress/whatever a ripped movie so it can fit and be burned on a cd, please feel free to contact me. Thanks. ;)

Siren (who needs to free those 5GB on her HD :p)
:D I had no idea such a question would scare you so much. :p

Thanks for the info to everyone (edit: everyone being Misanthrope and DIM :p), i guess i'll try to figure something out from all that. :)
@mis: well, the only problem with this is that there's so many things, i get lost just by opening those links. ;) if i had some very vague guidelines to start with, like what i should try to turn my .vob files into, everything would be much easier for me. :)
Well DVD's are a bitch. Unless you have a dvd burner, want to copy a dvd to a dvdr and dont mind risking phisically destroying your drive if things go wrong, there's no easy way.

I suggest you do what i did: took an evening of downloading program and following tutorials until i finally made my svcds ( doing Divx should be easier ).

So here's the basic barebones of what you'll be doing:

*First of all clear at least 10gbs of space but 20 to be on the safe side.
*Get AnyDVD and run it to remove any protection
*Get DVD Decrypter and dump all the .vob files to your hard drive. If you want subtitles process them too. If you dont want multiple audio just select the audio tracks you want to process ( if you are lost just dump the files, the other things will come later )
*Next you will use DVD2AVI to create a project file, you select the first vob file and a couple of settings ( mainly under the audio you need to select decode to wav, this will be your audio file )
*Now you need VFAPI. Select the project file you did with DVD2AVI and start frameserving: you will create a small fake avi file used to fool the other program into thinking you have all your vob files converted to avi ( you dont need to )
* Now we use VirtualDUB+VoBSub to force the subtitles into the move. This is a little more tricky so if you need subtitles i suggest you check http://www.dvdrhelp.com/sefy/?id=frameserv3.html and be very patient about it since it takes some practice
*Now we use TMPGEnc to compress to svcd or vcd. But first a word: VCD will be playable on any pc and virtually all dvd players but the cuality isnt great: It depends on the lenght of the movie but its usually a little better than typical VHS. svcd on the other hand has really good cuality and for the most part ( there are certain scenes that show too many pixels for example ) will be inferior to DVD but superior to VCD: its actually the best compromise of cuality/size after DivX to me. The catch is that most movies WILL need at least 2 cds and if they are too long you will need to cut the credits or lower the audio cuality to fit it on 2 disc. And while most dvd players should play svcd some of them wont...

Now If you want either vcd or svcd you wanna use TMPGEnc. If you want DivX ( you will only be able to see them on a computer and some rare exeptions like modded xbox, certain rare liteon dvd players or cheap no name players that arent worth it ) you can use VirtualDub.

And if you want more than a few svcd you need to either buy TMPGEnc, crack it or download an older version that was free ( www.dvdrhelp.com has a link to it but if you just cant find it let me know and ill send ).

*Open TMPGEnc and choose either svcd or vcd wizard. Either way, you will be prompted for the files, select the small funny avi file we created with TFAPI ( or the frameserver file we created with virtual dub to add forced subtitles if you did all that ) and choose the audio wav file we created with DVD2AVI. Leave the other settings alone, if you must however, choose the correct aspect ratio for your movie.

Now we split the movie in half ( to fit it on 2 cds when using svcd ). The tool for it is not really straight foward so ill explain: The start frame is the first half of the movie by default. Now go to the half of the movie (aprox, if it doesnt fit you will need to go back to this step, its really a try and fail process, sorry ) and take not of the frame you are in.

The next step is the format. First select the media you will be using ( i STRONGLY recommend 80minutes CDRs since otherwise you'll have to sacrifice cuality ). If the movie its over the limit of your selected media go back and put the end frame back a bit until it fits. If its not completly filled try the auto calculate option to increase the cuality and use all of the cd ( this improves the cuality a bit ).

Now you select a file name for your movie, but dont select the start work yet!, use the option to run the wizard again, and repeat all the steps above, only when selecting the movie move the start frame to the exact frame you copied and the end frame to the end of the movie ( tip: cut the credits to get extra cuality or fit movies that are just too long )

Now when you save the file ( make sure to use a different filename! otherwise you will overwrite the first half ) and select the start now option.

*Now go to sleep. Seriously, the process speed depends on your system and processor but at the very least expect the process to last 1 and a half times the lenght of the movie, sometimes it takes as long as twice the lenght of the movie.

*Now you have an mpg file ready! but we are far from done. Now we need to author our svcd ot vcd, otherwise we will only be able to see the movie on a pc and a very small number of dvd players. We need a program called VCDeasy...its not as "easy" as it seems since the program is not free...but an older version was free, you will be able to get the link ( or at least the name of the version so you can find it elsewhere ) on dvdrhelp.com. Now open this program. You want to use the image recorder because the burning capabilities of this program are not that good. Choose your file name and drag and drop ( or click add ) the first mpg movie. Now just go ahead and create the image file
*If you want your svcd or vcd to work with the chapter buttons of players, you can do it with vcdeasy but the process gets a little more tricky. You will need a couple of programs ( chapterxtractor and other things if memory serves well ) and you can find detailed hints ( i do not say steps because as far as i remember you still need to figure out quite a bit of thigns ) go to http://www.dvdrhelp.com/sefy/?id=chapters2.html

*Now repeat all the above steps with the second mpg file to create our second cd.

*Now go to nero, close all nonsense that pops in, go to recorder and choose record image. Look for your image file for the first movie. Burn it. Repeat with the second image file

*Now delete all the crap you have been used, it will be between 6 and 12gb of stuff so this is an important step. Optional step: Defrag your hard drive if this is the third or so movie after regular pc use since working around such large ammounts of data will cause fragmentation and poor hard drive performance

Those are the barebones for it, hope it helps.
:eek: :worship: :worship: :worship:

i'll read it in detail, memorize it, recite it every morning and after i've done the ritual (and supposing i'll get out of it alive ;)) i'll report back.

mille thanks. :)
Misanthrope said:
Well my half hour work on the tutorial is now useless!

I thought you said you didnt wanted an online tutorial!. I DEMAND MY TIME BACK!
not useless, i wanted anything that could open my eyes. so, since i can't give you your time back, you can have my eternal gratitude. ;)

edit: and yes, i much prefer yours to online tutorials, i don't trust those bastards and they intimidate me. so there. ;)