Carpe Mortem

Benevolently Batshit
Aug 21, 2013
Just trying to gauge interest level before I whip something up, I think I tried this a few years ago and people weren't into it.

Anyways, as stated in the title. I've been feeling the RPG itch and doing a play-by-post style is a wonderfully non-committal way to scratch it. People can drop in or out to write some prose and earn some XP, very laidback.

I'd like to do is a homebrew 3.5 style game. I want to invent a core group of 'metal' related classes based off traditional archetypes with invented feats/ spells/ abilities based off track titles. I.e. Thrasher I'd probably essentially make a barbarian, with skills such as 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' (grants temporary deafness + bonus to attack) or 'Ace of Spades' (high bonus when using a piercing weapon). Then possibly set quests in concept albums. I.E. I may do an Into the Electric Castle Quest, Climbing Blood Mountain, Abigail's Revenge, etc.

I'm still trying to determine a good character sheet. I want the basic attributes, plus room for spells/ skills/ feats, items, and definitely want to be able to make listen checks etc. Leaning towards the classic: Characters/Fenrix.png

But I'd ignore some of the finer points like flatfoot armor class, movement speed, etc. I want this to be as accessible as possible for experienced and beginners alike.

And we'd use one of the dice-rolling apps where your results get automatically emailed to the DM. I'd set up an email for this purpose so if anyone else wanted to DM for awhile they could easily log in.

When RPing online, your actions are generally indicated by *using the correct gaming format* and dialogue is "obviously in quotations". Out of character chat/questions are ((considered an aside and placed in double parantheses)).

I'd present maybe 5 classes to choose from, all at level five. Everything would work essentially the same as D&D except I'd be swapping out wording and inventing some of the character traits in keeping with the 'metal' theme.

So that's that. Gauging possibility of participation, happy to answer questions, and also open to suggestions or collaboration. If nobody's interested here I'll probably take this to one of my other boards because I think it's a bomb idea but this is my primary so yall got first dibs. Writers will enjoy this, gamers will enjoy this, you can drop in to play once a week or once every few months.

Yes, I know I'm a maniac.
I've never played D&D but it's something I've always wanted to try. I know on another forum I browse they have a more strict schedule for participation which doesn't work for me (this summer will be particularly busy for me), but if it's something that can be handled at a pace typical of posting on this forum, I'd be down.
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Alright, given the amount of interest and my own disinterest in DM'ing anything too complicated... I'm inventing a character sheet. This game is getting homebrew and simple as fuck. We'll have basic attributes, skills, inventory, and spells. Still d20 based system. We're gonna work off a mana based system instead of spells per day.

For all you people throwing out random class names that don't exist, I need a full template of what that class is. Determine a number of skills it learns at each level, names of those spells/skills, what they do.

I will review them and let you know what changes need to be made so everything's fair.

This should be a good, slow start for the game. Just start with inventing a class and sketching out the rough details for me. PM them please, this thread will get too long too quickly if we do it here. I'll explain rolling attributes later.

As far as race we're following the basic RPG formula- human, elf, dwarf. If you'd like to start thinking about a backstory. My plan is to introduce you all to each other at a bar, so also start thinking about how you'd like to be present in that scene (I.e. my character is playing cards, my character is talking to the bartender, singing karaoke, etc)
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Extreme progresssive wild mage:

Tries to create a new spell, or reinvent all of magic with each cast. Results of spell casts are entirely random and don't flow together. Sometimes known spells are cast but with bizarre changes to their original qualities such as duration, area of effect, spell level, appearance and sound.

Talks to himself. Extremely pretentious. Background is unknown but seems to have a collection of useless degrees from various mage schools. Probably smarter than you but totally impractical, only interested in things that are new and unachievable to only one man, but hates working on teams.

Knows how to play a few bard songs. Unreasonably high constitution for a mage.
I'll have to see what customs people come up with first then fill in the gaps.

Everyone has until next Sunday to get your custom class and spells or abilities to me. You're starting at level one so develop ability skills appropriately.
Baroque you can't create a new spell with each cast. Because I don't feel like working out temporary mechanics on the fly, and I'm not giving anyone that kind of power. Maybe when you reach level 20.
Just come up with a shit ton of abilities or spells of varying degrees of power and allocate them to levels. Don't forget to name them after track titles or bands in some way.
Baroque you can't create a new spell with each cast. Because I don't feel like working out temporary mechanics on the fly, and I'm not giving anyone that kind of power. Maybe when you reach level 20.

Oh I meant he tries and fails. Roll a die to see which known spell is cast and roll a die to affect a random stat like duration or area of effect or a list of appearances (ex it could be magic missiles that look like chickens and explode on impact). Some times no spell is cast, sometimes he blows himself up with a fireball that has a range of 0
Alright that I can do, you'll work off known spells. Think of a name for this. Also think about other abilities, or you'll be dead quickly. Maybe some 'bard songs' that are actually useful.

And keep in mind. This isn't battle 24/7. Sometimes strategy is picking a lock, or causing a distraction. Or maybe you want to hunt for food. There's an RP aspect here to be considered.