Giving the forum a facelift...including name change


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
OK folks, here's the deal. We're gonna close a big chapter of Royal Carnage and prepare for pastures new. The webzine is long gone, many of the old regulars are long-gone or posting sporadically, it's now at least 50% 'off-topic' (whatever that means), and I myself will be spending less time around these parts so we'll end up with a new moderator (tbd).

So anyway, start thinking about a new name for the forum!! Deron has agreed to keep the place open under a new moniker and I thought we could have everyone provide some input.

We'll throw all the suggestions into a hat with a first poll vote. Let's say everyone has a limit of 3 suggestions? We'll then create a second shortlist and finally pick a winner. Or not. :p Obviously the name has to be tasteful. :loco:

List name choices here ->