Give me cool license plate ideas

Dan: OutBack Sport is indeed an awesome car, and the reason I want it is because it has that space at the back where I can put Shrike...
See, he pukes in th car :/
and the Outback SPORT looks cool (as oppose to the rgular Outback)
and non MOM-ish....



btw... funny plates you guys :)
I actually tried out some of your ideas on the DMV web site, and it has to have at least one letter as a " - " or a space...
I loved the "Lioness" idea, and its all taken!!!!!! :yell: (all the combinations)

Tylor: I don't think I'll have silly sex jokes on my license plates, but thanks :)

neal: "<" is not a legal character on plates :cry:

I tried: "OMGhi2U" (love that one)
but I need a space....

"OMG-HI" is avilable btw...

Lizard: :lol:

and oh... MAX: yours is a winnar: "MEJEWME" LOL :tickled:

cara: im gonna try "lol-wtf" hahhahahaha

and thanks for th Danny Glover merch! weeeeeee!
My car, will be cleaner.... I hope!
but I do need Bleach, Derick! :p o_O
LOL I went to the virginia dmv website and tried out some of those combinations, it's funny as hell to see what the actual plate will look like. Will they let you have stuff like LOL-WTF on your plate? I'm guessing not cause LOL-WTF is still available.
Wolftribe said:
though i wouldn't drive into the deep south. might get lynched

Theres not a whole lotta Jew hating in the south that Im aware of. I havent seen much of it anyway. Down here in New MExico theres a group of white Nationalists that live up here in the mountains but they mostly hate MExicans.
Theres not a whole lotta Jew hating in the south that Im aware of. I havent seen much of it anyway. Down here in New MExico theres a group of white Nationalists that live up here in the mountains but they mostly hate MExicans.

people like that are retarded... I'm glad to know they at least live in the mountains.... damn racists fucks.

oh, I totally gonna have "LOL WTF" on my license plate
lets hope the damn Virginia DMV won't cause any problems because
"OMG WTF" is already taken,. so .... I guess "wtf" is ok ...
yay! :tickled: