
hyena said:
same as in all HOMM and M&M games, really.
homm4 is outrageous under this respect: any level 20+ hero with grandmaster archery and melee, equipped with a couple immortality potions and no more than one or two nifty spells from any school of magic can do any scenario fighting solo from start to finish. creatures are in fact a hinderance as having some with you causes the computer to divide stacks of enemies that you would like better stay thick as thieves, such as cyclops, medusae, and nightmares. stunning, poisoning, and generally impairing them all in a single stack is way more efficient than having to deal with less of them in many groups, since the game never considered the quantity aspect for non-quantity-based spells such as terror. it's so majorly bugged it's not even funny. there's little to no purpose (except wanting to take the challenge) to give a hero anything else but a selection of combat and a single class of magic skills. tactics is rendered next to useless except at the beginning of the game, when you're not really getting enough points to invest in it anyway. estates, scouting, and nature magic are likewise pretty lame, so it's much better to invest in either life, order, or death magic: a high-level regeneration spell, poison, and town portal, can get you past any map.
daggerfall was a nice game, maybe, if there hadn't been the bugs, the repeating landscape, the repeating quests and all that. same goes for elder scrolls:arena. and i figure you can have as much freedom in morrowind if you want to.
rahvin said:
:lol: oh god, i so want that in my signature now!

@mis: my secret is i keep 3-4 um windows open, basically one for the dt board (and direct links from my email notification thingy), one for the serious off-topic forum, and one or two for the profiles of people i want to keep track of. :cool:
I thought you had a job or something :p
Miolo said:
always join telvanni. they have the best rewards ever. :D

the only bad thing about morrowind is that once you reach level 25-30 you can kill pretty much anything quite easily.

This means you are either playing with the wrong plugins or without plugin :eek:

How about installing GIANTS: Ultimate, Advanced Guards, Wilderness 2.0 (when
it's ready) (all 3 from The Puma Man), Wakim's Game Improvements - modular,
all the mods from LDones, Morrowind Comes Alive 1.6 and More Morrowind
(search here) and live ain't quite as easy anymore ;)

I can add some other cool plugins later when I get home, this is just off
the top of my head.
Dark_Jester said:
Am I the only person that prefers the predecessor Daggerfall to Morrowind? I found there were more interesting things to do in Daggerfall...

See my earlier post, if you don't have enough to do in Morrowind, you
have the wrong plugins, hell, you can start sewing with a mod if you
want or make your own armor or pretty much anything you want.

Yes, I love Morrowind, I am currently in my 2nd week of installing plugins,
next week I actually get to play :D
@ Morrowind discussion: :bah: My level 9 Wood elf archer (stereotyyyypee!) is still being killed by those nasties known as cliff racers.

Which guild/house has teh funniest quests?
And how am I supposed to find all these moronic people standing far out in teh wilderness all the time? :yell:
Child of Time said:
And how am I supposed to find all these moronic people standing far out in teh wilderness all the time? :yell:
i've always thought they were either stoned or masturbating furiously: they stand completely alone in the middle of nowhere, walking around a bit then stopping all of a sudden and staring into nothing. wtf? then you approach them thinking they'll tell you they're lost or something, and they start dishing out tall stories that don't really justify their hanging around in the wild, like: "help me! an enormous fire demon is after me!", or "i just won 5000 gold", or "i lost my diamond ring in [insert name of town a billion miles from where they are standing]".
Word. Like the guy I met in the wilderness that wanted me to escort him to koal cave within two days. Obviously, he had already started walking, but why was he just standing there on the road now? :err:

And how do they manage to avoid the cliff racers? :guh: I think I've found a conspiracy towards all PCs! :hotjump:
Child of Time said:
@ Morrowind discussion: :bah: My level 9 Wood elf archer (stereotyyyypee!) is still being killed by those nasties known as cliff racers.

Which guild/house has teh funniest quests?
And how am I supposed to find all these moronic people standing far out in teh wilderness all the time? :yell:
Daedric bow + glass arrow = 1 shoot 1 dead cliff racer. You can get the glass arrows from the smith on ebonhearth. The daedric bow is a bit tougher: you basically have 2 options. You can go to a Daedric ruins west and a bit north of Maar Gan ( you have to fly over the mountains so come prepared. Infact you have to fly quite a bit to get the bow so bring at least 10 raising force/levitation potions/scrolls ).

Now this ruins look like your typical ruins except there's a non aggresive female orc at the entrance ( part of a temple quest if i remember correctly ). There are some daedra worshipers as usual, avoid them ( or kill em if you can ) and fly to the top floor ( the only way to get there is by flying up in the middle of the room right ontop of the statue ). Once in the upstairs watch out for the mean ladie with the meaner sword. Go through the door and dispose a hunger inside. Then levitate quite a bit inside that cave to get to a second floor to the cave. Then explore the upper part of the ruins by levitating, the bow is on a ledge around there ( there's also 6 daedric arrows with good damage so do take em with you ).

