
Hey VultureCulture ,

I could use a bioinformaticist's help. I'm working on a term paper on the reverse engineering of spider dragline silk for super strong polymer material applications (like bulletproof vests) So it involves protein sequencing and gene therapy.
..and I'm no biologist, so my knowledge on specifics is limited..

Do you know of any good European sources of detailed raw data on amino acid sequences or gene sequences that encode the silk proteins ..and also some good source of info on DNA insertion techniques on bacteria (to mass produce the silk proteins)
I hear the Swiss are pretty advanced in these things and should have a pretty extensive database, but I haven't been able to find it.

I'll be taking it up with artificial crystallization of the nano fibers, but I need all that bio shit as well.
that database you're looking fo ris probably swissprot. you can find it here:


but i doubt that there's a spider's genome completely sequenced, usually more valuable animals like pigs, dogs or chicken are well-decoded already. but you never know, you might have luck.

producing the protein is not really difficult once you have the matching DNA code fragment. basically you cut it out of an existing genome, then either create an artificial chromosome which can be inserted into bacteria or use a virus to transfer dna to bacteria. after that the cell will produce the desired protein. insulin is created like that, for example.

well that's the short story, if you need details, no problem :)

i just tried the search by myself, it yields a few results. but all records are fragments of the gene, can't say if that is all there is to it.

and for the real geeks: that's a sequence of it :)

>sp|P19837|SPD1_NEPCL Spidroin 1 (Dragline silk fibroin 1) (Fragment) - Nephila clavipes (Orb spider).

seems to be a really interesting topic overall... i didn't see much of practical uses for the stuff i am studying so far :)
Yeah, that's the one I'm looking for.
Now, if I could only get rid of some of my laziness... This is going to be a huge project, and thanks to me I have only about 3 weeks to complete it :/

It's interesting, yes. If crystallized correctly (or as close to the way it does naturally by the spider as possible) this would be THE toughest polymer yet. (about 5 times stronger than steel and much more flexible) Not to mention it would be biodegradable and it wouldn't involve a toxic and harsh process like that of making Kevlar (the toughest polymer currently)
Actually a Canadian company has been making a lot of progress with dragline silk, it's pretty promising..

Anyway, thanks a lot man, I appreciate it.
No link, read it in a finnish gaming mag Pelit, which oddly enough
stands for games :eek:
I think it's still in such starting stages that there isn't much online
about it. But do a google search for Revolution Software and click
on the first link. They are now giving away BASK for free, w00t :D
Heh, I got one of those a couple of weeks ago, and I did need it since I kept having to delete games and music.
DeepInMisery said:
hmm i am thinking of getting another harddrive, like maxtor 120gb 8mb cache.. but i don't know if i really need it or if it's superfluous.. :bah:

bigger HD's are never superfluous
Bloody hell, Far Cry is turning out to be much better than I had hoped for :D
Of course now with the new Catalyst drivers I can actually see all the colors
and I have to say it's a very beautiful game, even with lower settings and 2x
AA and AF on 1024x768 and runs quite perfectly.

Too bad they had to add some mutants into it, great game ruined by stupid
designers who think the difficulty needs to go up just cos you get better
weapons *sigh* I'm sure I will play this game until I get to the stupid things
and then start again from the beginning hahaha
what is a good firewall program I could use to manage all the information being transmitted from my computer to somewhere else? I've seen some suspect behaviour and I'd like to control that, just to be sure :erk: never thought I'd eed this with a 56k
well, you might want some sort of personal firewall. it checks every incoming and outgoing connection and asks you whether you want to accept it or not. you can give internet access to your browser, email program and such and deny it to all others. not the best and most secure way, but already a good start. i can't give a good recommendation, though, because i only used "ZoneAlarm" a year or so ago and i have no clue what else there is around. but zonealarm did what it should have done most of the time, so i guess it's not that bad.
ZoneAlarm has turned to crap, it used to be an ok, but now it's just huge
bloat. I love simple tools, something like @Guard, back when it wasn't
owned by Symantec who made it bloatware as well, the fuckers.

Right now, I use nothing, as I am more secure by blocking the potential
holes right in the OS side. There is tools to see what kind of traffic is going
on in your comp too, but as I could care less I don't know much of these.

What I suggest you do is the following, Run your anti-virus program, followed
by a sweep with Ad-Aware and Spybot, if they find nothing then I got nothing.
Usually suspicious traffic is caused by spyware and just running one of those
programs is not a solution, as they use different methods and find different
things. It's fairly safe bet to remove everything those 2 programs find, I have
yet to run into any problems with either and I been using both for about a year
now. Also in Spybot you have an Immunize option, use it to block further crap.

Note tho, this might kill things like Spybar... I mean Googlebar and the like, but
if you are using IE and some plugin crap, well, you can only blame yourself ;)
I of course suggest changing to a different browser as well, using IE is like asking
for trouble. I have everything else blocked in IE except Windows Update, nothing
else goes thru and IE is only used for WU.