The other option ( it might be harder since you are lower level ) is to enchant a ring with a constant effect bound longbow spell. Now for a low level char it can be quite good. The sumon golden saint spell is sold on tel branora, but its quite difficult to cast and needs a SHITLOAD of mana. There are random scrolls of sumon golden saint but i think thats a bit tough to find at your low level. The third choice is to join the mage guild and gain a bit of ranks, there's a guy in the Cadera Mages Guild that sells unlimited ammounts of summon golden saint scrolls.

If you need a greater soul gem go to tel fyr there are some of them lying around ( if you can defeat level 100 locks take the armor of saviors hide with you while you are there ). If you need money either find something uberly expensive and off it with the creeper or the mudcrab. My personal favorite is this: Goto caldera and buy an elcheapo invisivility ring ( only 10 seconds ). Go to ald'run from there, and walk to ghostgate. On ghost gate find the guy who sells a shitload of glass armor and steal it using your elcheapo invisivility ring ( should be enough to get pass him ). Keep it or sell it to the mudcrab, the boots alone should be enough to help you pay for the constant effect enchanment.

So those are your options....but trust me either one is really worth it, the next best bow, bonemold is utter crap when comared to the daedric.
Or you can just remove the bugger with a plugin... GIANTS gives them magic, if
I remember correct, so it makes them even worse... and stupid hahahah
Child of Time said:
Word. Like the guy I met in the wilderness that wanted me to escort him to koal cave within two days. Obviously, he had already started walking, but why was he just standing there on the road now? :err:

And how do they manage to avoid the cliff racers? :guh: I think I've found a conspiracy towards all PCs! :hotjump:
Its no crime to kill somebody if no one see's you. If you see a girl asking for a ring kill her ( she'll try to kill you even if you find the ring ). If you find a black ( o alright redguard ) woman that wants to go to some stupid fishertown ( gar mook ) kill her too ( grab the boots of blinding speed, they are handy when you get the armor of the saviours hide. ).

But mainly both you and rahvin just need faster, more efficient travel. There's many work around. Have this rings with you at all time
Mark ring
Recall Ring
Divine Intervention ring
Almisivi Intervention ring

Between the 4 of them you can travel the map in seconds.

Get this combo: Boots of blinding speed+armor of saviors hide. Your vision becomes a little darker but you walk ultrafast.

At levitate to the above combo ( 3 to 5 is enough but if you are filthy fucking rich constant effect levitate 10 with around 240 speed means stupid fast flytimes! )

Alternatively, Download a mod that increases your walking speed. Download a mount mod.

But the most important tip is: Save time. You can either focus on doing 1 quest at the time AT ALL TIMES or getting like 3 to 5 quest that are given on nearby places and do a grand tour to do them all in 1 shoot and come back to the start place to solve the 5 quests. Cuts down alot of the back and forth traveling.
Salamurhaaja said:
Or you can just remove the bugger with a plugin... GIANTS gives them magic, if
I remember correct, so it makes them even worse... and stupid hahahah
Its easier to do the plugin yourself. Spend 10 minutes in the editor and you'll figure out how to turn them into kind birds that mind their own bussiness ( like bul netch's )
Actually I wonder if Passive Healthy Wildlife (ala The Puma Man) did that too,
can't remember...
I don't do any mods, I haven't found any use for it, since I like most of the mods
the others have done and I am not really missing anything or if I am it's a bit too
hard to do them, like more interactive NPCs, not just dialog and schedules but
them actually doing something other than just waiting for you to arrive and talk to

LDones mods are my favorite, along with TLM - full, makes thiefs so much more
interesting when you actually have to sneak in the shadows to have a better
success rate.
:lol: I just wish I had the time these days. I limit myself to games which are immersive but don't leave me thinking 'shit, where did those six months go'. Really looking forward to Thief III at the moment, it looks great!
Salamurhaaja said:
This means you are either playing with the wrong plugins or without plugin :eek:

How about installing GIANTS: Ultimate, Advanced Guards, Wilderness 2.0 (when
it's ready) (all 3 from The Puma Man), Wakim's Game Improvements - modular,
all the mods from LDones, Morrowind Comes Alive 1.6 and More Morrowind
(search here) and live ain't quite as easy anymore ;)

I can add some other cool plugins later when I get home, this is just off
the top of my head.
without plugins. :p

i'll give a try to those you mentioned. i just hope i won't become again addicted as i used to be. :D
Wasn't someone in the Seriously Off Topic forum making a massive mod of a whole city or something?? It was a while (a year or more) ago, I can't remember who it was...